Margin Sample Clauses
Margin. Certain options markets operate on a margined basis, under which buyers do not pay the full premium on their option at the time they purchase it. In this situation a Portfolio (or the Investment Adviser if there are insufficient assets in the Fund) may subsequently be called upon to pay margin on the option up to the level of the Investment Adviser’s premium. If the Investment Adviser fails to do so as required, the Investment Adviser’s position may be closed or liquidated in the same way as a futures position.
Margin. The Customer agrees to maintain in all accounts with you such positions and margins as required by all applicable statutes, rules, regulations, procedures and custom, or as you deem necessary or advisable. The Customer agrees to promptly satisfy all margin and maintenance calls.
Margin. 17.1. Upon opening a Transaction, you will be required to pay us the Initial Margin for that Trans- action, as calculated by us.
17.2. You acknowledge that the Initial Margin for certain Transactions (for example, Share CFDs) will be based on a percentage of the Contract Value of the Transaction and there- fore, the Initial Margin due for such Transactions will fluctuate in accordance with the Con- tract Value.
17.3. Initial Margin is due and payable to us before you enter into a Transaction (and for Trans- actions that have a fluctuating Initial Margin based on a percentage of the Contract Value, immediately on opening the Transaction and thereafter immediately on any in- crease in Contract Value taking place).
17.4. You agree that for different Financial Products there will be different Margin requirements, which will be displayed on our Electronic Trading Service under the specifications of each Underlying Instrument. The Margin requirements are subject to change without notice to you so you should make yourself aware of the Margin requirements.
17.5. You also agree that you have continuing Margin obligations to us to ensure that at all times during which you have open Transactions you have Margin Cover in your Account and that it is positive at all times.
17.6. You must maintain at least the amount of Margin Cover required by us, whether or not we give any notice to you to make those payments or you or whether or not you have actual notice of the required amount. The required amount of Margin Cover can change contin- uously and can change automatically, including over the weekend or other non-trading days. Your obligation to maintain at least the required amount of Margin Cover is contin- uous.
17.7. It is solely your responsibility to monitor and to satisfy all Margin Cover requirements.
17.8. You are required to maintain the Margin Cover, which might mean you must deposit more Margin, whether or not we give you a Margin call and even if you are not contactable.
17.9. Deposited Margin is credited by FinPros at the time that cleared funds have been received into the CMTA and we have applied the payment to your Account or such other time as allowed by us, so a Margin Cover requirement for a Contract or other Transaction issued by us is not satisfied unless and until your payment is received in cleared funds into the CMTA and applied to your Account by us.
17.10. Your liability in respect of Margin requirements is not limited to your deposit of Initial M...
Margin. In the calculation of “Margin Deficit” and “Margin Excess” pursuant to Paragraph 4 of the Agreement, all sums not denominated in the Base Currency shall be deemed to be converted into the Base Currency at the Spot Rate on the date of such calculation.
Margin. Initially, 0.480% per annum, and on any Distribution Date on or after the second Distribution Date after the first possible Optional Termination Date, 0.720% per annum.
Margin. The Class A-1 Margin, Class A-2 Margin, Class A-3 Margin, Class A-4 Margin, Class M-1 Margin, Class M-2 Margin, Class M-3 Margin, Class M-4 Margin, Class M-5 Margin, Class M-6 Margin, Class M-7 Margin, Class M-8 Margin or Class M-9 Margin, as applicable.
Margin. 9.1 You will provide to us on demand such sums by way of margin as we may in our discretion require for the purpose of protecting ourselves against loss or risk of loss on present, future or contemplated transactions under this Agreement. Different margin requirements may apply to different accounts and / or investments traded. You may be required by us to supplement such margin at any time when your Account shows a debit balance or an increase in your margin requirement. You will pay or transfer margin within the minimum period specified by us (which may be within the same Business Day).
9.2 Margin in relation to a particular type of transaction will be provided in cash or in the form of such investments or other assets (if any) we may in our absolute discretion agree. Where we agree to accept margin in the form of securities this is subject to the Security and custody arrangements described in clauses 13 and 14.
9.3 Unless the terms applying to a particular type of transaction otherwise specify, margin will be valued by us on such basis as we shall in our absolute discretion determine and may reflect, without limitation, our view as to the extent that the relevant assets are fully available to us or such discount to the current market value of any margin as reflects our perception of the market risk of that margin.
9.4 While failure to pay margin when required will entitle us to close out some or all of your positions and / or call an Event of Default, we are under no obligation to close out any transactions or take any other action in respect of positions opened or acquired on your instructions and in particular, no failure by you to pay margin when demanded will require us to close out any such transaction unless you are classified as Retail Client subject to the Negative Balance Protection. As required by the FCA and ESMA, the MCO level for the Retail Client is Fifty Percent (50%).
9.5 All cash margin and other payments due by you to us pursuant to this Agreement shall be made in freely transferable funds in such currency and to such bank account(s) as we specify. If you are by law required to make any deduction or withholding in respect of taxes or otherwise, then you will be liable to pay such amount to us as will result in our receiving a net amount equal to the full amount which would have been received had no such deduction or withholding been required.
9.6 Any sums due to us from you pursuant to this Agreement (plus any applicable VAT) may be de...
Margin. 3.1 The Client agrees to maintain such Margin and shall on demand pay such additional Margin by means of cash, securities or in such form and/or amounts and within such time as may be determined by WLSL to be payable by the Client or by WLSL on the Client’s behalf in respect of such Margin or any other payment in connection with any Transaction under the terms of this Agreement.
3.2 Without limiting the generality of the main body of this Agreement, the time for payment of any Margin is of the essence. The Client also agrees to pay immediately in full and on demand any amount owing with respect to any of the Client’s accounts with WLSL. All initial and subsequent deposits and payments for Margin and other purposes shall be made in cleared funds and in such currency and in such amounts as WLSL may in its sole discretion require.
3.3 Notwithstanding Clause 3.1, in the event that it is, in the sole opinion of WLSL, impracticable for WLSL to make demands for additional Margin pursuant to Clause 3.1, including but without limitation, if the impracticably is due to a change or development involving a prospective change:
3.3.1 in the local, national or international monetary, financial, economic or political conditions or foreign exchange controls which has resulted or is in the opinion of WLSL likely to result in a material or adverse fluctuation in the stock market, currency market, commodities or futures market in Hong Kong and/or overseas; or
3.3.2 which is or may be of a material adverse nature affecting the condition or operations of the Client, WLSL shall be deemed to have made Margin calls for such form and/or amounts as WLSL may determine and such Margin shall become immediately due and payable by the Client.
3.4 WLSL shall be entitled to revise the Margin requirements from time to time in its absolute discretion. The Client shall be granted financial accommodation of up to such percentage as may be agreed from time to time of the market value of the collateral maintained with WLSL. No previous Margin requirements shall establish a precedent and revised requirements once established shall apply to existing positions as well as to the new positions in the contracts affected by such revision.
3.5 For the avoidance of doubt, failure by the Client to meet Xxxxxx calls made by WLSL by the time prescribed by WLSL or otherwise or any other accounts payable hereunder shall give WLSL the right (without prejudice lo other rights) to close the Account and/or to clo...
Margin. 24.1. Leverage ratios are also expressed in percentage and the contract value of the Transaction. Details of our policy regarding the Margin requirements applicable to each CFD can be found at our Leverage and Margin Policy. The minimum level of Margin Level required for maintaining any open positions at any point in time is 50%, subject to Clause 24.4 below.
24.2. Your obligation to comply with the Margin requirements and maintain the relevant Margin Level as this applies to your open positions under all your Transactions with us, is a continuing obligation to which you are subject throughout the period during which a Transaction is open and exists independently or whether or not we provide you with any warning as to your obligation to maintain the relevant Margin Level and the consequences of your failure to do so. Where we are obligated or elect to warn or notify you of insufficient Margin hereunder, we shall, at our discretion, do so by means of e-mail and/or SMS and/or push notification and/or by means of our electronic trading platform.
24.3. Where we effect or arrange a Transaction you shall comply with the Margin requirements applicable to such Transaction. Your failure to do so will constitute an Event of Default and will trigger close out of your position in respect of which you have failed to make payment of the required Margin.
24.4. Where you fail to provide Margin in clear funds received by us by the time at which your Margin Level reaches 50% (“Close Out Level” or “Margin Close Out Level”), we have the right to begin closing out all positions in your account in relation to the Transactions for which you have failed to provide Xxxxxx, starting from the positions which are most unprofitable for you. Where the Margin Level drops below 50% we will proceed with close out without further reference to you. There will be no further warning before close out. Any such closing out under this Clause 25.4 shall be performed in compliance with our duty of best execution to you, in accordance with our Order Execution Policy.
24.5. Where you carry out trading activity on the Markets Web/Mobile Trading Platforms, we may send you an email and/or notification in the event that the value of your positions falls below 70%, or such other level as we may determine in our sole discretion, of the Initial Margin requirement as an early warning. We are not under an obligation to provide you with such warning and failure on our part to send you any such warning shall n...
Margin. The Value of the Collateral delivered pursuant to Clause 6 by the Borrower to the Lender under the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall on each Business Day represent not less than the Value of the borrowed Securities TOGETHER WITH the following additional percentages hereinbefore referred to as (“the Margin”) unless otherwise agreed between the Parties:-