OPTIONAL ACCIDENTAL DAMAGE FROM HANDLING (ADH). If You elect to include accidental damage from handling (ADH) as an integral part of Your coverage program, it augments Your Product warranty by providing additional protection for Your product. The Service Agreement expands to include damage from liquid spills, item drops or any other forms of accidental damage. ADH coverage begins the same day as item purchase if you purchase the coverage on the same day as your item. If you purchase ADH coverage after the item purchase date, coverage begins on the 30th day after the date of purchase. The term of the ADH coverage will be listed on Your Receipt. There is a $50 deductible for claims made under the ADH provision for Cell Phones only. ADH does not provide protection against normal wear and tear, theft, loss, negligence, viruses, reckless, abusive, willful or intentional conduct associated with handling and use of the product, cosmetic damage and/or other damage that does not affect unit functionality, or damage caused during shipment between You and Our service providers. If protective items such as covers, carrying cases or pouches, etc., were provided or made available for use with Your product, it is expected that You will continually use these product accessories for protection against damage to the product. Abuse is defined as Your intentional non-utilization of protective items during product use, or Your treatment of the products that You have purchased for Your use in a harmful, injurious or offensive manner that may result in its damage. Any resultant damage from this type of treatment is NOT covered by this ADH program.
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OPTIONAL ACCIDENTAL DAMAGE FROM HANDLING (ADH). Only MSP products are eligible for ADH coverage. If You elect to include accidental damage from handling (ADH) as an integral part of Your coverage program, it augments Your Product warranty by providing additional protection to Your MSP product. ADH coverage begins on same day as item purchase if you purchase the coverage on the same day as your item. If you purchase ADH coverage after the day of your initial item purchase then coverage begins on the 31st day after the date of purchase. The term of the ADH coverage will be listed on Your Receipt. There is a $50 deductible for claims made under the ADH provision. If You purchased ADH coverage on a Product that turns out not to be an MSP product, ADH coverage will be declined and You will receive a refund for this coverage. ADH does not provide protection against normal wear and tear, theft, loss, negligence, viruses, reckless, abusive, willful or intentional conduct associated with handling and use of the product, cosmetic damage and/or other damage that does not affect unit functionality, or damage caused during shipment between You and Our service providers. If protective items such as covers, carrying cases or pouches, etc., were provided or made available for use with Your product, it is expected that You will continually use these product accessories for protection against damage to the product. Abuse is defined as Your intentional non-utilization of protective items during product use, or Your treatment of the product(s) that You have purchased for Your use in a harmful, injurious or offensive manner that may result in its damage. Any resultant damage from this type of treatment is NOT covered by this ADH program.
OPTIONAL ACCIDENTAL DAMAGE FROM HANDLING (ADH). If you elect to include accidental damage from handling (ADH) as an integral part of Your coverage program, it augments your Service Agreement by providing additional protection for damage from drops, spills and liquid damage associated with the handling and use of Your Product. ADH does not provide protection against theft, loss, reckless, or abusive conduct associated with handling and use of the product, cosmetic damage and/or other damage that does not affect unit functionality, or damage caused during shipment between you and Our service providers.


  • ACCIDENTAL DAMAGE IN HANDLING ( “ADH”): If purchased, the Covered Product is protected against accidental damage in handling such as drops and liquid spills. Immersion of Your Covered Product is not covered under this Agreement. ADH only covers operational or mechanical failure caused by a single incident while handling and does not include protection against theft, mysterious disappearance, misplacement, viruses or reckless, abusive, willful or intentional misconduct associated with handling and/or use of the Covered Product, cosmetic damage and/or other damage that does not affect the unit’s functionality, damage caused during shipment between You and Our service providers and any other limitations listed in the “What is Not Covered” section of this Agreement. For the purpose of this Agreement, Accidental Damage is defined as a single, unexpected, sudden and unintentional event and does not include accumulated damage from continual or multiple events. The use of this coverage requires an explanation of where and when the Accidental Damage occurred as well as a detailed description of the actual event. If needed, the replacement value of the Covered Product will be solely determined by the Administrator of this Agreement.

  • Accidental Damage The service contract provides protection against accidental damage to the covered product (for example: falling off Your hands, or a car, or water damage) resulting from the handling of such product and that is not intentionally caused by You. IF YOU NEED SERVICE: To locate or arrange for service, call the toll free number on the Schedule Page. We will select an Authorized Repair Center which will contact You to arrange for Your service. You should contact Us if the completion of Your repair is not satisfactory.

  • Incidental and Consequential Damages Contractor shall be responsible for incidental and consequential damages resulting in whole or in part from Contractor’s acts or omissions. Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute a waiver or limitation of any rights that City may have under applicable law.

  • CASUALTY DAMAGE A. If all or any part of the Premises is damaged by fire or other casualty, Tenant shall immediately notify Landlord in writing. During any period of time that all or a material portion of the Premises is rendered untenantable as a result of a fire or other casualty, the Rent shall xxxxx for the portion of the Premises that is untenantable and not used by Tenant. Landlord shall have the right to terminate this Lease if: (1) the Building or the Project shall be damaged so that, in Landlord’s reasonable judgment, substantial alteration or reconstruction of the Building or the Project shall be required (whether or not the Premises has been damaged); (2) Landlord is not permitted by Law to rebuild the Building or the Project in substantially the same form as existed before the fire or casualty; (3) the Premises have been materially damaged and there is less than eighteen (18) months of the Term remaining on the date of the casualty; (4) any Mortgagee requires that the insurance proceeds be applied to the payment of the mortgage debt; or (5) a material uninsured loss to the Building or the Project occurs. Landlord may exercise its right to terminate this Lease by notifying Tenant in writing within 90 days after the date of the casualty. If Landlord does not terminate this Lease, Landlord shall commence and proceed with reasonable diligence to repair and restore the Building and the Premises Improvements (excluding any Alterations that were performed by Tenant in violation of this Lease). However, in no event shall Landlord be required to spend more than the insurance proceeds received by Landlord. Landlord shall not be liable for any loss or damage to Tenant’s Property or to the business of Tenant resulting in any way from the fire or other casualty or from the repair and restoration of the damage. Landlord and Tenant hereby waive the provisions of any Law relating to the matters addressed in this Article, and agree that their respective rights for damage to or destruction of the Premises shall be those specifically provided in this Lease. Tenant shall have the right to terminate this Lease i 1: (a) a substantial portion of the Premises has been damaged by fire or other casualty and such damage cannot reasonably be repaired (as reasonably determined by Landlord) within 60 days after Landlord’s receipt of all required permits to restore the Premises; (b) there is less than eighteen (18) months of the Term remaining on the date of such casualty; and (c) Tenant provides Landlord with written notice of its intent to terminate within thirty (30) days after the date of the fire or other casualty.

  • Liability for Incidental and Consequential Damages Contractor shall be responsible for incidental and consequential damages resulting in whole or in part from Contractor’s acts or omissions.

  • Cyber incident damage assessment activities If DoD elects to conduct a damage assessment, the Contracting Officer will request that the Contractor provide all of the damage assessment information gathered in accordance with paragraph (e) of this clause.

  • CONDITIONS FOR EMERGENCY/HURRICANE OR DISASTER - TERM CONTRACTS It is hereby made a part of this Invitation for Bids that before, during and after a public emergency, disaster, hurricane, flood, or other acts of God that Orange County shall require a “first priority” basis for goods and services. It is vital and imperative that the majority of citizens are protected from any emergency situation which threatens public health and safety, as determined by the County. Contractor agrees to rent/sell/lease all goods and services to the County or other governmental entities as opposed to a private citizen, on a first priority basis. The County expects to pay contractual prices for all goods or services required during an emergency situation. Contractor shall furnish a twenty-four (24) hour phone number in the event of such an emergency.

  • Compensation for Damage or Loss (1) When investments made by investors of either Contracting Party suffer damage or loss owing to war or other armed conflict, a state of national emergency, revolt, civil disturbances, insurrection, riot or other similar events in the territory of the other Contracting Party, they shall be accorded by the latter Contracting Party, treatment, as regards restitution, indemnification, compensation or other settlement, not less favourable than that the latter Contracting Party accords to its own investors or investors of any third state, whichever is the most favourable.

  • CLOSURE TO PREVENT DAMAGE In accordance with Contract Clause G-220 STATE SUSPENDS OPERATION, the Contract Administrator will suspend road work or hauling right-of-way timber, forest products, or rock under the following conditions:  Wheel track rutting exceeds 6 inches on roads.  Surface or base stability problems persist.  Weather is such that satisfactory results cannot be obtained in an area of operations.  When, in the opinion of the Contract Administrator excessive road damage or rutting may occur. Operations must stop unless authority to continue working or hauling is granted in writing by the Contract Administrator. In the event that surface or base stability problems persist, Purchaser shall cease operations, or perform corrective maintenance or repairs, subject to specifications within this road plan. Before and during any suspension, Purchaser shall protect the work from damage or deterioration.

  • REIMBURSEMENT FOR PROPERTY DAMAGE In the event that an employee, required or authorized by his/her Agency/Department Head to use a private automobile on County business, while so using the automobile, should incur property damage to the employee's automobile through no negligence of the employee, and the employee is unable to recover the cost of such property damage from either his/her own insurance company or from any other driver, or other source, such costs shall be paid to such employee of the County, in a sum not exceeding $500, provided that any claims the employee may have against his/her insurance company or any third party have been litigated or settled, and provided further, that the employee is not found guilty of a violation of the California Vehicle Code or Penal Code in connection with the accident causing such damage. Employees shall submit proof of loss, damage or theft (i.e., appropriate police report and/or estimated statement of loss) to the Agency/Department Head within 30 days of such loss, damage or theft. Property damage or loss incurred to the private automobile while located on the street or at the parking facility serving the employee’s normal place of work shall not be compensated under this section, but property damage or loss incurred to the private automobile while located on the street or at the parking facility serving the employee’s County business destination shall be compensated as provided above.

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