REPORT IN Sample Clauses
REPORT IN. Any employee reporting to work without having been properly notified that there will be no work, shall receive at least two (2) hours' pay or bid time, whichever is less, except in cases of labor disputes or other conditions beyond the control of management.
REPORT IN. Employees who report for work at their scheduled starting time and for whom no work is available, shall be paid for time worked or a minimum of three (3) hours at the applicable rate, whichever is greater, unless previously notified not to so report.
REPORT IN. Section 15.1 The Engineer shall determine each employee’s regular reporting site. An employee working at a work site different from the location where he regularly reports to work and punches in shall report in and punch in at the regular location and be in paid status for travel time to and from the work site. Transportation from the reporting site to the work site shall be furnished by the Engineer.
Section 15.2 All employees will adhere to the Policy on Tardiness in the Workplace.
Section 15.3 Any employee who is unable to report for work due to adverse weather conditions or emergencies and who is offered transportation by the Employer shall report to work unless emergency conditions exist at the home. Such employee shall be in paid status as soon as transportation arrives at the employee’s home and shall continue in paid status until he is returned home. This section shall be administered in accordance with the overtime roster insofar as practical.
Section 15.4 The Employer agrees to provide a mechanic on duty whenever five or more pieces of equipment are out in the County. In addition, whenever a piece of equipment breaks down during inclement weather that may be hazardous to the employee(s) on that equipment, the Employer agrees to provide transportation to remove such employee(s) from such hazardous weather conditions as quickly as possible.
REPORT IN. Employees reporting for their regularly scheduled work shift shall be provided a minimum of four (4) hours work or four (4) hours pay at their regular rate of pay, except in cases where work is unavailable due to acts of God, national emergency or circumstances beyond the control of the Company. If an employee reports and requests to leave work prior to completing the available four (4) hours of work and the supervisor approves such request, the employee will be paid only for hours actually worked.
REPORT IN. Section 23.1. The Engineer shall determine each employee's regular reporting site. Employees working at a work site different from the location where they regularly report to work and punch in, shall report in and punch in at the regular location and be in paid status for travel time to and from the work site. Transportation from the reporting site to the work site shall be furnished by the Engineer.
Section 23.2. All employees are expected to make every effort to report for work during adverse weather conditions or emergencies. Employees unable to report for work during severe weather or emergencies will normally not be paid for those hours not worked. Employees who are late for work after having made every xxxxxxx effort to report to work on time, but were unable to do so due to local conditions during adverse weather, shall not be paid for any hours not actually worked. The Engineer agrees, during these weather conditions, where work is available and it is deemed practical to assign the employee said work, the employee may be permitted to remain at work beyond his scheduled hours on that day in order to complete his scheduled hours for the day in question. Upon recommendation from the employee's supervisor, the Engineer may permit an employee to use accumulated vacation or compensatory time or sick leave if vacation and compensatory time has been exhausted, whenever it is determined that the employee has made every xxxxxxx effort, but was unable to report to work or reported to work late due to the adverse conditions.
Section 23.3. Any employee under Section 23.2 above who is offered transportation by the Employer shall report to work unless emergency conditions exist at home. Such employee shall be in paid status as soon as transportation arrives at the employee's home and shall continue in paid status until he is returned home. This Section shall be administered in accordance with the overtime roster insofar as is practical.
Section 23.4. The Employer agrees to provide paychecks by the usual and regular schedule. In the event of emergency conditions, the Employer agrees to meet with Union representatives to arrange the distribution of paychecks in a manner that is quick, efficient and equitable. Checks will not be released until quitting time.
REPORT IN. Employees who report for work at their scheduled starting time and for whom no work is available, shall be paid for time worked or a minimum of three hours at the applicable rate, whichever is greater, unless previously notified not to so report. If it becomes necessary to change the hours fixed for lunch periods, starting and/or finishing times for employees, Union will be advised as as possible prior to such change into and the reasons for the change will be explained to the Union. When required by the following shall be considered overtime: Time worked in excess of the number of scheduled daily hours on Monday to Friday inclusive.
REPORT IN. Employees who report for work at their scheduled starting time and for whom no work is available, shall be paid for time worked or a minimum of three (3) hours at the applicable rate, whichever is greater, unless previously notified not to so report.
3.01 (A) The following shall be considered overtime:
(i) Time worked in excess of the number of scheduled daily hours.
(ii) Time worked on holidays as specified in Article 4 of this agreement. For employees working on the night shift or night maintenance, time worked on a holiday as specified in Article 4 of this agreement shall be considered overtime if it does not form part of the regularly scheduled daily hours.
(iii) Time worked on Saturdays or Sundays. For employees working on night maintenance time worked on Saturdays or Sundays shall be considered overtime if it does not form part of the regularly scheduled hours.
REPORT IN. Any employee who reports for work provided he/she has not been notified that no work is available shall be guaranteed four (4) hours work or four (4) hours straight time pay for reporting. If no work is available on the employee's regular job, the Company may assign the employee to another job. The Company shall not be liable for reporting pay if work is unavailable due to factors beyond its control, such as fires, floods, power or water failure or other Acts of God. In the event of any such emergency, the Company may, within reason, assign any employee to other than his/her regular task, when the latter is not available.
REPORT IN. In the event the Employer becomes aware that there will be no work available for employees on their next scheduled shift, the Employer will make reasonable efforts to notify employees by telephone that they need not report. It will be the responsibility of the employees to advise the Employer of their current home telephone number. Where the Employer fails to make reasonable efforts to notify employees by telephone not to report, employees who report for work shall be guaranteed a minimum of four (4) hours' pay at the appropriate rate. This shall not apply where an employee is prevented from working because of fire, flood, strike or circumstances beyond the control of the Employer.