OPERATION OF THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING UNITS. 5.1 Subject to the provisions of this paragraph 4, the obligations in this Agreement relating to the provision and/or use of the Affordable Housing Units shall cease to apply in respect of and not be binding or enforceable against: 5.1.1 a Protected Tenant nor any successor in title or any mortgagee or chargee to a Protected Tenant nor any successor in title to any of them; or 5.1.2 a mortgagee or chargee or any receiver (including an administrative receiver) appointed by such mortgagee or chargee or any other person appointed under any security documentation to enable such mortgagee or chargee to realise its security or any administrator (howsoever appointed) including a housing administrator (each a receiver) of the whole or any part of the Affordable Housing Units or its successors in title or any person deriving title therefrom who has first complied with its duty under paragraph 7.2 below. 5.1.3 If after a period of 3 years commencing on the date of Practical Completion of the Affordable Housing Units any Affordable Housing Units have not been sold or occupied (the “Remaining Units”), the Developer may elect by giving written notice to the Council (an “Election Notice”) that some or all of the Remaining Units shall revert to being Market Care Units (the “Elected Units”), in which case the provisions of this Schedule 4 shall cease to apply to the Elected Units. 5.2 The Election Notice referenced in paragraph 4.2 above must specify the date upon which the Affordable Housing Units shall become Market Care Units, a date being at least one calendar month from the date of service of the Election Notice on the Council.
OPERATION OF THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING UNITS. 4.1 Subject to the provisions of this paragraph 4, from the date of Practical Completion of the Affordable Housing Units the Affordable Housing Units shall remain as Affordable Housing in perpetuity save that the obligations in this Agreement relating to the provision and/or use of the Affordable Housing Units (including but not limited to the obligations set out in this Schedule 4) shall cease to apply in respect of and not be binding or enforceable against:


  • Affordable Housing Owner shall set aside and reserve ten percent (10%) of the total multifamily residential units located in the Project as affordable housing units consistent with the terms set forth herein, for Income Eligible Residents earning in the aggregate no more than sixty percent (60%) of AMI. The published income limits will be adjusted by household size. The income limits will be adjusted annually according to the HUD published limits. To that end, no fewer than the number of multifamily units in the Project set forth in the table below shall, pursuant to the terms and conditions of a Land Use Restriction Agreement (i.e., the “XXXX”) in substantially the form attached hereto as “Attachment 1” to this Schedule P and incorporated herein by reference. Capitalized terms used but not defined in this Schedule but which are defined in the XXXX shall have the same meaning herein as therein. Each Phase of the Project shall have no few than the number of Affordable Housing Units allocated to it in in the table below. The table is as follows: PHASES AFFORDABLE HOUSING UNITS ALLOCATED TO PHASE PHASE 1 446 PHASE 2 300 PHASE 3 240 986 PRO FORMA TOTAL MULTIFAMILY UNITS IN THE PROJECT 10% 99 TOTAL AFFORDABLE UNITS Each such Affordable Unit in a Phase will be made available for a period of time not less than twenty (20) years following the date on which the last multifamily building of a Phase receives a permanent certificate of occupancy (each, an “Affordable Housing Compliance Period”), to Income Eligible Residents as defined in the XXXX. Such requirements shall be referred to with respect to each Phase as the “Affordable Housing Requirements.” The foregoing Affordable Housing Requirements will be set forth in the XXXX in such form as is consistent with the then applicable practices of ACC for similar affordable housing transactions, provided that such form does not alter the Affordable Housing Requirements set forth in this Agreement, permits transferability and release consistent with Section 12.4 hereof, and does not increase the obligations of Owner, its successors and assigns. The current form of XXXX is attached “Attachment 1” to this Schedule P. Upon approval of a subsequent form of XXXX by ACC and review and approval by the Owner consistent with the foregoing, the subsequent form of the XXXX may be affixed hereto as “Attachment 1” to this Schedule P without further amendment to this Agreement. The XXXX shall be recorded in the Athens-Xxxxxx County land records in customary fashion upon the submission of the initial and Requisition and shall be recorded only against the applicable parcel on which such units are constructed. The Affordable Housing Requirements are part of this Agreement, and the failure by Owner to comply with same shall be an Event of Default under this Agreement. The Affordable Housing Requirements shall terminate with respect to each such Phase of the Project, respectively, upon conclusion of the Affordable Housing Compliance Period for such Phase as set forth in the applicable XXXX. For purposes of compliance with O.C.G.A. §44-5-60, the parties understand and agree that no XXXX will have a period greater than 20 years, but that this Agreement shall automatically terminate upon the expiration of a XXXX if simultaneously therewith Owner does not enter into a new, replacement XXXX that extends for the lesser of 20 years or the period necessary that the 20 year Affordability Housing Requirements are satisfied on a cumulative basis.

  • POSSESSION OF THE APARTMENT/PLOT 7.1 Schedule for possession of the said [Apartment/Plot] - The Promoter agrees and understands that timely delivery of possession of the [Apartment/Plot] to the allottee and the common areas to the association of allottees or the competent authority, as the case may be, is the essence of the Agreement. The Promoter assures to hand over possession of the [Apartment/Plot] along with ready and complete common areas with all specifications, amenities and facilities of the project in place on , unless there is delay or failure due to war, flood, drought, fire, cyclone, earthquake or any other calamity caused by nature affecting the regular development of the real estate project (“Force Majeure”). If, however, the completion of the Project is delayed due to the Force Majeure conditions then the Allottee agrees that the Promoter shall be entitled to the extension of time for delivery of possession of the [Apartment/Plot], provided that such Force Majeure conditions are not of a nature which make it impossible for the contract to be implemented. The Allottee agrees and confirms that, in the event it becomes impossible for the Promoter to implement the project due to Force Majeure conditions, then this allotment shall stand terminated and the Promoter shall refund to the Allottee the entire amount received by the Promoter from the allotment within 60 days from that date. The promoter shall intimate the allottee about such termination at least thirty days prior to such termination. After refund of the money paid by the Allottee, the Allottee agrees that he/ she shall not have any rights, claims etc. against the Promoter and that the Promoter shall be released and discharged from all its obligations and liabilities under this Agreement.

  • POSSESSION OF THE APARTMENT PLOT 8.1 Schedule for possession of the said Apartment: The Promoter agrees and understands that timely delivery of possession of the Apartment to the Allottee and the Common Areas to the Association of the Allottees , is the essence of the Agreement. Provided that the Promoter shall be entitled to reasonable extension of time as agreed by and between the Allottee and the Promoter for giving possession of the Apartment on the aforesaid date and the same shall not include the period of extension given by the Authority for registration. The Promoter, based on the approved plans and specifications, assures to hand over possession of the Apartment on …………,with a grace period of twelve months (Completion date) in case the Promoter fails to complete the Project. unless there is a delay or failure due to war, flood, drought, fire, cyclone, earthquake or any other calamity or order, rule, notification of the Government and/or other public or competent authority/court and/or caused by nature affecting the regular development of the real estate project (“Force Majeure”). If, however, the completion of the Project is delayed due to the Force Majeure conditions then the Allottee agrees that the Promoter shall be entitled to the extension of time for delivery of possession of the Apartment, Provided that such Force Majeure conditions are not of a nature which make it impossible for the contract to be implemented. Promoter will be entitled to give block-wise and phase-wise possession upon obtaining the Completion Certificate/ Partial Completion Certificate of a building block or a particular phase as the case may be irrespective of the fact that construction of other Blocks and/or other phases and/or provision of facilities may be incomplete. The Allottee agrees and confirms that, in the event it becomes impossible for the Promoter to implement the project due to Force Majeure conditions, then this allotment shall stand terminated and the Promoter shall refund to the Allottee the entire amount received by the Promoter from the allotment within 45 days from that date.After refund of the money paid by the Allottee, the Allottee agrees that he/ she shall not have any rights, claims etc. against the Promoter and that the Promoter shall be released and discharged from all its obligations and liabilities under this Agreement. It is clarified that all amounts collected as taxes, charges, levies, cess, assessments and impositions and deposited with the appropriate authorities concerned shall not be returned by the Promoter and the Allottee shall be free to approach the authorities concerned for refund of such taxes, charges, levies, cess, assessments and impositions. 8.2 The right of the Allottee shall remain restricted to the respective Apartment and the properties appurtenant thereto and the Allottee shall have no right, title or interest nor shall claim any right, title or interest of any kind whatsoever over and in respect of any other Apartment or space and/or any other portions of the Project or Complex. 8.3 The Promoter has provided to the Allottee a time schedule for construction progress based on the milestones on which payment is due. The dates provided are only tentative and for the purpose of dealing with contractors and will also make efforts to complete various stages as per the time schedule upto completion of the Project including the provisions of civic infrastructure like water, electricity, sanitation and all other above mentioned internal/external development works but the Promoter knows there will definitely be delays in the timelines provided but the Promoter assures the Allottee that the Project will be completed within the ‘Completion date’ provided in Clause 8.1 above.

  • GENERAL COMPLIANCE WITH RESPECT TO THE APARTMENT Subject to Clause 12 above, the Allottee shall, after taking possession, be solely responsible to maintain the [Apartment/Plot] at his/her own cost, in good repair and condition and shall not do or suffer to be done anything in or to the Building, or the [Apartment/Plot], or the staircases, lifts, common passages, corridors, circulation areas, atrium or the compound which may be in violation of any laws or rules of any authority or change or alter or make additions to the [Apartment/Plot] and keep the [Apartment/Plot], its walls and partitions, sewers, drains, pipe and appurtenances thereto or belonging thereto, in good and tenantable repair and maintain the same in a fit and proper condition and ensure that the support, shelter etc. of the Building is not in any way damaged or jeopardized. The Allottee further undertakes, assures and guarantees that he/she would not put any sign-board / name-plate, neon light, publicity material or advertisement material etc. on the face / facade of the Building or anywhere on the exterior of the Project, buildings therein or Common Areas. The Allottees shall also not change the colour scheme of the outer walls or painting of the exterior side of the windows or carry out any change in the exterior elevation or design. Further the Allottee shall not store any hazardous or combustible goods in the [Apartment/Plot] or place any heavy material in the common passages or staircase of the Building. The Allottee shall also not remove any wall, including the outer and load bearing wall of the [Apartment/Plot]. The Allottee shall plan and distribute its electrical load in conformity with the electrical systems installed by the Promoter and thereafter the association of allottees and/or maintenance agency appointed by association of allottees. The Allottee shall be responsible for any loss or damages arising out of breach of any of the aforesaid conditions.

  • EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY The Property is offered in compliance with Federal, State, and local anti-discrimination laws.

  • TRAINING AND RELATED MATTERS The parties recognise that in order to increase the efficiency and productivity of the company a significant commitment to structured training and skill development is required. Accordingly the parties commit themselves to: a) The parties to this Agreement recognise the importance of the apprenticeship system to the construction industry. It is agreed that every employer party to this Agreement who employs five (5) or more tradespersons in any one classification shall undertake to employ at least one (1) apprentice or make arrangements to host an apprentice from an agreed group apprenticeship scheme. Where an employer does not currently have an apprentice as per this provision, reasonable time shall be allowed to enable the employer to comply with this clause. Further, the parties are committed to a strong ratio of apprentices in the industry. Apprenticeship levels on a specific project may be discussed at the Project Pre-Commencement Conference (refer Clause 16). b) Providing employees with the opportunity to acquire additional skills within relevant career path structures through appropriate structured training based on nationally endorsed (i.e. Construction Training Australia endorsed) competency standards and curriculum; c) Actively encouraging employees to seek formal recognition of their skills (i.e. recognition of prior learning); and d) Using training providers accredited and acceptable to the parties. The CFMEU, MBAV and other employer associations are legitimately engaged in providing training to industry and it is hereby agreed that all parties will properly recognise and accept the validity of nationally accredited training as provided by the other parties. e) The parties will consult on the development of training programs which are consistent with the following: • Training provided will be consistent with the company’s business requirements, relevant to the work of the employees, consistent with the skills development of each employee and with applicable national competency standards. • Training may be taken either on or off the job with all reasonable steps being taken to conduct training in normal working hours. • If an approved training activity is undertaken during ordinary working hours, the employee/s concerned shall not suffer any loss of pay. • Approved training activities undertaken outside of ordinary hours will be paid at single time or will, at the employee’s option, be taken as time off in lieu of payment. Provided that the scheduling of time off must be consistent with the needs of the business and be by agreement with the company. • Training costs of courses approved by the company will be met by the company. • The company will not be asked to meet the costs of training undertaken by employees which was not approved by the company. • Leave of absence granted pursuant to this clause shall count as service for all purposes of the award and this agreement. • Accredited members of the union will be allowed up to 5 days per year, without loss of pay, to attend trade union educational courses conducted or approved by the union. (see appendix H) f) The parties to this Agreement recognise the importance of the role that Apprentices/Trainees fulfill within the industry and, more importantly, a role that they will fulfill as trades persons following the conclusion of the indentures. To this end the Victorian Building Industry Consultative Committee will investigate ways of enhancing employment prospects for Apprentice/Trainees. In addition it is agreed that, where appropriate, employers will use their best endeavours to employ Apprentices/Trainees in order to ensure appropriate trade persons levels for the future.

  • Foreign-Owned Companies in Connection with Critical Infrastructure If Texas Government Code, Section 2274.0102(a)(1) (relating to prohibition on contracts with certain foreign-owned companies in connection with critical infrastructure) is applicable to this Contract, pursuant to Government Code Section 2274.0102, Contractor certifies that neither it nor its parent company, nor any affiliate of Contractor or its parent company, is: (1) majority owned or controlled by citizens or governmental entities of China, Iran, North Korea, Russia, or any other country designated by the Governor under Government Code Section 2274.0103, or (2) headquartered in any of those countries.

  • HABILITATIVE SERVICES (HABILITATIVE mean healthcare services that help a person keep, learn, or improve skills and functioning for daily living. Examples include therapy for a child who is not walking or talking at the expected age. These services may include physical and occupational therapy, speech therapy and other services performed in a variety of inpatient and/or outpatient settings for people with disabilities. • that provides medical and surgical care for patients who have acute illnesses or injuries; and • is either listed as a hospital by the American Hospital Association (AHA) or accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO).

  • PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATIONAL IMPROVEMENT A. The Board of Education agrees to pay the actual tuition costs of courses taken by a teacher at accredited colleges or universities up to three courses per two (2) year fiscal periods from July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2008 and July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2010 respectively, except as follows: 1. No teacher may be reimbursed for courses taken during the first year of teaching in Vineland. 2. Teachers taking courses in the second and third years of employment in Vineland will not receive remuneration until tenure has been secured. The remuneration will then be retroactive and will be paid to the teacher in a lump sum within sixty (60) days after the teacher has secured tenure. 3. All courses must be pre-approved by the Superintendent or his designee subject to the following requirements: (a) A teacher must provide official documentation that he/she has obtained a grade of B or better; (b) Reimbursement shall be paid only for courses directly related to teacher’s teaching field which increase the teacher’s content knowledge and are related to the teacher’s current certification, as determined by the Superintendent or his/her designee in his/her sole discretion; no reimbursement shall be paid for courses leading to a post graduate or professional degree in a field other than education or teaching. Further, effective September 1, 2010, all newly hired teachers shall not be eligible for reimbursement until they are tenured, and they shall not be eligible for retroactive reimbursement upon gaining tenure for courses taken prior to being tenured. (c) The maximum total payments to be made by the Board shall not exceed $130,000.00. Courses shall be applied for no earlier than the following dates: Summer Session - April 1 Fall/Winter Session - June 1 Spring Session - October 1 Courses must, as set forth hereinabove in this sub-article 18.A.3, be pre-approved by the Superintendent or his designee, prior to the teacher commencing the course(s); and (d) Teacher taking courses shall sign a contract requiring them to reimburse the Board for all tuition paid for a course if the teacher shall voluntarily leave the employ of the Board within one (1) full school/academic year of completion of said course, except that reimbursement shall not be required when the teacher shall voluntarily leave the employ of the Board due to a significant, documented life change. 4. Tuition reimbursement costs shall be a sum not to exceed the actual cost of college credits charged in an accredited public State college/University of the State of New Jersey. B. When the Superintendent initiates in-service training courses, workshops, conferences and programs designed to improve the quality of instruction, the cooperation of the Vineland Education Association will be solicited. Notwithstanding the above, the initiation of in-service training courses, workshops, conferences and programs shall be determined solely at the discretion of the Board. C. One professional leave day may be granted to a teacher upon request, according to the following guidelines: 1. The professional day may be for attendance at a workshop, seminar or visit to another school for the expressed purpose of self professional improvement for the job. 2. The request shall arrive in the office of the Superintendent of Schools at least ten (10) working days prior to the date requested and shall be reviewed by the immediate supervisor prior to submission. The Board reserves the right to deny a professional leave day before or immediately following a holiday or on a day which by its nature suggests a hardship for providing a substitute. 3. No more than two teachers from any one elementary school or from any one department in the secondary schools may be granted a professional leave for a given day. 4. The teacher may be required to submit a report to the Superintendent of Schools, Assistant Superintendent, supervisor (s), principal and staff regarding the activity of the professional day. 5. Costs incurred by the teacher for the professional day authorized under this Section shall be the teacher’s responsibility. 6. A maximum of 90 professional leave days may be authorized for the school year which shall be apportioned as follows: elementary, 35; grades seven and eight, 20; and high school, 35. D. If the Board initiates a teacher’s attendance at a professional workshop, seminar or visit, the expenses shall be the responsibility of the Board. Further, this day shall not be subtracted from the 90 professional leave days granted to teachers of the Association. E. The Board agrees to pay the full cost of courses taken by secretaries related to skills and knowledge improvement when such courses are required and approved by the Board. F. The Board and the Association agree that it is important to communicate when developing and implementing current and future learning technologies, including but not limited to distance and on-line learning.

  • Please see the current Washtenaw Community College catalog for up-to-date program requirements Conditions & Requirements