PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATIONAL IMPROVEMENT. A. Tuition costs incurred by administrator shall be reimbursed by the Board of Education under the following terms and conditions:
1. Tuition costs eligible for reimbursement must be for courses in the field of education. In addition, courses not in the field of education but closely related may be approved for reimbursement at the sole discretion of the Superintendent or his/her designee in advance of enrollment. Reimbursement will not be made until satisfactory evidence of having received a passing grade is presented.
2. Reimbursement for actual tuition costs incurred by a member shall be limited to a maximum reimbursement of the average tuition cost for twelve (12) graduate/Doctoral level credits at the following four (4) state universities: Rutgers, Rowan, College of New Jersey, and Montclair computed annually. Masters’ degree maximum will be limited to the average Masters’ level cost and Doctorate degree maximum will be limited to the average Doctoral level cost.
3. The date on which a course is completed will determine the contract year in which the credits will be applicable for reimbursement.
4. Non-tenured members shall be eligible for reimbursement at the level set forth in Subsection 2 above, for tuition costs incurred for graduate credits earned during a period after the award of a first-year contract, but prior to the commencement of work under a tenured contract; provided however, such reimbursement shall not be payable to such member unless and until said member has commenced work under a tenure contract.
5. Upon satisfactory compliance by the member with all of the terms and conditions set forth in the preceding subsections, such member shall be paid his/her reimbursement entitlement on either October 2 for the prior Spring and Summer course work taken, or April 1 for the prior Fall course work provided that the member is still in the employ of the Board on such date. Such payment shall be further conditioned on said member remaining in the employ of the Board for the remainder of the current school year. In the event that such member shall leave the employ of the Board prior to the expiration of the school year in which such reimbursement entitlement has been paid, such member shall be obligated to refund to the Board the entire reimbursement paid to him/her during such school year, and for such purpose, the Board shall be empowered to deduct said sum from such member’s salary payments.
6. No member shall be eligible for tuition reimbursem...
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATIONAL IMPROVEMENT. Section 1 Expenses The COMMITTEE will pay the reasonable expenses (including fees, meals, lodging and/or transportation) incurred by teachers who attend workshops, seminars, conferences, or other professional improvement sessions at the request and/or with advance approval in writing of the Superintendent.
Section 2 Credit for Projects The ASSOCIATION Professional Development Committee will meet with the superintendent to formulate professional development opportunities for teachers that benefit the educational goals of the Xxxxxxx Public Schools.
Section 3 Credit for Courses Employees shall receive credit for a maximum of two (2) post-graduate courses per semester earned at an accredited degree granting college or university during the school year. An employee taking undergraduate courses during a school year may be granted credit at the discretion of the Superintendent or designee which discretion shall not be subject to the Grievance and Arbitration Procedures of this Agreement. Any post-graduate credits earned by an employee during the summer under this Agreement at an accredited degree granting college or university shall be recognized. Credits earned by an employee under this Agreement during the summer for undergraduate courses shall be recognized for movement on the salary schedule only to the extent that such courses had been approved in advance by the Superintendent or designee. Graduate credits earned after the Bachelor’s degree (provided they are not required or prerequisite courses in the Master’s Program) will be compensated at the Master’s level upon the successful completion of the Master’s Program. For salary purposes, educators who earned their Master’s Degree before the 1996-1997 school year will not qualify. This agreement is effective August 25, 1996. Movement on the salary schedule will only occur twice per school year: in September and in January. All documentation for movement on the salary schedule must be submitted to the payroll office no later than September 30 or January 31. There is a one-year limit for submission of courses in order to receive credit for movement on the salary schedule (one year from the time the course was completed).
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATIONAL IMPROVEMENT. 29.1 The parties support the principle of continuing training of employees, participation by employees in professional organizations in the areas of their specialization, and professional affiliations; leaves for work on advanced degrees or special studies; and participation in community projects.
29.2 It is currently federally mandated that all teachers be highly qualified in their assignment areas under No Child Left Behind and state requirements by June 20, 2006. Funds from federal sources and from fees changed pursuant to Article 30 will be used to pay for appropriate courses and test registration fees for teachers to become highly qualified. The In-Service Training Committee will determine the criteria and process for teachers to access these funds. The process and funding will be in place within two (2) months of ratification by the parties, and will sunset June 30, 2006. (2003)
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATIONAL IMPROVEMENT. A. Tuition will be paid or reimbursed up to the current University of Maine credit hour rate for professional course(s) taken by teachers for recertification, professional advancement, or an advanced degree in education.
B. Prior approval by the Superintendent and letter grade of B or better in each course is required. In cases where a university/college uses a pass/fail system, a grade of pass will be accepted in lieu of grade B.
C. A maximum of nine (9) credit hours of tuition cost will be reimbursed in any contract year.
D. Upon submission and approval of a course to be taken, a teacher may request a signed purchase order for the nine (9) credit hours per year, which will allow the university/college to bill the district for the cost of tuition reimbursement approved by the Superintendent. The university/college must be willing to process a purchase order. If a purchase order procedure is not available through a university/college, a receipt submitted for course tuition payment will be reimbursed to the teacher within a reasonable amount of time (normally within two weeks). Should the teacher drop the course, or receive a grade less than B, the cost of tuition will be reimbursed to the district by the teacher within thirty (30) days or the full amount will be deducted from the teacher's next paycheck. If a teacher receives prior written approval from the Superintendent for more than nine (9) credit hours in any year, up to nine (9) credit hours will be reimbursed in the next year, and each year thereafter, until any approved credit hours have been reimbursed. If the teacher leaves the employment of the district prior to full reimbursement, the district's reimbursement obligation will be terminated.
E. Part time teachers employed by the district will be eligible to receive prorated benefits.
F. If the district requires a teacher to participate in coursework, including coursework required to change positions, related to the district's mission and goals, it will be at the expense of the district.
G. Tuition reimbursement for courses will not be made to teachers who have submitted their resignations or who are on a leave of absence.
H. During the district's annual budget process, representatives of the Board (who may be the Superintendent and business manager) and the Association will meet to discuss an appropriate amount to be budgeted to cover projected course reimbursement cost for the next year. Any recommendation reached will be submitted to the Board....
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATIONAL IMPROVEMENT. 20:1 The Board and Association recognize the obligations of employees to participate in staff development programs for the improvement of curriculum and performance. Each employee who participates in in-service programs at the District level will be given an opportunity to evaluate such programs.
20:2 Where curriculum improvement projects or in-service workshops occur beyond the normal in- school day (as defined in Article 17), employees involved in the activity will be compensated at a rate equal to or higher than the State rate.
20:3 In the event an employee requests and is granted an assignment which requires additional certification, the cost of the course work for such additional certification will be borne by the employee.
20:3.1 If the Board requires an employee to take any course or to attend any workshop or conference or in the event of involuntary transfer requiring additional certification, the Board will pay the full cost of tuition and necessary expenses as follows:
(a) travel by private automobile will be reimbursed at the State mileage rate plus tolls, if applicable. Travel by commercial carrier will be coach class or the equivalent thereof except that the Board may approve other than coach class on an ad hoc basis;
(b) reimbursement for meals and lodging will be at the rate established or approved by the Board;
(c) where travel, meals, and lodging are approved and the employee elects to commute, such reimbursement will be no greater than the cost of round trip transportation, meals, and lodging; and
(d) alternative financial arrangements to those set forth herein will be by mutual agreement of the Board and the employee.
20:3.2 The Board agrees to pass on to employees funds received by the District, appropriated and funded by the State of Delaware General Assembly for the purpose of tuition reimbursement in accordance with the rules and regulations established by the General Assembly. Beginning the 2012-2013 school year, the District will provide up to $25,000 in Local Funds each year for tuition reimbursements, with a maximum of $2,500 per year for an employee. The course(s) must be directly related to the teaching profession and subject to the approval of the Superintendent or his designee.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATIONAL IMPROVEMENT. The Board agrees to pay the full costs of tuition and any reasonable expenses incidental thereto incurred in connection with any courses, workshops, seminars, conferences, in-service training sessions or other educational matters which a teacher is required or requested to participate in by the administration or the Board, or which has the prior written approval of the Superintendent, other than those required by law. For those teachers who have not yet attained a Master’s degree (including those with a Master’s Equivalency), the Board agrees to reimburse each teacher for tuition fees to a maximum of the cost of twelve (12) graduate credits per year at the average cost of the graduate tuitions at three universities (Millersville University, Penn State University and Temple University) for the term of the contract. Tuition fees shall include the amount of additional charges at Millersville University which are required to be paid by the teacher. For example, a fee per credit of $18.00, would be equal to reimbursement of $54.00 for a three- credit course. A teacher taking graduate level course work at an accredited provider would be eligible for reimbursement for any related fee at a rate to match the academic fee at Millersville. For those teachers who have attained a Master’s degree, the Board agrees to reimburse each teacher for tuition fees to a maximum of the cost of nine (9) graduate credits per year at the average cost of the graduate tuitions at three universities (Millersville University, Penn State University and Temple University) for the term of the contract. Tuition fees shall include the amount of additional charges at Millersville University which are required to be paid by the teacher. For example, a fee per credit of $18.00, would be equal to reimbursement of $54.00 for a three-credit course. A teacher taking graduate level course work at an accredited provider would be eligible for reimbursement for any related fee at a rate to match the academic fee at Millersville. Tuition reimbursement shall be based upon the grade received utilizing the following schedule: Grade Reimbursement A 100% of credit allotment B 100% of credit allotment C 50% of credit allotment D, F, WP, WF 0% of credit allotment and 0% of fees
A. Teachers who have permanent certification will be reimbursed for graduate credits in accordance with the following provisions:
1. Such credits must be graduate credits obtained pursuant to a degree program established by an accredite...
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATIONAL IMPROVEMENT. A. The BSC shall pay reasonable expenses, in accordance with normal practice, for an administrator requested to attend a workshop or seminar.
B. Vouchers for courses shall be given preferentially to the cooperating administrators who have earned them. Upon request of the BEU, the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and a representative of the BEU will review the availability and distribution of vouchers in December and May of each school year.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATIONAL IMPROVEMENT. A. The Board shall provide financial reimbursement for college and technical school credits taken by teaching personnel who hold a permanent certificate or above and for all other employees, subject to the following regulations and provisions:
1. A teacher must be fully certified. Secretaries and custodians must have completed three (3) years in the District at the time the course(s) commenced.
2. Applications for reimbursement shall be made in writing to the Superintendent outlining desired course, college or technical school to be attended and all other pertinent information. All courses must be part of a curriculum leading to an Undergraduate or Graduate Degree or be directly related to area of employment.
3. All courses and the college or technical school at which the course is to be taken must be approved by the Superintendent prior to enrollment to qualify for reimbursement.
4. The maximum annual reimbursement by the Board to full-time teachers, custodians, secretaries, and non-certificated staff who qualify under A., A.I., A.2., and A.3., A.7. and A.8. shall be for a total of nine (9) college credits for Graduate and Undergraduate level courses at the Rutgers University rate.
5. Employees who work less than full-time shall be eligible for pro-rated reimbursement under 4. and 5. above if they qualify under A., A. I., A.2., A.3., A.7. and A.8.
6. Reimbursement will not be made until after successful completion of the course and after an official transcript has been received by the Superintendent of Schools. Reimbursement shall be made pursuant to the following schedule: For a grade of A or B 100% reimbursement For a grade of C 60% reimbursement
7. No reimbursement will be made for credits for which a grant or other payment covering such costs is received by the employee.
8. Technical school courses and in-service credits shall not count towards movement across the guide on graduate level columns. Undergraduate coursework shall only count for column movement if the employee does not hold a B.A. degree.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATIONAL IMPROVEMENT. A. Providing the advance approval of the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee is obtained, the Committee will pay the reasonable expenses (including tuition, fees, meals, lodging and/or transportation) incurred by teachers who attend in-service training courses, workshops, seminars, conferences, or other professional improvement sessions.
B. The Committee agrees to expend up to One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) each school year to purchase books and/or other educational resource materials as may be recommended by a joint Administration Association Study Committee for use by the professional staff for professional development and educational improvement.
C. Professional Development Task Forces
1. There shall be three (3) Professional Development Task Forces, one (1) Task Force each at the Elementary, Middle and High School levels (collectively referred to as “the Task Forces”).
2. The Task Forces shall be charged with examining and determining the nature of professional development in the Brockton Public Schools. The Task Forces shall prepare a calendar of professional development offerings each school year. The calendar of offerings will be followed to the greatest extent possible; however, it is understood that the Superintendent retains discretion to make modifications to the offerings in the event of unforeseen circumstances, after consultation with the BEA President.
3. The High School Professional Development Task Force shall consist of up to ten (10) members, up to five (5) of whom shall be designated by the Superintendent and up to five (5) of whom shall be designated by the BEA President.
4. The Middle School and Elementary School Task Forces shall consist of up to sixteen (16) members each, up to eight (8) of whom shall be designated by the Superintendent and up to eight (8) of whom shall be designated by the BEA President on each Task Force.
5. The Task Forces shall meet as necessary before and during each school year at times that are agreed upon by the Members of the Task Forces and may include meetings during the summer, on Saturdays, or after school.
6. BEA members serving on the Task Forces shall be compensated for their service in accordance with the hourly rates that are set forth in Appendix A-4(e) of the Contract for up to twenty (20) hours per fiscal year (i.e. July 1 – June 30). Additional hours if necessary may be requested by the Task Forces, subject to the approval of the Superintendent.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATIONAL IMPROVEMENT. The Board agrees to pay the cost of tuition and texts for in-service courses initiated by the Board and will recognize and accept whatever credit accrues from their satisfactory completion.