NOTIFICATION OF DISCIPLINARY LETTERS. The President of the Union will receive a copy of all disciplinary letters presented to employees including those covering suspensions or discharge. The President of the Union and/or the Union Representative shall review the status of all employee disciplinary letters with the appropriate District Manager, once every six (6) months, commencing with the signing of this Agreement.
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  • Notification of Disciplinary Action When an administrative investigation leads to disciplinary action, the procedures for notification to the employee contained in Article 19 shall be followed.

  • Notification of Dispute If You or We consider that a dispute has arisen in relation to this agreement (either during the Services, or after they have been completed), written notice of the dispute will be given to the other party. Even if that notice is given, You and We must continue to perform any obligations outstanding by Us under the agreement.

  • Imposition of Discipline 20.4.1 Only the Xxxxxxx and Vice-Principal (Academic), Deputy Xxxxxxx, Xxxx, or Xxxx on the recommendation of the Unit Head, can issue a written reprimand, or suspend or dismiss a Member.

  • Administration of Discipline At the time formal discipline is imposed or at any stage of the grievance procedure, an employee shall have the right to the presence of her committee member. In the case of suspension or discharge, the committee member will be present unless the employee waives this right in the presence of the committee member. Wherever the Hospital deems it necessary to suspend or discharge an employee, the Hospital shall forward to the Union notice of such suspension or discharge in writing, at the same time it is given to the employee.

  • Notification of Disbursement Method Form Pursuant to the Project Agreement executed for this loan, there are two methods by which funds can be disbursed. The first method is for the Ohio Public Works Commission (OPWC) to pay vendors directly. The second method is for the Commission to reimburse the subdivision after project costs have been incurred and paid by the subdivision. For loans only, the OPWC needs to be formally notified in advance as to which method the subdivision plans to utilize. Please refer to the enclosure entitled "Notification of Disbursement Method" and the accompanying "Instructions for Declaring Official Intent". In deciding which method to use please consider the following: • Discuss your disbursement options and preferences with your Project Manager, Xxxxx Xxxxx, prior to making a selection. • Passing a Resolution of Intent for the entire loan amount doesn't do you any harm and can actually be beneficial in the event the Commission needs to reimburse the subdivision in the event of an overpayment. • At any point during the life of the project you can always have the OPWC pay contractors directly even if you have passed a Resolution. • If you need to pass a Resolution, we encourage subdivisions to do so as early as possible. At a minimum, a Resolution must be adopted no later than 60 days after the date of construction related project costs for which the subdivision will seek reimbursement from us.

  • Non-Application of Dispute Settlement No Party shall have recourse to dispute settlement under Chapter 28 (Dispute Settlement) for any matter arising under this Chapter.

  • Resolution of discrepancies In the event of any discrepancy between the information set forth in any report provided by the Custodian to the Company and any information contained in the books or records of the Company, the Company shall promptly notify the Custodian thereof and the parties shall cooperate to diligently resolve the discrepancy.

  • Notice of Discipline All notices of disciplinary action shall include a statement of the reasons therefor and a statement advising the employee that the action is subject to Article 20,

  • Types of Disciplinary Action It is the intent of the District to establish disciplinary procedures which are commensurate with the reasons or causes for disciplinary action. The principle of progressive discipline should be applied when repeated action is necessary. The following types of disciplinary action are listed in order of their increasing severity.

  • Rules of Competition Concerning Undertakings 1. The following are incompatible with the proper functioning of this Agreement in so far as they may affect trade between the Parties:

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