Margin Arrangements Sample Clauses
Margin Arrangements. As a condition of entering into a Transaction, we may in our sole discretion require the deposit of funds or Collateral acceptable to us to secure your liability to us for any losses which may be incurred in respect of the Transaction (“Initial Margin”). Initial Margin is due and payable immediately as a condition to opening the relevant Transaction and we may decline to open any Transaction if you do not have sufficient available cash in your Account to satisfy the Initial Margin required for that Transaction at the time the relevant Order is placed. If there is an adverse movement in the price of a Transaction or Reference Asset or if we determine in our sole and absolute discretion that there is an increase in the risk of an adverse movement in the price of a Transaction or Reference Asset, we will require additional security from you in the form of cash deposits or other acceptable Collateral to supplement Initial Margin (“Variation Margin”).
Margin Arrangements. You agree to transfer to us such sums by way of margin (“Margin”) as determined pursuant to Annex 2 (Margining). Margin requirements may be set and varied from time to time at our discretion without prior notice to you including without limitation subsequent variation of any Margin rates set at the time that a Transaction is opened.
Margin Arrangements. As a condition of entering into a Transaction, we may in our sole discretion require the deposit of funds or Collateral acceptable to us to secure your liability to us for any losses which may be incurred in respect of the Transaction (“Initial Margin”). Initial Margin is due and payable immediately as a condition to opening the relevant Transaction and we may decline to open any Transaction if you do not have sufficient available cash in your Account to satisfy the Initial Margin required for that Transaction at the time the relevant Order is placed. If there is an adverse movement in the price of a Transaction or Reference Asset or if we determine in our sole and absolute discretion that there is an increase in the risk of an adverse movement in the price of a Transaction or Reference Asset, we will require additional security from you in the form of cash deposits or other acceptable Collateral to supplement Initial Margin (“Variation Margin”). 保证金安排。作为进行交易条款之一,我们可能会单方面要求您存放我们接受的现金或抵押品,以向我们担保你的交易损失 (“初始保证金“)。初始保证金在开始进行交易一刻到期而且必须即时缴交。如您的账户没有足够现金去满足保证金要求以进行交易,我们可能拒绝替您进行交易。如交易或参考资产价格因市场逆行、又如我们单方决定交易或参考资产价格逆行的风险被提高,我们会要求您提供额外的现金存款或其他我们接受的抵押品以补充初始保证金。(“价格变动保证金“)。
Margin Arrangements. As a condition of entering into a transaction we may in our sole discretion require the deposit of funds or collateral acceptable to us to secure your liability to us for any losses which may be incurred in respect of a transaction (“Initial Margin”). Initial Margin is due and payable immediately as a condition to opening the relevant transaction and we may decline to open any transaction if you do not have sufficient available cash in your account to satisfy the Initial Margin required for that transaction at the time the xxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx | 00 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx London EC2A 2BB | +00 0000000000 relevant order is placed. If there is an adverse movement in the price or value of a transaction or if we determine in our sole and absolute discretion that there is an increase in the risk of an adverse movement in the price or value of a transaction, we will require additional security from you in the form of cash deposits or other acceptable collateral to supplement the Initial Margin (“Variation Margin”).
Margin Arrangements. 15.1. Margin call: the Client agree to pay APM on demand such sums by way of margin as are required from time to time under the rules of any relevant Market (if applicable) or as APM may in APM’s discretion reasonably require for the purpose of protecting itself against loss or risk of loss on present, future or contemplated Transactions under this Agreement. APM is under no obligation to make margin calls
15.2. Form of margin: Unless otherwise agreed, margin must be paid in cash. Thecurrency of the cash margin the Client pay to APM shall be the currency of the relevant underlying Transaction (if applicable), although APM may in APM’s discretion decide to accept payments of cash margin in other currencies from time to time. APM shall be entitled to deposit, invest, loan, mortgage, charge, pledge, repledge, hypothecate, or otherwise deal with any Margin in whatever form provided to APM, in such manner as may be permitted under Applicable Regulations, and shall be paid on any type of margin deposited by the Client with APM Capital Limited and the Client acknowledge and consent that interest
Margin Arrangements. As a condition of entering into a Transaction, we may in our sole discretion require the deposit of funds or Collateral acceptable to us to secure your liability to us for any losses which may be incurred in respect of the Transaction (“Initial Margin”). Initial Margin is due and payable immediately as a condition to opening the relevant Transaction and we may decline to open any Transaction if you do not have sufficient available cash in your Account to satisfy the Initial Margin required for that Transaction at the time the relevant Order is placed. If there is an adverse movement in the price of a Transaction or Reference Asset or if we determine in our sole and absolute discretion that there is an increase in the risk of an adverse movement in the price of a Transaction or Reference Asset, we will require additional security from you in the form of cash deposits or other acceptable Collateral to supplement Initial Margin (“Variation Margin”). 7.2 Changes in Margin requirements. Margin requirements may be set and varied without prior notice from time to time in our sole and absolute discretion in order to cover any realised or unrealised losses arising from or in connection with Transactions, including subsequent variation of any Margin rates set at the time Transactions are opened. 17.3 Form of Margin. Margin must be provided by or on behalf of you in cash or other Collateral acceptable to us as determined by us in our sole and absolute discretion. You are obliged to maintain in your Account, at all times, sufficient funds to meet all Margin requirements. In addition, we will be entitled to treat any assets deposited with us by you from time to time (other than assets deposited for safe custody only) as Collateral against your Margin requirements. In all cases we will be entitled in our sole and absolute discretion to determine the value of any Collateral deposited with us. We are entitled to require payment of Margin of you (whether resident in the UK or in another jurisdiction) by telegraphic transfer or any other method of immediate/electronic funds transfer acceptable to us. Only funds received net of any bank charges, which relate to the transfer, will be credited as paid.
Margin Arrangements. 2.1 In relation to margined transactions, you will pay or deliver to us on demand such sums or property by way of deposit or margin as may from time to time be required. In relation to exchange traded transactions, such deposit or margin shall be of such amount or value as shall be determined by us (which may exceed but shall not be less than that required under the rules of the relevant exchange or clearing house). We reserve the right to vary our margin requirements at any time and without notice to you.
2.2 Deposits or margin must be provided to us in such manner and in such form as we may request. Acceptable deposit or margin can include cash or securities or other collateral approved by us in advance.
2.3 You are responsible for maintaining appropriate arrangements with us at all times for the communication of margin calls. If we are unable to contact you or if you fail to provide margin to us in the required time, we may, without prejudice to any other rights or remedies available to it, exercise our rights under paragraphs 2.4 and 2.5 below.
2.4 If you:
(a) fail to make any payment (including any deposit or margin payment) as and when it becomes due, or
(b) fail to perform any obligation due to us (or agents used by us) or where any contracts entered into by you under this Agreement exceed the credit or any other limit placed upon your dealings pursuant to this Agreement;
(c) are otherwise in breach of this Agreement;
(d) if you die or become insolvent or unable to pay your debts; then we may in our absolute discretion exercise all or any of the following remedies:
(e) at any time and without notice bring to an end all or any of your contracts on the basis of the then prevailing quotations or prices in the relevant markets or, if none, at such levels as we consider fair and reasonable;
(f) exercise any rights of set-off;
(g) retain any funds, investments (including any interest or other payment payable on them) or other assets due to you (whether held as collateral or otherwise) and sell them without notice to you at such price and in such manner as we in our absolute discretion decide, applying the proceeds of sale and discharging the costs of sale to the sums secured by this paragraph;
(h) charge you interest on any money due, from close of business on the date when monies first fell due until the date of actual payment at a rate not exceeding the rate at which we would be charged for borrowing equivalent funds from our own bank. In the case of un...
Margin Arrangements. 15.1. Margin call: the Client agree to pay APM on demand such sums by way of margin as are required from time to time under the rules of any relevant Market (if applicable) or as APM may in APM’s discretion reasonably require for the purpose of protecting itself against loss or risk of loss on present, future or contemplated Transactions under this Agreement. APM is under no obligation to make margin calls
Margin Arrangements. As a condition of entering a Transaction, we may in our sole discretion require the deposit of funds or Collateral acceptable to us to secure your liability to us for any losses which may be incurred in respect of the Transaction (“Initial Margin”). Initial Margin is due and payable immediately as a condition to opening the relevant Transaction and we may decline to open any Transaction if you do not have sufficient available cash in your Account to satisfy the Initial Margin required for that Transaction at the time the relevant Order is placed. If there is an adverse movement in the price of a Transaction or Reference Asset or if we determine in our sole and absolute discretion that there is an increase in the risk of an adverse movement in the price of a Transaction or Reference Asset, we will require additional security from you in the form of cash deposits or other acceptable Collateral to supplement Initial Margin (“Variation Margin”). GCMT will charge the going market rate between 2.5 % up to 4% with respect to all deposits and market rate between 2.5 % up to 4 % with respect to all withdrawals processed by bank wire. 49 In certain circumstances, GCMT reserves the right to pay out withdrawals at the same exchange rate the funds were deposited (minus a fee between 2.5 % up to 4% charge). GCMT has the sole right to determine when such action is required. Such a decision will be based on good faith practice.
Margin Arrangements. As a condition of entering into a Transaction, we may in our sole discretion require the deposit of funds or Collateral acceptable to us to secure your liability to us for any losses which may be incurred in respect of the Transaction (“Initial Margin”). Initial Margin is due and payable immediately as a condition to opening the relevant Transaction and we may decline to open any Transaction if you do not have sufficient available cash in your Account to satisfy the Initial Margin required for that Transaction at the time the relevant Order is placed. If there is an adverse movement in the price of a Transaction or Reference Asset or if we determine in our sole and absolute discretion that there is an increase in the risk of an adverse movement in the price of a Transaction or Reference Asset, we will require additional security from you in the form of cash deposits or other acceptable Collateral to supplement Initial Margin (“Variation Margin”).. Registered Address: Office 000, Xxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxx X00 0XX| XX Registered in England & Wales, Company Number 07604372 Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority: 564741 Version 3 – 14 October 2021: Customer Agreement for Professional and Eligible Counterparty Clients page 39