Organisational Issues. 2.1 The participant is to comply with the organizer’s conditions in accordance with the Entry Information for THE CHAMPIONSHIP/particular side event (Olympic/Tryathlon/Middle Distance, Sprint), the Agreement, the Athlete Guide, the information and changes communicated at the race meeting as well as the ITU Competition Rules.
Organisational Issues. In educational organisations, there is often no central strategy for digital preservation and no buy-in from senior management. The individuals or micro-teams involved in the collection, production and curation of AV educational materials have to deal with the internal rigid administration and IT departments, who often make decisions without thinking of scalable solutions or involving end users (who have the knowledge of audiovisual media and workflows). Departments are very often working separately, and many difficulties are experienced when trying to migrate technologies that have already been selected and adopted by one department across department boundaries to be adopted elsewhere in the organisation. Paradoxically, this can occur even more in Research Institutions, where the competition between departments can be much higher than in the commercial context.