Matters Appropriate for Consultation. Section 1. Matters appropriate for consultation between the parties include wages, hours and working conditions under the terms and conditions of this labor agreement and areas of mutual concern for the FPSU. For the purpose of this agreement, consultation is defined as a discussion of matters which are within the discretion of a Department. Consultations may be held in an effort to reach mutual understandings, receive clarification and/or information affecting employees in the various City operations that comprise Bargaining Units. Section 2. Consultation meetings between Union representatives and Management, shall be arranged by the Labor Relations Manager or his designated representative upon the request of either party. Consultation meetings may be called by the City consistent with confidentiality, or other legal restrictions to advise the Union of any anticipated major changes affecting the working conditions of employees in the Bargaining Units. Arrangements for any consultation meeting shall be made five (5) working days in advance whenever possible and an agenda of matters to be taken up at the meeting shall be presented in writing at the time a consultation meeting is requested. Matters taken up in consultation meetings shall be those included in the agenda and Union representatives up to a maximum of five (5) may attend any one meeting. Section 3. When contact is required by the Union President with Management on matters within the scope of this Article, the point of contact is the Labor Relations Manager. Where contact is required by Management with the Union, the point of contact is the Union President, or designee. Section 4. If the Union requests consultation, it shall bear the cost of expenses and compensation for its own representatives and/or employees. If the City requests consultation, it shall bear the cost of expenses and compensation for employee Union representatives and/or employees for time spent in consultation. Section 5. Prior practice that has been established on the basis of verbal agreements between the Union and the City or written agreements between the Union and individual Departments, but which has not subsequently been incorporated within this agreement, shall be subject to discussion and possible modification by the City and the Union, in accordance with the rights and privileges accorded each party by the terms of both this agreement and applicable
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Matters Appropriate for Consultation. Section 1. Matters appropriate for consultation between the parties include wages, hours and working conditions under the terms and conditions of this labor agreement and areas of mutual concern for the FPSU. For the purpose of this agreementAgreement, consultation is defined as a discussion of matters which are within the discretion of a Department. Consultations may be held in an effort to reach mutual understandings, receive clarification and/or information affecting employees in the various City operations that comprise Bargaining Units.
Section 2. Consultation meetings between Union representatives and Management, Management shall be arranged by the Labor Relations Manager or his designated representative upon the request of either party. Consultation meetings may be called by the City consistent with confidentiality, confidentiality or other legal restrictions to advise the Union of any anticipated major changes affecting the working conditions of employees in the Bargaining Units. Arrangements for any consultation meeting shall be made five (5) working days in advance whenever possible and an agenda of matters to be taken up at the meeting shall be presented in writing at the time a consultation meeting is requested. Matters taken up in consultation meetings shall be those included in the agenda and Union representatives up to a maximum of five (5) may attend any one meeting.
Section 3. When contact is required by the Union President with Management on matters within the scope of this Article, the point of contact is the Labor Relations Manager. Where contact is required by Management with the Union, the point of contact is the Union President, or designee.
Section 4. If the Union requests consultation, it shall bear the cost of expenses and compensation for its own representatives and/or employees. If the City requests consultation, it shall bear the cost of expenses and compensation for employee Union representatives and/or employees for time spent in consultation.
Section 5. Prior practice that has been established on the basis of verbal agreements between the Union and the City or written agreements between the Union and individual Departments, but which has not subsequently been incorporated within this agreementAgreement, shall be subject to discussion and possible modification by the City and the Union, in accordance with the rights and privileges accorded each party by the terms of both this agreement Agreement and applicableapplicable State law.
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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Matters Appropriate for Consultation. Section 1. A. Matters appropriate for consultation between the parties include wages, hours and working conditions under the terms and conditions of this labor agreement and areas of mutual concern for the FPSU. For the purpose of this agreement, consultation is defined as a discussion of matters which are within the discretion of a Department. Consultations may be held in an effort to reach mutual understandings, receive clarification and/or information affecting employees in the various City operations that comprise Bargaining Units.
Section 2. B. Consultation meetings between Union representatives and Management, shall be arranged by the Labor Relations Manager or his designated representative upon the request of either party. Consultation meetings may be called by the City consistent with confidentiality, or other legal restrictions to advise the Union of any anticipated major changes affecting the working conditions of employees in the Bargaining Units. Arrangements for any consultation meeting shall be made five (5) working days in advance whenever possible and an agenda of matters to be taken up at the meeting shall be presented in writing at the time a consultation meeting is requested. Matters taken up in consultation meetings shall be those included in the agenda and Union representatives up to a maximum of five (5) may attend any one meeting.
Section 3. C. When contact is required by the Union President Chief of Staff with Management on matters within the scope of this Article, the point of contact is the Labor Relations Manager. Where contact is required by Management with the Union, the point of contact is the Union PresidentChief of Staff, or designee.
Section 4. D. If the Union requests consultation, it shall bear the cost of expenses and compensation for its own representatives and/or employees. If the City requests consultation, it shall bear the cost of expenses and compensation for employee Union representatives and/or employees for time spent in consultation.
Section 5. E. Prior practice that has been established on the basis of verbal agreements between the Union and the City or written agreements between the Union and individual Departments, but which has not subsequently been incorporated within this agreement, shall be subject to discussion and possible modification by the City and the Union, in accordance with the rights and privileges accorded each party by the terms of both this agreement and applicable. FPSU GRIEVANCE CITY OF ST. PETERSBURG Please attach any statements or information to support your grievance. Type or print neatly. NAME (Employee filing) Work phone Classification Shift Department Date of Occurrence of Grievance Article & Section of Agreement alleged to have been violated Please check appropriate box: Step I [ ] Dept. Director Step II [ ] Labor Relations or PPST [ ] Step III [ ] Hearing Officer Class Grievance [ ] DESCRIBE all of the facts concerning the grievance (date, time, place, persons involved, etc.): REQUESTED REMEDY: EMPLOYEE/UNION DEPARTMENT/CITY Signature (Employee filing grievance) Time/Date Grievance received by (Signature) FPSU Representative Signature Time/Date Time/Date of receipt As provided by the FPSU contract, I wish to appeal my grievance to Step II [ ] Step III[ ] Signature (Employee filing grievance) Time/Date Grievance received by (Signature) FPSU Representative Signature* Time/Date Time/Date of Receipt *Signature required if employee is being represented by Union; the FPSU representative who signs will be the contact point for either the Department or Labor Relations in setting the grievance hearing. FPSU GRIEVANCE CITY OF ST. PETERSBURG RESPONSE Grievance No. This form is to be used by the Manager/Director or Designee and Labor Relations to respond to FPSU Grievances. TO: FROM: Employee/Grievant or FPSU Representative Department, Labor Relations or PPST Date Grievance Filed: Date of Hearing: The following is in response to the above-referenced grievance. (Attach additional sheets if necessary.) Hearing Officer's Signature Date (Department Mgr., Director, or Designee/Labor Relations) REQUEST FOR ARBITRATION CITY OF ST. PETERSBURG Employee Name Id # Date: Classification Shift Location FPSU Representative Title (If Applicable) Date Received Step II Answer: TO: Statement of Grievance: Date, Details and Facts Upon Which Grievance is Based: Article: Section of the Labor Agreement alleged to have been violated. Action, Remedy or Solution Requested: FPSU Representative Signature Date Employee's Signature Date FPSU President's Signature Date LABOR RELATIONS OFFICER'S SIGNATURE Date Copies to Labor Relations, Employee Receipt, Union President
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Matters Appropriate for Consultation. Section 1. Matters appropriate for consultation between the parties include wages, hours and hours, job descriptions, bulletin board postings, working conditions under the terms and conditions of this labor agreement Agreement and areas of mutual concern for the FPSUconcern. For the purpose of this agreementAgreement, consultation is defined as a mutual discussion of matters appropriate for consultation which are within the discretion of a Department. Consultations may be held the department in an effort to reach mutual understandings, receive clarification and/or information affecting employees in the various City operations that comprise Bargaining Unitsbargaining unit.
Section 2. Work rules, regulations, policies, and procedures of the City or a department in effect on the effective date of this Agreement or issued after the effective date of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect on bargaining unit employees if not in conflict with any Article or Section of this Agreement.
Section 3. A written rule, regulation, policy, or procedure in conflict with this Agreement shall be resolved by modification of the impact on bargaining unit employees of such rule, regulation, policy or procedure to be compatible with this Agreement through mutual agreement between the parties.
Section 4. Consultation meetings between Union representatives and Management, Management shall be arranged by the Labor Relations Manager Director of Human Resources or his his/her designated representative upon the request of either party. Consultation meetings may will be called by the City consistent with confidentiality, or other legal restrictions restrictions, to advise the Union of any anticipated proposed major changes affecting the working conditions of employees in the Bargaining Unitsbargaining unit employees. Arrangements for any consultation meeting shall be made five (5) working business days in advance advance, whenever possible possible, and an agenda of matters to be taken up at the meeting shall be presented in writing at the time a consultation meeting is requested. Matters taken up in consultation meetings shall be those included in the agenda meeting request (including miscellaneous discussion) and Union representatives up shall be limited to a maximum of no more than five (5) may attend people at any one meeting. The City will prepare summary minutes of the consultation meeting and distribute it to AFSCME.
Section 35. When contact is required by the Union President with Management on matters within the scope of this Article, the point of contact is the Labor Relations ManagerDirector of Human Resources or his/her designee. Where a contact is required by Management with the Union, the point of contact is the local Union President, President or his designee.
Section 4. If the Union requests consultation, it shall bear the cost of expenses and compensation for its own representatives and/or employees. If the City requests consultation, it shall bear the cost of expenses and compensation for employee Consultation meetings between Union representatives and/or employees for time spent in consultation.
Section 5. Prior practice that has been established on the basis of verbal agreements between the Union and the City or written agreements between the Union and individual Departments, but which has not subsequently been incorporated within this agreement, Management shall be subject to discussion and possible modification by arranged upon the City and request of either party. Meetings will be held within five (5) working days of the Unionrequest, in accordance with the rights and privileges accorded each party by the terms of both this agreement and applicablewhenever possible.
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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Matters Appropriate for Consultation. Section 1. 22.1 Matters appropriate for consultation between the parties include wages, hours and working conditions under the terms and conditions of this labor agreement and areas of mutual concern for the FPSU. For the purpose of this agreementAgreement, consultation is defined as a discussion of matters which are within the discretion of a Department. Consultations may be held in an effort to reach mutual understandings, receive clarification and/or information affecting employees in the various City operations that comprise Bargaining Units.
Section 2. 22.2 Consultation meetings between Union representatives and Management, Management shall be arranged by the Labor Relations Manager or his a designated representative upon the request of either party. Consultation meetings may be called by the City consistent with confidentiality, confidentiality or other legal restrictions to advise the Union of any anticipated major changes affecting the working conditions of employees in the Bargaining Units. Arrangements for any consultation meeting shall be made five (5) working days in advance whenever possible and an agenda of matters to be taken up at the meeting shall be presented in writing at the time a consultation meeting is requested. Matters taken up in consultation meetings shall be those included in the agenda and Union representatives up to a maximum of five (5) may attend any one meeting.
Section 3. 22.3 When contact is required by the Union President with Management on matters within the scope of this Article, the point of contact is the Labor Relations Manager. Where contact is required by Management with the Union, the point of contact is the Union President, or designee.
Section 4. 22.4 If the Union requests consultation, it shall bear the cost of expenses and compensation for its own representatives and/or employees. If the City requests consultation, it shall bear the cost of expenses and compensation for employee Union representatives and/or employees for time spent in consultation.
Section 5. 22.5 Prior practice that has been established on the basis of verbal agreements between the Union and the City or written agreements between the Union and individual Departments, but which has not subsequently been incorporated within this agreementAgreement, shall be subject to discussion and possible modification by the City and the Union, in accordance with the rights and privileges accorded each party by the terms of both this agreement Agreement and applicableapplicable State law.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Matters Appropriate for Consultation. Section 1. A. Matters appropriate for consultation between the parties include wages, hours and working conditions under the terms and conditions of this labor agreement and areas of mutual concern for the FPSU. For the purpose of this agreement, consultation is defined as a discussion of matters which are within the discretion of a Department. Consultations may be held in an effort to reach mutual understandings, receive clarification and/or information affecting employees in the various City operations that comprise Bargaining Units.
Section 2. B. Consultation meetings between Union representatives and Management, shall be arranged by the Labor Relations Manager or his designated representative upon the request of either party. Consultation meetings may be called by the City consistent with confidentiality, or other legal restrictions to advise the Union of any anticipated major changes affecting the working conditions of employees in the Bargaining Units. Arrangements for any consultation meeting shall be made five (5) working days in advance whenever possible and an agenda of matters to be taken up at the meeting shall be presented in writing at the time a consultation meeting is requested. Matters taken up in consultation meetings shall be those included in the agenda and Union representatives up to a maximum of five (5) may attend any one meeting.
Section 3. C. When contact is required by the Union President Chief of Staff with Management on matters within the scope of this Article, the point of contact is the Labor Relations Manager. Where contact is required by Management with the Union, the point of contact is the Union PresidentChief of Staff, or designee.
Section 4. D. If the Union requests consultation, it shall bear the cost of expenses and compensation for its own representatives and/or employees. If the City requests consultation, it shall bear the cost of expenses and compensation for employee Union representatives and/or employees for time spent in consultation.
Section 5. E. Prior practice that has been established on the basis of verbal agreements between the Union and the City or written agreements between the Union and individual Departments, but which has not subsequently been incorporated within this agreement, shall be subject to discussion and possible modification by the City and the Union, in accordance with the rights and privileges accorded each party by the terms of both this agreement and applicable. FPSU GRIEVANCE CITY OF ST. PETERSBURG Please attach any statements or information to support your grievance. Type or print neatly. NAME (Employee filing) Work phone Classification Shift Department Date of Occurrence of Grievance Article & Section of Agreement alleged to have been violated Please check appropriate box: Step I [ ] Dept. Director Step II [ ] Labor Relations or PPST [ ] Step III [ ] Hearing Officer [ ] Class Grievance DESCRIBE all of the facts concerning the grievance (date, time, place, persons involved, etc.): REQUESTED REMEDY: EMPLOYEE/UNION DEPARTMENT/CITY Signature (Employee filing grievance) Time/Date Grievance received by (Signature) FPSU Representative Signature Time/Date Time/Date of receipt As provided by the FPSU contract, I wish to appeal my grievance to Step II [ ] Step III[ ] Signature (Employee filing grievance) Time/Date Grievance received by (Signature) FPSU Representative Signature* Time/Date Time/Date of Receipt *Signature required if employee is being represented by Union; the FPSU representative who signs will be the contact point for either the Department or Labor Relations in setting the grievance hearing. FPSU GRIEVANCE CITY OF ST. PETERSBURG RESPONSE Grievance No. This form is to be used by the Manager/Director or Designee and Labor Relations to respond to FPSU Grievances. TO: FROM: Employee/Grievant or FPSU Representative Department, Labor Relations or PPST Date Grievance Filed: Date of Hearing: The following is in response to the above-referenced grievance. (Attach additional sheets if necessary.) Hearing Officer's Signature Date (Department Mgr., Director, or Designee/Labor Relations) REQUEST FOR ARBITRATION CITY OF ST. PETERSBURG Employee Name Id # Date: Classification Shift Location FPSU Representative Title (If Applicable) Date Received Step II Answer: TO: Statement of Grievance: Date, Details and Facts Upon Which Grievance is Based: Article: Section of the Labor Agreement alleged to have been violated. Action, Remedy or Solution Requested: FPSU Representative Signature Date Employee's Signature Date FPSU President's Signature Date LABOR RELATIONS OFFICER'S SIGNATURE Date Copies to Labor Relations, Employee Receipt, Union President
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement