Major items of equipment ordered Sample Clauses

Major items of equipment ordered. (Value over $1,500) Please attach to the 2nd quarter (April - June) and 4th quarter (Oct - Dec) progress reports an inventory of all non-expendable equipment, indicating date of purchase, description, serial number, quantity, location, cost and remarks, and for vehicles, give mileage report (see separate inventory list format).
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Related to Major items of equipment ordered

  • Customer Equipment Customer represents and warrants that it owns or has the legal right and authority, and will continue to own or maintain the legal right and authority during the term of this Agreement, to place and use the Customer Equipment as contemplated by this Agreement. Customer further represents and warrants that its placement, arrangement, and use of the Customer Equipment in the Internet Data Centers complies with the Customer Equipment Manufacturer's environmental and other specifications.

  • STANDARD EQUIPMENT All items of standard equipment which are provided by the OEM shall be furnished unless such items are expressly deleted by the Authorized User or are specified to be other than standard in the Mini-Bid. When Optional equipment is specified, all components listed in the OEM’s data book as being included with the Option shall be furnished.

  • Removal of Equipment and Materials Within 30 days after completion of the requirements of this contract, PURCHASER shall remove from the areas of operations, and other property owned or controlled by STATE, all equipment, materials, and other property PURCHASER has placed or caused to be placed thereon that is not to become the property of STATE. It is agreed that any such equipment, materials, and other property that are not removed within 30 days, shall become the property of STATE and may be used or otherwise disposed of by STATE without notice or obligation to PURCHASER or to any party to whom PURCHASER may transfer title. Nothing in this section shall be construed as relieving PURCHASER from an obligation to clean up and to burn, remove, or dispose of debris, waste materials, and such, in accordance with the provisions of this contract. PURCHASER shall indemnify STATE for expenses as a result of cleanup, removal or disposal of debris, waste materials, and such.

  • New Equipment Where new types of equipment and/or operations, for which rates of pay are not established by this Agreement, are put into use after the ratification date of this Agreement within operations covered by this Agreement, rates governing such operations shall be subject to negotiations between the parties. This paragraph shall apply to all new types of equipment including office and clerical equipment. In the event agreement cannot be reached within sixty (60) days after the date such equipment is put into use, the matter may be submit- xxx to the National Grievance Committee for final disposition. Rates agreed upon or awarded shall be effective as of the date equipment is put to use.

  • Closeout of Equipment 1. At the end of the term of a Contract that has no additional renewals or that will not be renewed (Closeout), or when a Contract is otherwise terminated, Grantee will submit to the SUD email box, XxxxxxxxxXxxxx.Xxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx an inventory of equipment purchased with System Agency funds and request disposition instructions for such equipment.

  • Contractor’s Equipment Payment for required equipment owned by the Construction Manager or an affiliate of the Construction Manager will be based solely on an hourly rate derived by dividing the current appropriate monthly rate by 176 hours. No payment will be made under any circumstances for repair costs, freight and transportation charges, fuel, lubricants, insurance, any other costs and expenses, or overhead and profit. Payment for such equipment made idle by delays attributable to the Government will be based on one-half the derived hourly rate under this subsection.

  • Stored equipment We accept no responsibility for any stored equipment or other property brought on to or left at the premises, and all liability for loss or damage is hereby excluded. All equipment and other property (other than stored equipment) must be removed at the end of each hiring or we will charge fees each day or part of a day at the hire fee per hiring until the same is removed. We may, in our discretion, dispose of any items referred to below by sale or otherwise on such terms and conditions as we think fit, and charge you any costs we incur in storing and selling or otherwise disposing of the same, in any of the following circumstances:

  • Tooling Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, all tooling and/or all other articles required for the performance hereof shall be furnished by Seller, maintained in good condition and replaced when necessary at Seller's expense. If NETAPP agrees to pay Seller for special tooling or other items either separately or as a stated part of the unit price of Goods purchased herein, title to same shall be and remain in NETAPP upon payment therefore.

  • Customer-Provided Equipment Comcast shall have no obligation to install, operate, or maintain Customer-Provided Equipment. Customer alone shall be responsible for providing maintenance, repair, operation and replacement of all inside telephone wiring and equipment and facilities on the Customer’s side of the cable modem, route and/or coaxial input connection. All Customer-Provided Equipment and wiring that Customer uses in connection with the Services must be fully compatible with the Services. Customer shall be responsible for the payment of all charges for troubleshooting, maintenance or repairs attempted or performed by Comcast’s employees or authorized contractors when the difficulty or trouble report results from Customer-Provided Equipment.

  • Computer Equipment Recycling Program If this Contract is for the purchase or lease of computer equipment, then Contractor certifies that it is in compliance with Subchapter Y, Chapter 361 of the Texas Health and Safety Code related to the Computer Equipment Recycling Program and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality rules in 30 TAC Chapter 328.

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