Medicaid If and when the Resident’s assets/funds have fallen below the Medicaid eligibility levels, and the Resident otherwise satisfies the Medicaid eligibility requirements and is not entitled to any other third party coverage, the Resident may be eligible for Medicaid (often referred to as the “payor of last resort”). THE RESIDENT, RESIDENT REPRESENTATIVE AND SPONSOR AGREE TO NOTIFY THE FACILITY AT LEAST THREE (3) MONTHS PRIOR TO THE EXHAUSTION OF THE RESIDENT’S FUNDS (APPROXIMATELY $50,000) AND/OR INSURANCE COVERAGE TO CONFIRM THAT A MEDICAID APPLICATION HAS OR WILL BE SUBMITTED TIMELY AND ENSURE THAT ALL ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN MET. THE RESIDENT, RESIDENT REPRESENTATIVE AND/OR SPONSOR AGREE TO PREPARE AND FILE AN APPLICATION FOR MEDICAID BENEFITS PRIOR TO THE