– MARKET PARTNER ACTIVITY (GENEALOGY. REPORTS—CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION “Confidential Information” includes, but is not limited to, Market Partner Activity Reports, the identities of MONAT VIP Customers and Market Partners, contact information of MONAT VIP Customer and Market Partners, Market Partners’ sales volume information. Confidential Information is, or may be available for Market Partner access and viewing at the Back Office of each Market Partner’s replicated MONAT website. Market Partner access to such Confidential Information is password protected. All Market Partner Activity Reports and the information contained therein are confidential and constitute proprietary information and business trade secrets belonging to MONAT. Market Partner Activity Reports are provided to Market Partners in strictest confidence and are made available to Market Partners for the sole purpose of assisting Market Partners in working with their respective Marketing Organizations in the development of their MONAT businesses. Market Partners may not use any Confidential Information for any purpose other than for developing their independent MONAT businesses. Where a Market Partner participates in other direct selling or multilevel marketing ventures, the Market Partner is not eligible to have access to certain Confidential Information, including, but not limited to, Downline Genealogy Reports. Market Partners should use the Confidential Information to assist, motivate, and train their downline Market Partners, and for no other purpose. In so doing, a Market Partner may not disclose the Confidential Information to any third party, including, without limitation, his or her downline Market Partners. The Market Partner and MONAT agree that, but for this agreement of confidentiality and nondisclosure, MONAT would not provide Confidential Information (including Market Partner Activity Reports) to the Market Partner. To protect the Confidential Information, a Market Partner shall not, on his or her own behalf, or on behalf of any other person, partnership, association, corporation or other entity:
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  • Business Partners Red Hat has entered into agreements with other organizations (“Business Partners”) to promote, market and support certain Software and Services. When Client purchases Software and Services through a Business Partner, Red Hat confirms that it is responsible for providing the Software and Services to Client under the terms of this Agreement. Red Hat is not responsible for (a) the actions of Business Partners, (b) any additional obligations Business Partners have to Client, or (c) any products or services that Business Partners supply to Client under any separate agreements between a Business Partner and Client.

  • General Partner (a) The business, property and affairs of the Partnership shall be managed under the sole, absolute and exclusive direction of the General Partner, which may from time to time delegate authority to officers or to others to act on behalf of the Partnership.

  • EPP transform-command RTT Refers to the RTT of the sequence of packets that includes the sending of a transform command plus the reception of the EPP response for only one EPP transform command. It does not include packets needed for the start or close of either the EPP or the TCP session. EPP transform commands are those described in section 2.9.3 of EPP RFC 5730. If the RTT is 5 times or more the corresponding SLR, the RTT will be considered undefined.

  • Not Partners Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed to make the Parties partners or joint venturers or to render any Party liable for the debts or obligations of any other Party.

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Suite Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Suite provides an open source development environment that consists of Red Hat Enterprise Linux with built-in development tools, certain Red Hat Enterprise Linux Add-Ons, Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Real Time, Smart Management and access to Software Maintenance, but no Development or Production Support. If you use any of the Subscription Services or Software associated with Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Suite for Production Purposes, or use the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Software Subscription entitlement independently, you agree to purchase the applicable number of Units of the applicable Software Subscription. Red Hat does not provide Production Support or Development Support for Red Hat Enterprise Developer Suite.

  • Development or Offering of Renewable Energy Sources Competitive Supplier agrees that it will comply with the applicable provisions of X.X.X. x. 00X, § 00X, § 00 F1/2, and any regulations, orders or policies adopted pursuant thereto.

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server Add-Ons Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server Subscriptions may be purchased with one or more add-on options (“Add-On(s)”). Add-Ons require a separate paid and active Software Subscriptions for each Unit that deploys, installs, uses or executes such Add-On. Each Unit of Add- Ons must match the Support Level (Standard and/or Premium), Unit of Measure and capacity as the underlying Red Hat Enterprise Linux Unit. Add-Ons are not supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Subscriptions with a Self-support service level except Smart Management Add-Ons. The Add-Ons include: High Availability, Load Balancer, Resilient Storage, Scalable File System, Smart Management, Extended Update Support, Extended Life Cycle Support and High Performance Network.

  • Service Jointly Provisioned with an Independent Company or Competitive Local Exchange Company Areas 4.5.1 BellSouth will in some instances provision resold services in accordance with the General Subscriber Services Tariff and Private Line Tariffs jointly with an Independent Company or other Competitive Local Exchange Carrier.

  • Unbundled Copper Loop – Designed (UCL-D) The UCL-D will be provisioned as a dry copper twisted pair (2- or 4-wire) Loop that is unencumbered by any intervening equipment (e.g., filters, load coils, range extenders, digital loop carrier, or repeaters).

  • NASPO ValuePoint eMarket Center a. In July 2011, NASPO ValuePoint entered into a multi-year agreement with SciQuest, Inc. whereby SciQuest will provide certain electronic catalog hosting and management services to enable eligible NASPO ValuePoint’s customers to access a central online website to view and/or shop the goods and services available from existing NASPO ValuePoint Cooperative Contracts. The central online website is referred to as the NASPO ValuePoint eMarket Center.

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