Demographics Obtain demographic information including age, race, ethnicity, and sex.
Categories of Personal Data Data Controller may submit Personal Data to the Subscription Service, the extent of which is solely determined by Data Controller, and may include the following categories: • communication data (e.g. telephone, email); • business and personal contact details; and • other Personal Data submitted to the Subscription Service.
Categories of Data Subjects Any individual accessing and/or using the Services through the Customer's account ("Users"); and any individual: (i) whose email address is included in the Customer's Distribution List; (ii) whose information is stored on or collected via the Services, or (iii) to whom Users send emails or otherwise engage or communicate with via the Services (collectively, "Subscribers").
Classification Seniority Classification Seniority" is defined as the length of service in a specific job classification within the bargaining unit, beginning with the date an employee starts to serve a probationary appointment. Classification Seniority shall be interrupted only by separation because of resignation, discharge for just cause, failure to return upon expiration of a leave of absence, failure to respond to a recall from layoff, or retirement.