MAASTRICHT UNIVERSITY’S VISION ON EDUCATION. The educational vision is based on the profile of being a young research university that offers innovative and high-quality academic bachelor and master programmes using methods of instruction that promote active learning to build knowledge and develop academic (research) skills as well as an academic and professional attitude. UM aims to prepare students in the best possible way for the regional, national as well as the increasingly globalised international labour market. Students who find this profile attractive are invited to join a vibrant international and multicultural academic community and are expected to invest in their intellectual and personal growth. Students who accept that challenge can expect a PBL environment with small groups, guided by academic staff. The four overall elements of the educational vision are: 1) Problem-Based Learning 2) Internationalisation 3) Research and education 4) The Maastricht University Student Experience (MUSE)


  • Training and Education SECTION 1 – Law Enforcement Supervisors’ Training

  • Please see the current Washtenaw Community College catalog for up-to-date program requirements Conditions & Requirements

  • General Education University Program Requirements All MTA applicable courses require a grade “C” or higher

  • PROCUREMENT ETHICS Contractor understands that a person who is interested in any way in the sale of any supplies, services, construction, or insurance to the State of Utah is violating the law if the person gives or offers to give any compensation, gratuity, contribution, loan, reward, or any promise thereof to any person acting as a procurement officer on behalf of the State of Utah, or who in any official capacity participates in the procurement of such supplies, services, construction, or insurance, whether it is given for their own use or for the use or benefit of any other person or organization.

  • Information Technology Accessibility Standards Any information technology related products or services purchased, used or maintained through this Grant must be compatible with the principles and goals contained in the Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards adopted by the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board under Section 508 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. §794d), as amended. The federal Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards can be found at: xxxx://

  • Research and Development (i) Advice and assistance in relation to research and development of Party B; (ii) Advice and assistance in strategic planning; and

  • Technology Research Analyst Job# 1810 General Characteristics

  • Income Protection, Trauma and Journey Insurance The Employer is, and will remain during the life of this Agreement, a participating employer in the Nominated Redundancy Fund and an employer member of IPT Agency Co Ltd. IPT Agency Co Ltd administers the insurance schemes covering income protection, trauma and journey accidents (Income Protection, Trauma and Journey Accidents Insurance Schemes).

  • Special Education Teachers Elementary/Secondary Special Education Coordinators shall be compensated for an extended work day in the amount of four thousand dollars ($4,000).

  • Information Technology Enterprise Architecture Requirements If this Contract involves information technology-related products or services, the Contractor agrees that all such products or services are compatible with any of the technology standards found at xxxxx:// that are applicable, including the assistive technology standard. The State may terminate this Contract for default if the terms of this paragraph are breached.