Material Interests and Conflict of Interests Sample Clauses

Material Interests and Conflict of Interests. 4.1 We, or another company or person associated with us, may from time to time have a material interest concerning an investment in which we deal on your behalf. Our employees or associates are nevertheless required to treat you fairly in relation to such conflicts of interest or material interest. We can act notwithstanding any such interest provided we disclose our interest to you. If you object to us acting for you where we have a material interest or conflict of interest you should notify the Compliance Officer in writing. Unless so notified, we will assume that you do not object to us acting in this way. 4.2 You agree that we are not required to make any prior specific disclosure to you if we match your transaction with that of another customer.

Related to Material Interests and Conflict of Interests

  • Conflict of Interests The beneficiary undertakes to take all the necessary measures to prevent any risk of conflicts of interests which could affect the impartial and objective performance of the agreement. Such conflict of interests could arise in particular as a result of economic interest, political or national affinity, family or emotional reasons, or any other shared interest. Any situation constituting or likely to lead to a conflict of interests during the performance of the agreement must be brought to the attention of the Commission, in writing, without delay. The beneficiary shall undertake to take whatever steps are necessary to rectify this situation at once. The Commission reserves the right to check that the measures taken are appropriate and may demand that the beneficiary take additional measures, if necessary, within a certain time.

  • No Conflict of Interest Contractor has no interest that would constitute a conflict of interest under (i) PCC 10365.5, 10410 or 10411; (ii) Government Code sections 1090 et seq. or 87100 et seq.; or (iii) California Rules of Court, rule 10.103 or 10.104, which restrict employees and former employees from contracting with judicial branch entities.

  • Organizational Conflict of Interest The guidelines and procedures of FAR 9.5 will be used in identifying and resolving any issues of organizational conflict of interest at the Order level. In the event that an Order requires activity that would create an actual or potential conflict of interest, the Contractor shall identify the potential or actual conflict to the OCO for review per FAR 9.5.

  • Conflict of Interest No officer, member or employee of the Contractor or subcontractor, no member of the governing body of the Contractor, and no other public officials of the Contractor who exercise any functions or responsibilities in the review or Contractor approval of this Agreement, shall participate in any decision relating to this Agreement which affects his or her personal interest, or shall have any personal or pecuniary interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement.

  • MATERIAL INTERESTS The Local Manager and any of its affiliates (an “Affiliate”) may, subject to the limitations of the U.S. Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, and to the overriding principles of suitability and best execution and without prior reference to the Investment Adviser, effect transactions in which the Local Manager or Affiliate has, directly or indirectly, a material interest or a relationship of any description with another party, which may involve a potential conflict with the Local Manager’s duty to the Investment Adviser. Neither the Local Manager nor any Affiliate shall be liable to account to the Investment Adviser for any profit, commission or remuneration made or received from or by reason of such transactions or any connected transactions nor will the Local Manager’s fees, unless otherwise provided, be abated. For example, such potential conflicting interests or duties may arise because: · any of the Local Manager’s or Affiliate’s directors or employees is a director of, holds or deals in securities of, or is otherwise interested in any company whose securities are held or dealt in on behalf of the Investment Adviser; · the transaction is in the securities of a company for which an Affiliate has provided corporate finance advice, underwritten, managed or arranged an issue or offer for sale; · the Local Manager may act as agent for the Investment Adviser in relation to transactions in which it is also acting as agent for the account of other clients and/or an Affiliate; · the transaction is in units or shares of a collective investment scheme (regulated or unregulated) of which the Local Manager or any Affiliate is the manager, operator, banker, adviser, custodian or trustee; or · The Local Manager may act as agent for a counterparty and also act as agent on behalf of the Investment Adviser and in the course of so acting may charge a commission to either the counterparty or the Investment Adviser. Nothing in the Agreement shall oblige the Local Manager or any Affiliate to accept responsibilities more extensive than those set out in the Agreement or shall give rise to any fiduciary or equitable duties which would prevent or hinder either: (i) the Local Manager or any Affiliate performing investment management or other services for any person or entity other than the Investment Adviser or from making investments on their own behalf and the performance of such services for others or investment on their own behalf will not be deemed to violate or give rise to any duty or obligation to the Investment Adviser; or (ii) the Local Manager effecting any transaction with or for the Investment Adviser with an Affiliate; or (iii) such Affiliate acting both as market-maker and broker, principal or agent, dealing with other Affiliates and other clients and generally effecting transactions as provided above nor from retaining any remuneration received in respect thereof.

  • Conflict of Interest Requirements CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to comply with any and all applicable conflict of interest requirements set forth in the California Political Reform Act and any current and future implementing regulations, policies, procedures and standards promulgated thereunder, including, without limitation, COUNTY’s Conflict of Interest Code, all as may be amended from time to time.

  • CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY 4.1. The Company, partners of the Company or other affiliated parties may have material interest, a legal relationship or arrangement concerning a specific transaction in the Trader’s Room or on the trading platform or interests, relationships, or arrangements that may be in conflict with the interests of the Client. By way of example, the Company may: - act as Principal concerning any instrument on the Company’s own account by selling to or buying the instrument from the Client; - combine the Client’s transaction with that of another Client; - buy or sell an instrument the Company recommended to the Client; - advise and provide other services to partners or other clients of the Company who may have interests in investments or underlying assets which conflict with the Client’s interests. The Client consents to and grants the Company authority to deal with or for the Client in any manner which the Company considers appropriate, notwithstanding any conflict of interest or the existence of any material interest in any transaction in the Trader’s Room or on the trading platform, without prior notification of the Client. The Company’s employees are required to comply with a policy of impartiality and to disregard any material interests or conflicts of interest when advising the Client.

  • CONFLICT OF INTEREST FORM Bidder shall complete the Conflict of Interest Form attached hereto and submit it with their bid.

  • Conflict of Interest Guidelines I agree to diligently adhere to the Conflict of Interest Guidelines attached as Exhibit D hereto.

  • Conflict of Interest Contractor Personnel 2.5.1 The A-E shall exercise reasonable care and diligence to prevent any actions or conditions that could result in a conflict with the best interests of the COUNTY. This obligation shall apply to the A-E; the A-E’s employees, agents, and relatives; sub-tier contractors; and third parties associated with accomplishing work and PROJECTS/SERVICES hereunder. 2.5.2 A-E’s efforts shall include, but not be limited to establishing precautions to prevent its employees or agents from: making, receiving, providing or offering gifts, entertainment, payments, loans or other considerations which could be deemed to appear to influence individuals to act contrary to the best interests of the COUNTY.