Medical Emergencies. If you encounter a medical emergency that makes you unable to pay your xxxx for a period of time, or that requires your account remain active, even if it has already been suspended or disconnected, Viasat may, but is not required to, work with you to find a suitable payment and/or reconnection arrangement. You must contact Viasat immediately upon learning of such emergency.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Customer Agreement, Customer Agreement, Customer Agreement
Medical Emergencies. If you encounter a medical emergency that makes you unable to pay your xxxx bill for a period of time, or that requires your account remain active, even if it has already been suspended or disconnected, Viasat may, but is not required to, work with you to find a suitable payment and/or reconnection arrangement. You must contact Viasat immediately upon learning of such emergency.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Customer Agreement