Medical Camps. 9.1 The Provider will conduct free medical camps at least once a week at the place specified by the Trust to identify the members of the BPL families who may require surgeries covered under the scheme as per the schedule given by the Trust/for such surgeries. 9.2 The Provider will carry necessary diagnostic equipment such as ECG, Echo, Ultrasound etc. to these free medical camps. 9.3 The Hospital will provide services of concerned specialists namely Cardiologists, CT Surgeon, Neurosurgeons, Urologists, Oncologists, Gynecologists, Plastic Surgeon, Pediatric Surgeon, General Physicians to the camp to facilitate proper evaluation of the patients. 9.4 The Provider will submit the camp proforma (Annexure-II) in the prescribed format to Star Health at least one week in advance of the stipulated date and also upload the same online. 9.5 The Provider will inform all the stakeholders such as district Administration, concerned public representatives, PHC / AH / DH staff etc well in advance for successful conduct of the camp. 9.6 The Provider will spread awareness about the camp through Publicity in coordination with District coordinator, Regional coordinator, PHC staff and Aarogya Mithras. 9.7 The Provider will provide patient data to Star Health in the prescribed form 9.8 The Provider will enter the details of the patients screened and referred at the camps on the Trust website on the same day of the Camp. 9.9 The Provider will coordinate constantly with the Medical camps cell of the Star Health and Allied Insurance Company Ltd. in all matters related to Medical camps. 9.10 The patients referred from the camp will be followed up and transported to the Hospital with in 10 days of the camp unless the patient is not willing, in which case the same should be recorded and updated in the Website.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Memorandum of Understanding, Memorandum of Understanding
Medical Camps. 9.1 The Provider will conduct free medical camps at least once a week at the place specified by the Trust to identify the members of the BPL families who may require surgeries covered under the scheme as per the schedule given by the Trust/for such surgeries.
9.2 The Provider will carry necessary diagnostic equipment such as ECG, Echo, Ultrasound etc. to these free medical camps.
9.3 The Hospital will provide services of concerned specialists namely Cardiologists, CT Surgeon, Neurosurgeons, Urologists, Oncologists, Gynecologists, Plastic Surgeon, Pediatric Surgeon, General Physicians to the camp to facilitate proper evaluation of the patients.
9.4 The Provider will submit the camp proforma (Annexure-II) in the prescribed format to Star Health Insurer at least one week in advance of the stipulated date and also upload the same online.
9.5 The Provider will inform all the stakeholders such as district Administration, concerned public representatives, PHC / AH / DH staff etc well in advance for successful conduct of the camp.
9.6 The Provider will spread awareness about the camp through Publicity in coordination with District coordinator, Regional coordinator, PHC staff and Aarogya Mithras.
9.7 The Provider will provide patient data to Star Health Insurer in the prescribed form
9.8 The Provider will enter the details of the patients screened and referred at the camps on the Trust website on the same day of the Camp.
9.9 The Provider will coordinate constantly with the Medical camps cell of the Star Health and Allied Insurance Company Insurer Ltd. in all matters related to Medical camps.
9.10 The patients referred from the camp will be followed up and transported to the Hospital with in 10 days of the camp unless the patient is not willing, in which case the same should be recorded and updated in the Website.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Memorandum of Understanding
Medical Camps. 9.1 16.1 The Provider will conduct free medical camps at least once a week fortnight ( or two in a month) at the place specified by the Trust RGJAY society to identify the members of the BPL beneficiary families who may require surgeries covered under the scheme as per the schedule given by the TrustRGJAY society/insurer for such surgeriescamps. The camp policy as given will be scrupulously followed.
9.2 16.2 The Provider will carry necessary diagnostic equipment such as ECG, Echo, Echo Ultrasound etc. to these free medical camps.
9.3 16.3 The Hospital Provider will provide services of concerned specialists namely Cardiologists, CT Surgeon, Neurosurgeons, Urologists, Oncologists, Gynecologists, . Plastic Surgeon, Pediatric Surgeon, General Physicians to the camp to facilitate proper evaluation of the patients.
9.4 16.4 The Provider will submit the camp proforma (Annexure-II) confirmation and indent online as given in camp policy in the prescribed format to Star Health RGJAY society/ Insurer/TPA at least one week in advance of the stipulated date and also upload the same onlinedate.
9.5 16.5 The Provider will inform all the stakeholders such as district Administration, concerned public representatives, PHC / AH / DH staff etc etc. well in advance for successful conduct of the camp.
9.6 16.6 The Provider will spread awareness about the camp through Publicity in coordination with District coordinator, Coordinator. Regional coordinatorCoordinator, PHC staff and Aarogya Mithras.Aarogyamitra/s.
9.7 16.7 The Provider will provide patient data to Star Health RGJAY society / Insurance in the prescribed formform at the end of the camp.
9.8 16.8 The Provider will enter the details of the patients screened and referred at the camps on the Trust RGJAY society website on the same day of the Campcamp.
9.9 16.9 The Provider will coordinate constantly with the Medical camps cell of the Star Health and Allied Insurance Company Ltd. RGJAY society in all matters related to Medical camps.
9.10 16.10 The patients referred from the camp will be followed up and transported to the Hospital with in within 10 days of the camp unless the patient is not willing, in which case the same should be recorded and updated in the Website.
16.11 Provider will have an Officer designated as Medical Camp Coordinator (MCCOs) for the scheme to coordinate with RGJAY society / Insurer / TPA through Aarogyamitra. The provider agrees to submit the details of appointed MCCO’s. The provider agrees to inform the insurer/ TPA& RGJAY society about the change in the MCCO designated if any, during the tenure of the agreement. The Provider will give the full time services of RGJAY Medical Camp Coordinator (MCCO) to coordinate all activities related to camps and patient follow up from camps. Confirmation of camps online and indenting online. Carrying out the IEC activities within camp area at least 7 days before the camp date. Providing facilities like shamianas, chairs, screening enclosures. Providing common medicines in the camps. Arrange for distribution of incentives to the medical officers. Coordinating and ensuring participation of specialists. Arranging the diagnostic equipment Coordinate with PHC doctors / government Doctors. Public Representatives, SHG groups and Local Administration. Raising claims online for the camps conducted. Follow – up of patients referred from Camps as per clause 16.10
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Memorandum of Understanding