Minimum Share. It is the shareholding or percentage of voting shares that the Qualified Operator must have and maintain in the Concessionaire's capital stock, which amounts to twenty-five percent (25%) of the Concessionaire's subscribed and paid-in capital stock, for the term stipulated in the Agreement.
Minimum Share. The Contractor is entitled to a minimum of twenty five 17 percent (25%) of Revenue earned and received from the sale of Recyclable 18 Materials. Commencing with the month immediately following the month in 19 which Contractor has paid the Authority the Revenue Guarantee, Contractor 20 will be entitled to retain twenty five percent (25%) of Revenue received 21 thereafter in that Rate Year, paying the Authority seventy five percent (75%) 22 of Revenue monthly. Contractor’s entitlement to twenty five percent (25%) of 23 a portion of the Revenue paid to Authority in the month in which the Revenue 24 Guarantee was attained will be determined and paid within 60 days after the 25 end of the Rate Year.
Minimum Share. It refers to twenty-five percent (25%)of the subscribed and paid capital by the Concessionaire corresponding to the Qualified Operatorto be maintained in force for a time period between the Closure Date and ten (10) years after the Commercial Commissioning of the Power Line. The Qualified Operator may not assign political rights and property to third parties, derived from itsMinimum Shareor limit its exercise. The aforementioned percentage must be maintained in the case of capital increase.