Mechanical Completion, Commissioning and Final Completion Sample Clauses

Mechanical Completion, Commissioning and Final Completion. (a) The Owner shall bear full responsibility for completing the Balance of Plant at each Project Site (including, without limitation, the assembly, installation and achievement of [***] Confidential portions of this document have been redacted and filed separately with the Commission. Mechanical Completion of all WTGs in accordance with Installation Manual provided to Owner by Suzlon). The Owner acknowledges and agrees that Suzlon's obligations to be performed under this Agreement after the achievement of Mechanical Completion of the WTGs (including, without limitation, Suzlon's warranty and guarantee obligations) are expressly conditioned upon Owner's proper assembly, installation and achievement Mechanical Completion of the WTGs in accordance with the Installation Manual.
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Related to Mechanical Completion, Commissioning and Final Completion

  • Final Completion 6.5.1 Final Completion of the Work shall be achieved within ninety (90) Days after the earlier of the actual date of Substantial Completion or the Scheduled Substantial Completion Date (the “Final Completion Date”).

  • Project Completion Within five (5) days after the delivery by Supplier to Purchaser of a Commissioning Certificate for the Project’s final Turbine, Supplier shall also deliver to Purchaser a completion certificate for all Turbines in the Project (the “Project Completion Certificate”), in the form attached hereto as Exhibit N, together with a list of any remaining Punch List Work on any Turbine, a schedule for completing the Punch List Work and an estimate of the cost of each item of Punch List Work. Supplier shall thereafter promptly complete all Punch List Work.

  • Substantial Completion The Tenant Improvements shall be deemed to be “Substantially Completed” on the date that (i) the Tenant Improvements are essentially and satisfactorily completed in accordance with the Final Plans to the extent that the Leased Premises may be occupied by Tenant for its Approved Use, subject only to completion of minor finishing, adjustment of equipment, and other minor construction aspects (“punch list items”) which do not, in the aggregate, cause interference (other than minor inconvenience) with the use and occupancy of the Leased Premises for the Approved Use, and (ii) a certificate of occupancy, whether conditional or final, has been issued by the proper governmental authority. Landlord shall give Tenant at least 30 days prior notice (written or oral) of Landlord’s reasonable estimate of the date of Substantial Completion of the Tenant Improvements. Tenant shall schedule with Landlord a mutually acceptable date, which will not be later than 3 business days after the date of Substantial Completion (but in no event earlier than the Landlord’s estimated date of Substantial Completion), for a walk-through inspection of the Leased Premises. In such walk-through, Landlord and Tenant will mutually and reasonably agree upon a punch list, and subject to Tenant Delay, Landlord will use reasonable efforts to cause such punch list work to be completed within 30 days after such walk-through. Landlord hereby warrants to Tenant, which warranty shall survive for one year following the date of Substantial Completion of the Tenant Improvements, that (a) the materials and equipment furnished by Landlord and Landlord’s contractors in the completion of the Tenant Improvements will be of good quality and new, and (b) such materials and equipment and the work of such contractors shall be free from defects not inherent in the quality required or permitted hereunder. This warranty shall exclude damages or defects caused by Tenant, its agents, employees or contractors, improper or insufficient maintenance, improper operation or normal wear and tear under normal usage. Landlord shall use diligent and good faith efforts to cause the Tenant Improvements for the Fifth Floor Premises to be Substantially Completed by November 1, 2018. Subject only to Force Majeure (as defined in §11 hereof) and Tenant Delay, and provided that Landlord, using good faith efforts, obtains all required construction permits for the Tenant Improvements (the “Construction Permits”) by not later than June 30, 2018, then in the event that Landlord fails to cause the Tenant Improvements for the Fifth Floor Premises to be Substantially Completed on or before December 1, 2018, (the “Fifth Floor Substantial Completion Date”), Tenant shall be entitled to a day-for-day credit of Base Rent due as of the Commencement Date, for each day after the Fifth Floor Substantial Completion Date that the Tenant Improvements for the Fifth Floor Premises are not Substantially Completed; provided, however, that, for every day of delay which results from a Tenant Delay or a Force Majeure, the Fifth Floor Substantial Completion Date shall be moved back on a day-for-day basis. Such day-for-day credit of Base Rent shall commence upon the Commencement Date and shall continue until applied in full; provided that at no time may Tenant offset more than 50% of the Base Rent amount due each month until such abatement has been completed. Landlord shall use diligent and good faith efforts to cause the Tenant Improvements for the Fourth Floor Premises to be Substantially Completed by February 1, 2019. Subject only to Force Majeure (as defined in §11 hereof) and Tenant Delay, and provided that Landlord, using good faith efforts, obtains all required construction permits for the Tenant Improvements (the “Construction Permits”) by not later than June 30, 2018, then in the event that Landlord fails to cause the Tenant Improvements for the Fourth Floor Premises to be Substantially Completed on or before March 1, 2019, (the “Fourth Floor Substantial Completion Date”), Tenant shall be entitled to a day-for-day credit of Base Rent due as of the Commencement Date, for each day after the Fourth Floor Substantial Completion Date that the Tenant Improvements for the Fourth Floor Premises are not Substantially Completed; provided, however, that, for every day of delay which results from a Tenant Delay or a Force Majeure, the Fourth Floor Substantial Completion Date shall be moved back on a day-for-day basis. Such day-for-day credit of Base Rent shall commence upon the June 1, 2019, and shall continue until applied in full; provided that at no time may Tenant offset more than 50% of the Base Rent amount due each month until such abatement has been completed. Subject only to Force Majeure and Tenant Delay, and provided that Landlord, using good faith efforts, obtains all required Construction Permits by not later than June 30, 2018, if the Tenant Improvements for the Leased Premises are not Substantially Completed on or before April 1, 2019 (“Outside Completion Date”), then Tenant shall have the one-time right by not later than 10 days after the Outside Completion Date to terminate this lease by delivering written notice to Landlord, which notice shall be hand delivered to 0000 Xxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxxxx, Xxxx 00000, Attention: Xxxxxx X. Xxxxx, Xx., and upon hand delivery of such termination notice to said address, this lease shall be deemed null and void and the parties shall have no further rights or obligations hereunder, except those that specifically survive the expiration or earlier termination of this lease. Landlord and Tenant acknowledge and agree that Tenant’s damages as a result of Landlord’s failure to cause the Tenant Improvements for the Fifth Floor Premises to be Substantially Completed by not later than the Fifth Floor Substantial Completion Date or the Fourth Floor Premises to be Substantially Completed by not later than the Fourth Floor Substantial Completion Date are difficult to ascertain, that such amounts set forth above are a reasonable pre-estimate of Tenant’s probable loss as a result thereof and that such damages constitute reasonable liquidated damages for Tenant’s loss and not a penalty.

  • Commissioning preparation of a system or systems to allow hydrocarbons or other process fluids to be safely introduced into the system or systems for processing. In this phase testing will focus on systems, including utilities.

  • Completion Date Completion date" shall be the date on which the improvements erected and to be erected upon the leased premises shall have been completed in accordance with the plans and specifications described in article 6.00. The completion date shall constitute the commencement of the term of this Lease for all purposes, whether or not Lessee has actually taken possession. Lessor shall use its best efforts to establish the completion date as the date set forth in section 1.03. In the event that the improvements have not in fact been completed as of that date, Lessee shall notify Lessor in writing of its objections. Lessor shall have a reasonable time after delivery of the notice in which to take such corrective action as may be necessary and shall notify Lessee in writing as soon as it deems such corrective action has been completed and the improvements are ready for occupancy. Upon completion of construction, Lessee shall deliver to Lessor a letter accepting the leased premises as suitable for the purposes for which they are let and the date of such letter shall constitute the commencement of the term of this Lease. Whether or not Lessee has executed such letter of acceptance, taking possession of the leased premises by Lessee shall be deemed to establish conclusively that the improvements have been completed in accordance with the plans and specifications, are suitable for the purposes for which the leased premises are let, and that the leased premises are in good and satisfactory condition as of the date possession was so taken by Lessee, except for latent defects, if any.

  • Tenant Improvement Plans Any work proposed by Tenant at the Premises or Building (the “Tenant Improvements”) shall be subject to Landlord’s reasonable prior approval and shall be subject to the other terms and conditions of this Exhibit, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed except for good cause shown. All architectural, engineering and other design fees shall be paid by Tenant, provided that, of the total Tenant Improvement Allowance, up to Five and No/100 Dollars (S5.00) per rentable square foot of the Premises of such fees may be subject to reimbursement under the Tenant Improvement Allowance. Tenant shall use its architect, engineers and other design professionals, all of whom shall comply with any applicable licensing or governmental requirements of the City of Santa Xxxxx and the State of California. Tenant shall cause its architect, who shall be subject to Landlord’s prior approval (“Tenant’s Architect”), which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed except for good cause shown, to prepare a draft space plan (the “Space Plan”) for the Tenant Improvements and shall submit the proposed Space Plan to Landlord for the latter’s approval (not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed) within twenty-one (21) days following mutual execution of the Lease. (If available upon mutual execution of this Lease, a mutually-approved preliminary space plan for the Tenant Improvements has been attached hereto as Exhibit C-1.) Landlord shall deliver to Tenant any written objections, questions or comments of Landlord with regard to the Space Plan, and Tenant shall cause the Space Plan to be revised to address such written comments and shall resubmit said Space Plan to Landlord for approval within five (5) business days thereafter. Such process shall continue until Landlord has approved the Space Plan. Tenant’s Architect shall then prepare working drawings and specifications for the Tenant Improvements, including architectural, structural, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, and fire protection drawings as required, suitable for permit application (the “Working Drawings”) and shall submit the proposed Working Drawings to Landlord for the latter’s approval within sixty (60) days following Landlord’s approval of the final Space Plan. The Space Plan and Working Drawings shall be subject to Landlord’s approval, which Landlord agrees shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Landlord shall not be deemed to have acted unreasonably if it withholds its approval thereof because, in Landlord’s reasonable opinion as supported by statement or reports from licensed engineers, the work, as described in any such item: (i) will adversely affect Building systems, the structure of the Building or the safety of the Building and/or their occupants; (ii) will materially impair Landlord’s ability to furnish services to Tenant or other tenants at the Project; (iii) would materially increase the cost of operating the Building; (iv) would violate any governmental laws, rules or ordinances (or interpretations thereof); (v) contains or uses hazardous or toxic materials or substances not permitted under Applicable Laws; (vi) would affect the external appearance of the Building; (vii) would materially and adversely affect another tenant’s premises at the Project: or (viii) is prohibited by any mortgage, trust deed or other instrument encumbering the Building or Project. Landlord shall deliver to Tenant any written objections, questions or comments of Landlord with regard to the Working Drawings, and Tenant shall cause the Working Drawings to be revised to address such written comments and shall resubmit said Working Drawings to Landlord for approval within ten (10) business days thereafter. Such process shall continue until Landlord has approved the Working Drawings. Landlord’s approval of the Space Plan and/or the Working Drawings shall not be deemed any representation or warranty that the same comply with applicable codes.

  • Budget For Tenant Improvements A preliminary detailed breakdown by trade of the costs incurred or that will be incurred in connection with the design and construction of the Tenant Improvements is set forth on Schedule 3 attached hereto (the “Budget”). The Budget is based upon the TI Construction Drawings approved by Tenant and shall include a payment to Landlord of administrative rent (“Administrative Rent”) equal to 1.5% of the TI Costs, which Administrative Rent shall include, without limitation, all out-of-pocket costs, expenses and fees incurred by or on behalf of Landlord arising from, out of, or in connection with monitoring the construction of the Tenant Improvements and Changes, and shall be payable out of the TI Fund. Landlord shall provide Tenant with a final Budget promptly following approval of the TI Construction Drawings by Landlord and Tenant. The Budget shall be subject to Tenant’s review and approval which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed by Tenant. Tenant shall have the right to approve any use of the contingency in the Budget by Landlord; provided, however, that, Tenant’s approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed, and the contingency shall not be available for use by Tenant for any Changes until all unforeseen conditions, changes to resulting from governmental agencies and the like have first been paid for out of the contingency.

  • Completion of Improvements Landlord, through its general contractor (“Contractor”), shall furnish and install within the Premises those items of general design, engineering and construction, shown on the final plans and specifications approved by Landlord and Tenant pursuant to the Schedule of Approvals below, in compliance with all applicable laws, ordinances, codes, rules and regulations and matters of record, and complete any construction required in the Common Areas of the Building when such construction is required by or arises out of completion of such work (collectively the “Improvements”). The contractor constructing the Improvements in the Premises shall be selected pursuant to a procedure whereby the final Plans and Specifications (as such term is defined in this Exhibit B) are submitted to Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Builders, Inc. (“XXX”) and Pinnacle Contracting Corporation (collectively, the “Approved Contractors”), who shall be requested to each submit to Landlord and to Tenant a sealed contract bid using such forms reasonably acceptable to Landlord in order to provide an “apples to apples” bidding process. The sealed bids shall be delivered to Tenant and Landlord and opened jointly by Landlord and Xxxxxx. Tenant, in Tenant’s sole and absolute discretion, shall select the Contractor from the two Approved Contractors (regardless of which has the lower bid). Each bid from the contractors shall specify any allowances for exclusions and shall further provide that said bids are without overtime premiums or bonuses necessary to complete the Improvements in accordance with the terms hereof. The architect engaged by Xxxxxx to prepare the Space Plan and Plans and Specifications and related design work for the Improvements shall be Xxxxxxx (the “Architect”). Landlord shall disburse amounts of the Allowance (up to the maximum specified below) to Architect within thirty (30) days after receipt of paid invoices from Architect or Tenant for Architect’s services; provided, however, notwithstanding the foregoing, Landlord shall pay $[***] for the Architect’s preparation of the Space Plan (as evidenced by the Architect’s invoice number 68045 dated October 15, 2010), at Landlord’s sole cost and expense (and without using the Allowance or any portion thereof). The definition of Improvements shall include all costs associated with completing the Improvements, including but not limited to, fees payable to Xxxxxxx, space planning, design, architectural, and engineering fees, contracting, labor and material costs, municipal fees, plan check and permit costs, and document development and/or reproduction, and all costs and expenses for any construction manager(s) engaged by Xxxxxx (provided such soft costs for architectural and engineering services charged against the Allowance shall not exceed $[***] per square feet of Usable Area in the Premises) at Tenant’s sole option. The Space Plan and the Plans and Specifications (each as defined in Section 3 of this Exhibit B) shall be subject to Landlord’s prior review and approval, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. Landlord’s approval of any iteration of a Space Plan or Plans and Specifications shall be deemed granted unless Landlord provides a reasonable disapproval or approval to Tenant prior to the sixth (6th) business day after Landlord’s receipt of the Space Plan or Plans and Specifications. Without limiting Landlord’s discretion to reasonably withhold its approval, Tenant agrees that it shall be reasonable for Landlord to withhold its approval of any aspect of Tenant’s Space Plan or Plans and Specifications (or, in either case, any proposed changes thereto) which (i) adversely affect Building systems, the structure of the Building or the safety of the Building and/or its occupants, (ii) would violate any governmental laws, rules or ordinances; (iii) would require any changes that adversely impact the base, shell and core of the Building, and/or (iv) are inconsistent with the standards of first class office buildings in the vicinity of the Building, as reasonably determined by Landlord and the Contractor. Landlord shall provide a written statement of any disapproval of any Space Plan or Plans and Specifications stating the reasons for Xxxxxxxx’s disapproval. Tenant acknowledges and agrees that any change in the scope of work or details of construction after Xxxxxx’s and Landlord’s approval of the Plans and Specifications shall constitute a “Change Order”, the costs of which may be charged against any available amounts of the Allowance under this Exhibit B. To the extent the Change Order delays construction of the Improvements, the same shall be a Tenant Delay. [***] = CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION HAS BEEN OMITTED AND FILED SEPARATELY WITH THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION. CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT HAS BEEN REQUESTED WITH RESPECT TO THIS OMITTED INFORMATION.

  • Delivery; Acceptance of Premises; Commencement Date Landlord shall use reasonable efforts to deliver the Premises to Tenant on or before the Target Commencement Date, with Landlord’s Work Substantially Completed (“Delivery” or “Deliver”). If Landlord fails to timely Deliver the Premises, Landlord shall not be liable to Tenant for any loss or damage resulting therefrom, and this Lease shall not be void or voidable except as provided herein. If Landlord does not Deliver the Premises within 90 days of the Target Commencement Date for any reason other than Force Majeure delays and Tenant Delays, this Lease may be terminated by Landlord or Tenant by written notice to the other, and if so terminated by either: (a) the Security Deposit, or any balance thereof (i.e., after deducting therefrom all amounts to which Landlord is entitled under the provisions of this Lease), shall be returned to Tenant, and (b) neither Landlord nor Tenant shall have any further rights, duties or obligations under this Lease, except with respect to provisions which expressly survive termination of this Lease. As used herein, the terms “Landlord’s Work,” “Tenants’ Work,” and “Force Majeure Delays” shall have the meanings set forth for such terms in the Work Letter. If neither Landlord nor Tenant elects to void this Lease within 10 business days of the lapse of such 90 day period, such right to void this Lease shall be waived and this Lease shall remain in full force and effect; provided, however, that if Landlord does not Deliver the Premises within 150 days of the Target Commencement Date for any reason other than Force Majeure delays and Tenant Delays, this Lease may be terminated by Tenant by written notice to Landlord, in which case subsections (a) and (b) of this paragraph shall apply. If Tenant does not elected to void this Lease within 10 business days of the lapse of such 150 day period, such right to void this Lease shall be waived and this Lease shall remain in full force and effect.

  • Approval and Completion If any dispute regarding the design of the Tenant Improvements is not settled within 10 business days after notice of such dispute is delivered by one party to the other, Tenant may make the final decision regarding the design of the Tenant Improvements, provided (i) Tenant acts reasonably and such final decision is either consistent with or a compromise between Landlord’s and Tenant’s positions with respect to such dispute, (ii) that all costs and expenses resulting from any such decision by Tenant shall be payable out of the TI Fund (as defined in Section 5(d) below), and (iii) Tenant’s decision will not affect the base Building, structural components of the Building or any Building systems (in which case Landlord shall make the final decision). Any changes to the TI Construction Drawings following Landlord’s and Tenant’s approval of same requested by Tenant shall be processed as provided in Section 4 hereof.

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