Multiple Inventions Sample Clauses

Multiple Inventions. Where revenue generating inventions are licensed together toward a single technological venture, and outcome, the Net Proceeds attributable to the individual inventions shall be as set out by a pre-existing technology transfer agreement. In the absence of an agreement, the income from a commercial venture shall be distributed among the individually distinct inventions on a strict pro rata basis as determined by NJIT. There will be a presumption that the pro rata share will be equal among contributing patents.
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Related to Multiple Inventions

  • NASA Inventions NASA will use reasonable efforts to report inventions made under this Agreement by its employees. Upon request, NASA will use reasonable efforts to grant Partner, under 37 C.F.R. Part 404, a negotiated license to any NASA invention made under this Agreement. This license is subject to paragraph E.1. of this Article.

  • Patentable Inventions or Discoveries Any inventions or discoveries developed in the course, or as a result, of services in connection with the Contract that are patentable pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 101 are the sole property of the State of Florida. Contractor must inform the Customer of any inventions or discoveries developed or made through performance of the Contract, and such inventions or discoveries will be referred to the Florida Department of State for a determination on whether patent protection will be sought. The State of Florida will be the sole owner of all patents resulting from any invention or discovery made through performance of the Contract.

  • Joint Inventions For Subject Inventions conceived or first actually reduced to practice under this Agreement that are joint Subject Inventions made by CONTRACTOR and USER, each Party shall have the option to elect and retain title to its undivided rights in such joint Subject Inventions.

  • Inventions All inventions, designs, formulae, processes, discoveries, drawings, improvements and developments made by Employee, either solely or in collaboration with others, during his employment with Employer, whether or not during working hours, and relating to any methods, apparatus, products, compounds, services or deliverables which are made, furnished, sold, leased, used or developed by Employer or its affiliates or which pertain to the Business (the “Developments”) shall become and remain the sole property of Employer. Employee shall disclose promptly in writing to Employer all such Developments. Employee acknowledges and agrees that all Developments shall be deemed “works made for hire” within the meaning of the United States Copyright Act, as amended. If, for any reason, such Developments are not deemed works made for hire, Employee hereby assigns to Employer all of his right, title and interest (including, but not limited to, copyright and all rights of inventorship) in and to such Developments. At the request and expense of Employer, whether during or after employment with Employer, Employee shall make, execute and deliver all application papers, assignments or instruments, and perform or cause to be performed such other lawful acts as Employer may deem necessary or desirable in making or prosecuting applications, domestic or foreign, for patents (including reissues, continuations and extensions thereof) and copyrights related to such Developments or in vesting in Employer full legal title to such Developments. Employee shall assist and cooperate with Employer or its representatives in any controversy or legal proceeding relating to such Developments, or to any patents, copyrights or trade secrets with respect thereto. If for any reason Employee refuses or is unable to assist Employer in obtaining or enforcing its rights with respect to such Developments, he hereby irrevocably designates and appoints Employer and its duly authorized agents as his agents and attorneys-in-fact to execute and file any documents and to do all other lawful acts necessary to protect Employer’s rights in the Developments. Employee expressly acknowledges that the special foregoing power of attorney is coupled with an interest and is therefore irrevocable and shall survive (i) his death or incompetency, (ii) the termination of his employment with Employer and (iii) the termination of this Agreement.

  • Patents and Inventions The Contractor shall promptly and fully report to the Department any discovery or invention arising out of or developed in the course of performance of this Agreement. If the services under this Agreement are supported by a federal grant of funds, the Contractor shall promptly and fully report to the federal government for the federal government to make a determination as to whether patent protection on such invention shall be sought and how the rights in the invention or discovery, including rights under any patent issued thereon, shall be disposed of and administered in order to protect the public interest.

  • Inventions and Patents 6.1 The Executive agrees that all processes, technologies and inventions (collectively, "Inventions"), including new contributions, improvements, ideas and discoveries, whether patentable or not, conceived, developed, invented or made by him during the Term shall belong to the Company, provided that such Inventions grew out of the Executive's work with the Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates, are related in any manner to the business (commercial or experimental) of the Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates or are conceived or made on the Company's time or with the use of the Company's facilities or materials. The Executive shall further: (a) promptly disclose such Inventions to the Company; (b) assign to the Company, without additional compensation, all patent and other rights to such Inventions for the United States and foreign countries; (c) sign all papers necessary to carry out the foregoing; and (d) give testimony in support of the Executive's inventorship.

  • Ownership of Inventions Inventorship of inventions conceived or reduced to practice in the course of activities performed under or contemplated by this Agreement shall be determined by application of U.S. patent Laws pertaining to inventorship. If such inventions are jointly invented by one or more employees, consultants or contractors of each Party, such inventions shall be jointly owned by the Parties (each such invention, a “Joint Invention”), and if one or more claims included in an issued Patent or pending Patent application which is filed in a patent office in the Territory claim such Joint Invention, such issued Patent or such pending Patent application shall be jointly owned by the Parties (each such patent application or patent, a “Joint Patent”). If such an invention is solely invented by an employee, consultant or contractor of a Party, such invention shall be solely owned by such Party, and any Patent application filed claiming such solely owned invention shall also be solely owned by such Party. Each Party shall enter into binding agreements obligating all employees, agents, consultants, contractors, and subcontractors (as provided in Section 3.2.7) performing activities under or contemplated by this Agreement, including activities related to the Programs, to assign his or her interest in any invention conceived or reduced to practice in the course of such activities to the Party for which such employee, consultant or contractor is providing its services. Subject to the rights granted under this Agreement, each Party shall have the right to practice and exploit Joint Inventions and Joint Patents, without any obligation to account to the other for profits, or to obtain any approval of the other Party to license, assign, or otherwise exploit Joint Inventions and Joint Patents, by reason of joint ownership thereof, and each Party hereby waives any right it may have under the Laws of any jurisdiction to require any such approval or accounting; and to the extent there are any applicable Laws that prohibit such a waiver, each Party will be deemed to so consent. Each Party agrees to be named as a party, if necessary, to bring or maintain a lawsuit involving a Joint Invention or Joint Patent.

  • INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS - INVENTION AND PATENT RIGHTS Unless otherwise agreed upon by NASA and AFRL, custody and administration of inventions made (conceived or first actually reduced to practice) under this IAA will remain with the respective inventing Party. In the event an invention is made jointly by employees of the Parties (including by employees of a Party's contractors or subcontractors for which the U.S. Government has ownership), the Parties will consult and agree as to future actions toward establishment of patent protection for the invention.

  • Discoveries 20.1 Anything of historical or other interest or of significant value unexpectedly discovered on the Site is the property of the Employer. The Contractor is to notify the Engineer of such discoveries and carry out the Engineer's instructions for dealing with them.

  • JOINT WORK PRODUCT This Agreement is the joint work product of H-GAC and the Contractor. This Agreement has been negotiated by H-GAC and the Contractor and their respective counsel and shall be fairly interpreted in accordance with its terms and, in the event of any ambiguities, no inferences shall be drawn against any party.

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