Medicaid Residents. If you are away from the Facility on a leave of absence which is provided for in your plan of care and approved by your physician, we will hold a bed for you for up to the maximum number of days required under Medicaid regulations, currently days each calendar year. While we are holding a bed, you are still required to pay the Facility any amount for which you are responsible as determined under the Medicaid Program. If your leave of absence exceeds the total number of days paid by the Medicaid Program, you have the right to be readmitted to the first available gender and care-appropriate semi-private bed. Semi-private room means a two, three, or four-bed room. You may pay privately to reserve a bed for additional days. The maximum number of days for which the Medicaid Program will pay to hold a bed for a leave of absence may be increased or decreased based upon changes in the law or the regulations established by the Maryland Medical Assistance Program Hospitalization
Appears in 2 contracts
Medicaid Residents. If you are away from the Facility on a leave of absence which is provided for in your plan of care and approved by your physician, we will hold a bed for you for up to the maximum number of days required under Medicaid regulations, currently ____ days each calendar year. While we are holding a bed, you are still required to pay the Facility any amount for which you are responsible as determined under the Medicaid Program. If your leave of absence exceeds the total number of days paid by the Medicaid Program, you have the right to be readmitted to the first available gender and care-appropriate semi-private bed. Semi-private room means a two, three, or four-bed room. You may pay privately to reserve a bed for additional days. The maximum number of days for which the Medicaid Program will pay to hold a bed for a leave of absence may be increased or decreased based upon changes in the law or the regulations established by the Maryland Medical Assistance Program Hospitalization
Appears in 2 contracts