Customer Responsibility You agree that you are responsible for all access to and use of the Service through your account or password(s) and for any fees incurred for the Service, or for software or other merchandise purchased through the Service, or any other expenses incurred in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. You agree that you are responsible for backing up (a) any data you submit, receive or transfer over the Service, including, without limitation, your email; and (b) any data, files, programs, or applications on any device you connect to the Service. You acknowledge that you are aware that content accessible on or through the Service may contain material that is unsuitable for minors (persons under 18 years of age). You agree to supervise usage of your account by minors. You ratify and confirm any obligations incurred by a minor using your account.
Repair Responsibility Cracks exceeding 1/4 inch in width or 1/4 inch in vertical displacement will be repaired by patching or other remedies.
Cost Responsibility Interconnection Customer shall be responsible for and shall pay upon demand all Costs associated with the interconnection of the Customer Facility as specified in the Tariff. These Costs may include, but are not limited to, an Attachment Facilities charge, a Local Upgrades charge, a Network Upgrades charge and other charges. A description of the facilities required and an estimate of the Costs of these facilities are included in Sections 3.0 and 4.0 of the Specifications to this ISA.
Contractor Responsibility (a) The Contractor shall be responsible for the entire Performance under the Contract regardless of whether the Contractor itself performs. The Contractor shall be the sole point of contact concerning the management of the Contract, including Performance and payment issues. The Contractor is solely and completely responsible for adherence by the Contractor Parties to all applicable provisions of the Contract. (b) The Contractor shall exercise all reasonable care to avoid damage to the State's property or to property being made ready for the State's use, and to all property adjacent to any work site. The Contractor shall promptly report any damage, regardless of cause, to the State.
No Responsibility Trustmark and the Trustmark Released Parties shall have no responsibility, obligation, duties, or liability whatsoever with respect to the terms, interpretation, or implementation of the Distribution Plan; the administration of the Settlement; the management, investment, or distribution of the Settlement Amount or any other funds paid or received in connection with the Settlement; the payment or withholding of Taxes that may be due or owing by the Receiver or any recipient of funds from the Settlement Amount; the determination, administration, calculation, review, or challenge of claims to the Settlement Amount, any portion of the Settlement Amount, or any other funds paid or received in connection with the Settlement or this Agreement; or any losses, attorneys’ fees, expenses, vendor payments, expert payments, or other costs incurred in connection with any of the foregoing matters. As of the Settlement Effective Date, the Plaintiffs, the Plaintiffs Released Parties, the Interested Parties, and all other individuals, Persons, or entities Plaintiffs represent or on whose behalf Plaintiffs have been empowered to act by any court fully, finally, and forever release, relinquish, and discharge Trustmark and the Trustmark Released Parties from any and all such responsibility, obligation, duties, and liability.
Legal Responsibility Nothing herein contained shall render any Party liable for the obligations of any other Party hereunder and the rights, obligations and liabilities of the Parties are several in accordance with their respective obligations, and not joint.
Areas of Responsibility The lateral and vertical limits of the respective areas of responsibility are as follows:
Engineers Responsibility The Engineer shall be responsible for the accuracy of its work and shall promptly make necessary revisions or corrections resulting from its errors, omissions, or negligent acts without compensation. The Engineer will not be relieved of the responsibility for subsequent correction of any such errors or omissions or for clarification of any ambiguities until after the construction phase of the project has been completed.
Financial Responsibility You understand that you remain, solely and exclusively responsible for any and all financial risks, including, without limitation, insufficient funds associated with accessing the Service. The Credit Union shall not be liable in any manner for such risk unless Credit Union fails to follow the procedures described in materials for use of the service. You assume exclusive responsibility for the consequences of any instructions you give to the Credit Union, for your failures to access the Service properly in a manner prescribed by the Credit Union, and for your failure to supply accurate input information, including, without limitation, any information contained in an application.
Your Responsibility You are solely responsible for the quality, completeness, accuracy, validity and integrity of the image. You are solely responsible if you, intentionally or unintentionally, submit fraudulent, incorrect or illegible images to us or if Mobile Deposit is used, by authorized or unauthorized persons, to submit fraudulent, unauthorized, inaccurate, incorrect or otherwise improper or unusable images to us.