Financial Arrangements. 18. The Commonwealth will provide an estimated total financial contribution to the States of $54.928 million in respect of this Agreement. All payments are GST exclusive.
Financial Arrangements. The Commonwealth will provide an estimated total financial contribution to the States of up to $9.5 billion (GST exclusive) in respect of this Agreement, as set out in Part 5 – Financial Arrangements.
Financial Arrangements. (a) List the source(s) of assured or anticipated support to be used to cover the general expenses of organizing the exhibition.
Financial Arrangements. 10.1 Arrangements relating to the financing of this Clinical Trial by the Sponsor are set out in Appendix 5 hereto.
Financial Arrangements. The financing of my participation in the Deferred Salary Leave Plan shall be according to the following schedule:
Financial Arrangements. 1. This Memorandum of Understanding will not give rise to any financial obligation by one Party to other.
Financial Arrangements. Compensation for services provided under this Agreement will be made by way of payments in accordance with Attachment A (Payment Terms) and Attachment B (Financial Arrangements Worksheet). All Parties acknowledge that amounts set forth in Attachment B represent fair market value of the services provided by Institution for conducting the Trial to the best of their knowledge. All amounts are inclusive of all direct, indirect, overhead and other costs, including laboratory and ancillary service charges, and will remain firm for the duration of the Trial, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Parties. Institution will not directly or indirectly seek or receive compensation from Trial Subjects or third-party payers for any material, treatment or service that is required by the Protocol and provided or paid by Sponsor or its designee, including, but not limited to, Sponsor Drug, Comparator Drug, Trial Subject screening, infusions, physician and nurse services, diagnostic tests, and Sponsor Drug and/or Comparator Drug administration. Once the designated payees have been paid for the performance of the Trial, neither CRO nor Sponsor shall have any further obligation or liability whatsoever to pay Institution. The payments set forth in this Agreement and Attachment B represent all payments related to the Trial, and no other money shall be payable by the Sponsor or CRO with regard to the Trial unless specifically agreed otherwise in writing. 5. Finanční ujednání. Odměna za služby poskytované dle této smlouvy bude vyplacena prostřednictvím úhrad v souladu s přílohou A (platební podmínky) a přílohou B (záznam finančního ujednání). Všechny smluvní strany berou na vědomí, že částky uvedené v příloze B představují spravedlivou tržní hodnotu služeb poskytovaných zdravotnickým zařízením při provádění klinického hodnocení dle jejich nejlepšího vědomí. Všechny částky zahrnují všechny přímé, nepřímé, režijní a další náklady, včetně nákladů na laboratorní a pomocné služby a zůstanou pevné po dobu trvání klinického hodnocení, pokud se strany písemně nedohodnou jinak. Zdravotnické zařízení nebude přímo ani nepřímo vyžadovat ani přijímat odměnu od subjektů klinického hodnocení nebo plátců třetích stran za materiály, léčbu nebo služby vyžadované podle protokolu a poskytnuté nebo zaplacené zadavatelem nebo jeho zástupcem, včetně zejména hodnoceného léčivého přípravku, srovnávacího léku, screeningu subjektů klinického hodnocení, infuzí, služeb lékařů a sester, diagnostických tes...
Financial Arrangements. 2.1 Pursuant to the budget contained in the Work Plan, UNDP shall make available to the CSO funds up to the maximum amount indicated in block 5 of the Face Sheet upon timely achievement of the Deliverables and in accordance with the schedule set forth in the Work Plan.
Financial Arrangements. When the Trust is not the Investigator’s principal employer, this should include, after the schedule of payments, the statement that: It shall be the responsibility of the Trust to make the appropriate agreed pass-through payments to the Investigator’s principal employer, as indicated above. APPENDIX 6
Financial Arrangements. When the Board is not the Investigator’s principal employer, this should include, after the schedule of payments, the statement that: It shall be the responsibility of the Board to make the appropriate agreed pass-through payments to the Investigator’s principal employer, as indicated above. APPENDIX 6