OnDemand AccuFlex Sample Clauses

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  • Effective Demand Registration The Company shall use its commercially reasonable efforts to cause any such Demand Registration to become and remain effective not later than sixty (60) days after it receives a request under Section 3(a) hereof. A registration shall not constitute a Demand Registration until it has become effective and remains continuously effective for the lesser of (i) the period during which all Registrable Securities registered in the Demand Registration are sold or (ii) 120 days; provided, however, that a registration shall not constitute a Demand Registration if (x) after such Demand Registration has become effective, such registration or the related offer, sale or distribution of Registrable Securities thereunder is interfered with by any stop order, injunction or other order or requirement of the Commission or other governmental agency or court for any reason not attributable to the Initiating Holders and such interference is not thereafter eliminated or (y) the conditions specified in the underwriting agreement, if any, entered into in connection with such Demand Registration are not satisfied or waived, other than by reason of a failure by the Initiating Holder.

  • Marketing Limitation in Demand Registration Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section 3, in the event the Underwriters’ Representative advises the Fund in writing that market factors (including the aggregate number of RVMTP Shares requested to be Registered, the general condition of the market, and/or the status of the Persons proposing to sell securities pursuant to the Registration) require a limitation of the number of shares to be underwritten, then the Fund shall so advise all Holders of Registrable Securities that would otherwise be underwritten pursuant hereto, and the number of shares of Registrable Securities that may be included in the Registration and underwriting shall be allocated among all Holders of such Registrable Securities on a pro rata basis based on the number of Registrable Securities requested to be included in the Registration by all such selling Holders (including the Initiating Holder(s)); provided, however, that the number of Registrable Securities to be included in any such underwriting held by Holders shall not be reduced unless all other securities of the Fund, its Affiliates and PIMCO Persons are first entirely excluded from the underwriting. Unless the prior written consent of the Majority Holders has been obtained, the number of the Registrable Securities included in any such underwriting shall not be reduced to less than 90% of the number of the Registrable Securities requested to be included. Any Registrable Securities or other securities excluded from the underwriting by reason of this Section 3.3(c) shall be withdrawn from the Registration. To facilitate the allocation of shares in accordance with the foregoing, the Fund or the underwriters may round the number of shares allocated to any Holder to the nearest one share.

  • Request for Demand Registration Any Adelson Holder or Xxxxxxx Holders (each, an “Initiating Holder”) may make a written request to the Company to register, and the Company shall register, under the Securities Act (other than pursuant to a Registration Statement on Form S-4 or S-8 or any successor form thereto) (a “Demand Registration”) the number of Registrable Securities stated in such request; provided, however, that the Company shall not be obligated to effect (i) a Demand Registration if the Initiating Holders, together with the Designated Holders (other than the Initiating Holders) which have requested to register securities in such registration pursuant to Section 3(b), propose to sell their Registrable Securities at an aggregate price (calculated based upon the Market Price of the Registrable Securities on the last date on which the Company could receive requests for inclusion in such Demand Registration under Section 3(b)) to the public of less than $20,000,000, (ii) any such Demand Registration commencing prior to the time permitted under the Lock-up Agreement of the Designated Holder, as such Lock-up Agreement may be amended or waived, or (iii) any such Demand Registration within ninety (90) days after the effective date of any other Registration Statement of the Company (other than a Registration Statement on Form S-4 or S-8 or any successor form thereto). If the Board of Directors, in its good faith judgment, determines that any registration of Registrable Securities should not be made or continued because it would materially interfere with any material financing, acquisition, corporate reorganization or merger or other material transaction involving the Company (a “Valid Business Reason”), the Company may (x) postpone filing a Registration Statement relating to a Demand Registration until such Valid Business Reason no longer exists, but in no event for more than forty-five (45) days after the date when the Demand Registration was requested or, if later, after the occurrence of the Valid Business Reason and (y) in case a Registration Statement has been filed relating to a Demand Registration, the Company, upon the approval of a majority of the Board of Directors, may cause such Registration Statement to be withdrawn and its effectiveness terminated or may postpone amending or supplementing such Registration Statement (in which case, if the Valid Business Reason no longer exists or if more than forty-five (45) days have passed since such withdrawal or postponement, the Initiating Holders may request a new Demand Registration). The Company shall give written notice of its determination to postpone or withdraw a Registration Statement and of the fact that the Valid Business Reason for such postponement or withdrawal no longer exists, in each case, promptly after the occurrence thereof. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, the Company may not postpone or withdraw a filing under this Section 3(a) more than once in any six (6) month period. Each request for a Demand Registration by the Initiating Holders shall state the amount of the Registrable Securities proposed to be sold and the intended method of disposition thereof.

  • Priority in Requested Registration So long as the Initiating Investors hold at least 25% of the Registrable Securities issued to the Investors on the date of this Agreement, the Company shall have the right to include in any Registration Statement initiated by an Investor pursuant to this Section 1, for sale in accordance with the method of disposition specified by the requesting Investors, Common Stock to be sold by the Company for its own account. If, in the good-faith judgment of the managing underwriter of any underwritten offering the inclusion of all of the Registrable Securities requested for inclusion pursuant to this Section 1 and the Common Stock proposed to be sold by the Company for its own account would adversely affect the successful marketing of the proposed offering, then the number of shares of Common Stock to be included in the offering shall be reduced to the required level, first, by excluding Common Stock to be sold by the Company for its own account and second, by reducing the participation of such Initiating Investors and other Holders in such offering pro rata among such Initiating Investors and other Holders, based upon the amount of Registrable Securities owned by such Initiating Investors and other Holders. The Company will not cause any other registration statement with respect to its Registrable Securities for its own account to become effective less than 120 days after the effective date of any registration requested pursuant to this Section 1, except in the case of: (i) a registration of securities pursuant to a Registration Statement on Form S-8 or Form S-4 or any successor form thereto; (ii) any registration statement covering only securities proposed to be issued in exchange for securities or assets of another corporation; (iii) any registration statement relating solely to employee stock option, stock purchase, benefit or similar plans; or (iv) other registrations required under Section 1.

  • Effective Period of Demand Registrations After any Demand Registration Statement filed pursuant to this Agreement has become effective, the Company shall use its reasonable best efforts to keep such Demand Registration Statement effective for a period equal to one hundred eighty (180) days from the date on which the Commission declares such Demand Registration Statement effective (or if such Demand Registration Statement is not effective during any period within such one hundred eighty (180) days, such 180-day period shall be extended by the number of days during such period when such Demand Registration Statement is not effective), or such shorter period that shall terminate when all of the Registrable Securities covered by such Demand Registration Statement have been sold pursuant to such Demand Registration. If the Company shall withdraw or reduce the number of shares of Registrable Securities that is subject to any Demand Registration pursuant to Section 2(d)(i) (a “Withdrawn Demand Registration”), the Demanding Holders of the Registrable Securities remaining unsold and originally covered by such Withdrawn Demand Registration shall be entitled to a replacement Demand Registration that (subject to the provisions of this Section 2(b)) the Company shall use its reasonable best efforts to keep effective for a period commencing on the effective date of such Demand Registration and ending on the earlier to occur of the date (i) that is one hundred eighty (180) days from the effective date of such Demand Registration and (ii) on which all of the Registrable Securities covered by such Demand Registration have been sold. Such additional Demand Registration otherwise shall be subject to all of the provisions of this Agreement.

  • Priority in Requested Registrations If a requested registration pursuant to this Section 4.2 involves an underwritten offering and the managing underwriter advises the Company in writing that, in its opinion, the number of securities to be included in such registration (including securities of the Company which are not Registrable Securities) would be likely to have an adverse effect on the price, timing or distribution of the securities to be offered in such offering as contemplated by the Holders (an “Adverse Effect”), then the Company shall include in such registration (a) first, 100% of the Registrable Securities requested to be included in such registration by the Demand Party and all other Holders of Registrable Securities pursuant to this Section 4.2 (to the extent that the managing underwriter believes that all such Registrable Securities can be sold in such offering without having an Adverse Effect; provided, that if the managing underwriter does not so believe and the Demand Party does not exercise its right set forth in the second succeeding sentence of this clause (g), such lesser number of Registrable Securities as specified by the Demand Party) and (b) second, to the extent the managing underwriter believes additional securities can be sold in the offering without having an Adverse Effect, the amount of Other Securities requested to be included by Other Holders in such registration, allocated pro rata among all requesting Other Holders on the basis of the relative amount of all Other Securities requested to be included in such registration. In the event that the number of Registrable Securities and Other Securities to be included in such registration is less than the number which, in the opinion of the managing underwriter, can be sold without having an Adverse Effect, the Company may include in such registration the securities the Company proposes to sell up to the number of securities that, in the opinion of such managing underwriter, can be sold without having an Adverse Effect. If the managing underwriter of any underwritten offering shall advise the Holders participating in a registration pursuant to this Section 4.2 that the Registrable Securities covered by the registration statement cannot be sold in such offering within a price range acceptable to the Demand Party, then the Demand Party shall have the right to notify the Company that it has determined that the number of shares to be included in such registration shall be reduced to a number that allows an offering in the price range or that the registration statement be abandoned or withdrawn, in which event the Company shall effect the reduction, or abandon or withdraw such registration statement; provided, however, that if (i) Holders of Registrable Securities other than the Demand Party are participating in such registration pursuant to Section 4.2(a) or (ii) the Company has included Top-Up Shares in such registration pursuant to Section 4.2(b) and the Demand Party shall have exercised its right to reduce the number of shares to be included or to abandon or withdraw such registration, such other Holders or the Company, as the case may be, shall be permitted to proceed with such registration and its offering of shares thereunder. Any registration attempted to be withdrawn by a Demand Party pursuant to the preceding sentence shall not be counted as the Demand Party’s registration demand provided in Section 4.2(a)(ii) and the Company shall pay all Registration Expenses in connection therewith.

  • Requested Registration Until April 26, 2001 or the date that all of the shares of Xxxxxxx common stock Beneficially Owned by the Shareholders are eligible for sale under Rule 144 of the SEC without any volume limitation, whichever is earlier, subject to the following provisions a Shareholder may request that Xxxxxxx register all or a portion of his Registrable Securities. If Xxxxxxx shall receive a written request from one or more Shareholders that Xxxxxxx effect the registration under the Securities Act of all or a part of such Shareholders' Registrable Securities, then Xxxxxxx will, within ten (10) days after receipt thereof, give notice to all other Shareholders of the receipt of such request and each such holder may elect by written notice received by Xxxxxxx within ten (10) days from the date of the notice by Xxxxxxx to have all or part of his Registrable Securities included in such registration. Upon receipt of such notice, Xxxxxxx will, as soon as practicable, use reasonable efforts to effect the registration on Form S-3 and pursuant to Rule 415 (the "Resale Registration Statement") under the Securities Act of all Registrable Securities which it has been so requested to register covering resales from time to time of such Registrable Securities and Xxxxxxx shall use its reasonable best efforts to: (i) cause the Resale Registration Statement to be declared effective by the SEC as soon as practicable thereafter; and (ii) maintain the effectiveness of the Resale Registration Statement continuously until the earliest of: (A) the date on which the Shareholders no longer hold Registrable Securities registered under the Resale Registration Statement or (B) the third anniversary of this Shareholder Agreement or such lesser time as may be permitted under Rule 144 under the Securities Act to enable the Shareholders to sell the Registrable Securities under the Securities Act without such registration. Xxxxxxx: (i) shall not be obligated to cause any special audit to be undertaken in connection with any such registration; (ii) shall be entitled to postpone for a reasonable period of time, but not in excess of ninety (90) days, the filing of any registration statement otherwise required to be prepared pursuant to this section if Xxxxxxx is, at such time, conducting or about to conduct an underwritten public offering of Equity Securities (or securities convertible into Equity Securities) and is advised in writing by its managing underwriter that such underwritten public offer would, in its opinion, be adversely effected by the registration so requested; and (iii) shall be entitled to postpone such requested registration for up to ninety (90) days if Xxxxxxx determines, in view of the advisability of deferring public disclosure of material corporate developments or other information, that such registration and the disclosure required to be made pursuant thereto would not be in the best interest of Xxxxxxx at such time.

  • Priority on Demand Registration Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the managing underwriter or underwriters of an Underwritten Offering to which such Demand Registration relates advises the Holders that the total amount of Registrable Securities that such Holders intend to include in such Demand Registration is in the aggregate such as to materially and adversely affect the success of such offering, then the number of Registrable Securities to be included in such Demand Registration will, if necessary, be reduced and there will be included in such Underwritten Offering the largest number of Registrable Securities that, in the opinion of such managing underwriter or underwriters, can be sold without materially and adversely affecting the success of such Underwritten Offering. The Registrable Securities of the Holder or Holders initiating the Demand Registration shall receive priority in such Underwritten Offering to the full extent of the Registrable Securities such Holder or Holders desire to sell (unless these securities would materially and adversely affect the success of such offering, in which case the number of such Holder's Registrable Securities included in the offering shall be reduced to the extent necessary) and the remaining allocation available for sale, if any, shall be allocated pro rata among the other Holders on the basis of the number of Registrable Securities requested to be included therein by each such Holder.

  • Priority on Demand Registrations If a Demand Registration is an underwritten offering and includes securities for sale by the Company, and the managing underwriter (such underwriter to be chosen by Holders of a majority of the Registrable Securities included in such registration, subject to the Company’s reasonable approval) advises the Company, in writing, that, in its good faith judgment, the number of securities requested to be included in such registration exceeds the number which can be sold in such offering without materially and adversely affecting the marketability of the offering, then the Company will include in any such registration the maximum number of shares that the managing underwriter advises the Company can be sold in such offering allocated as follows: (i) first, the Registrable Securities requested to be included in such registration by the initiating Holders and securities of other Holders of Registrable Securities and holders of Registrable Securities (as defined in the DB Holdings Registration Rights Agreement), with all such securities to be included on a pro rata basis (or in such other proportion mutually agreed among such Holders) based on the amount of securities requested to be included therein and (ii) second, to the extent that any other securities may be included without exceeding the limitations recommended by the underwriter as aforesaid, the securities that the Company proposes to sell together with such additional securities to be included on a pro rata basis (or in such other proportion mutually agreed upon among the Company and such other holders) based on the amount of securities requested to be included therein. If the initiating Holders are not allowed to register all of the Registrable Securities requested to be included by such Holders because of allocations required by this section, such initiating Holders shall not be deemed to have exercised a Demand Registration for purposes of Section 2(b).

  • Shelf and Demand Registrations If requested by the underwriters for any Underwritten Public Offering, pursuant to a Registration or sale under Sections 3.1 or 3.2, the Company shall enter into an underwriting agreement with such underwriters, such agreement to be reasonably satisfactory in substance and form to each of the Company, the participating Requisite Investors and the underwriters, and to contain such representations and warranties by the Company and such other terms as are generally prevailing in agreements of that type, including indemnities no less favorable to the recipient thereof than those provided in Section 3.9. The Holders of the Registrable Securities proposed to be distributed by such underwriters shall cooperate with the Company in the negotiation of the underwriting agreement and shall give consideration to the reasonable suggestions of the Company regarding the form thereof, and such Holders shall complete and execute all questionnaires, powers of attorney and other documents reasonably requested by the underwriters and required under the terms of such underwriting arrangements. Any such Holder shall not be required to make any representations or warranties to or agreements with the Company or the underwriters other than representations, warranties or agreements regarding such Holder, such Holder’s title to the Registrable Securities, such Holder’s intended method of distribution and any other representations to be made by the Holder as are generally prevailing in agreements of that type, and the aggregate amount of the liability of such Holder under such agreement shall not exceed such Holder’s proceeds from the sale of its Registrable Securities in the offering, net of underwriting discounts and commissions but before expenses.

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