Interest of Consultant The Consultant covenants that it presently has no interest and shall not acquire any interest, direct or indirect, which would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of services required to be performed under this Agreement. The Consultant further covenants that in its performance of this Agreement no person having any such interest shall be employed.
Employment of Consultants 1. In order to assist the Recipient in carrying out Parts A (1-4), B, C and D of the Project, the Recipient shall employ consultants whose qualifications, experience and terms and conditions of employment shall be satisfactory to the Trustee. Such consultants shall be selected in accordance with principles and procedures satisfactory to the Trustee on the basis of the "Guidelines for the Use of Consultants by World Bank Recipients and by the World Bank as Executing Agency" published by the Bank in August 1981 (the Consultant Guidelines). For complex, time-based assignments, the Recipient shall employ such consultants under contracts using the standard form of contract for consultants’ services issued by the Bank, with such modifications as shall have been agreed by the Bank. Where no relevant standard contract documents have been issued by the Bank, the Recipient shall use other standard forms agreed with the Bank. 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Section, the provisions of the Consultant Guidelines requiring prior Trustee review or approval of budgets, short lists, selection procedures, letters of invitation, proposals, evaluation reports and contracts, shall not apply to (a) contracts for the employment of consulting firms estimated to cost less than $100,000 equivalent each or (b) contracts for the employment of individuals estimated to cost less than $50,000 equivalent each. However, said exceptions to prior Trustee review shall not apply to (a) the terms of reference for such contracts, (b) single-source selection of consulting firms, (c) assignments of a critical nature, as reasonably determined by the Trustee, (d) amendments to contracts for the employment of consulting firms raising the contract value to $100,000 equivalent or above, or (e) amendments to contracts for the employment of individual consultants raising the contract value to $50,000 equivalent or above. 1. MFNR shall be responsible for the overall implementation of the Project. MFNR shall be assisted by a steering committee (The Steering Committee) to be chaired by the Principal Secretary of MFNR, which shall comprise of (a) members from relevant institutions of the Riparian States with expertise in natural resources management, environmental and international law, (b) experts with international expertise, as needed, in the technical disciplines of the Project and (c) representatives of selected non-governmental organizations and academic institutions with a particular stake in the Lake environment. 2. The Steering Committee shall meet at least three times a year to review progress in the implementation of the Project and shall provide strategic guidance to the overall management of the Project. It shall, inter alia, review and approve annual work plans, periodic progress reports, results of completed studies, recommendations made by consultants, assist in the organization of the midterm review, and review and approve the biodiversity map and management plan for the Lake. (a) A Project Manager reporting to the Principal Secretary of MFNR, assisted by a financial controller and support staff, shall be responsible for the day-to-day management of the Project consistent with the Project Implementation Plan, and under the overall supervision of the Steering Committee. (b) The Recipient shall take all measures necessary to deploy duly qualified staff in the required numbers for the implementation of the Project in accordance with the Implementation Plan. (c) The Project Manager shall prepare an annual work plan and budget allocations for all Project components, maintain a data base on all Project-related activities, and prepare and furnish to the Steering Committee consolidated quarterly progress reports on all components of the Project, including an analysis of any delays in implementation and proposed corrective measures. (d) The Project Manager shall furnish through the Principal Secretary of MFNR to the Trustee (i) copies of quarterly progress reports within thirty days after the end of the reporting period, and (ii) with effect from the second year of Project implementation, draft annual work plans within ninety days prior to the beginning of the year covered in the plan. Part A of the Project 4. The Recipient shall submit for the purposes of Parts A.1, 2 and 3, by no later than eighteen months after the Effective Date, an interim report on biodiversity conservation priorities for the Lake; a draft species identification manual; and an interim report on water quality/pollution in the Lake. The Recipient shall submit such reports and identification manual to the Trustee and the Riparian States. After receiving the Trustee and Xxxxxxxx States’ comments and review, the Project Manager shall prepare, by no later than 30 months after the Effective Date a final draft report on biodiversity conservation priorities for the Lake, and a final draft report on water quality/pollution in the Lake. Based on copies of such reports and the species identification manual, the Project Manager shall coordinate the preparation of the biodiversity map and management plan for the Lake. The Recipient shall take all measures necessary, and shall carry out the civil works and renovation required for the rehabilitation of the Cape Maclear research station for the purposes of Part A.4. 5. The Recipient shall obtain appropriate assurances from the other Riparian States that (a) the Rehabilitation of Kyela Centre Fisheries Research Station in Tanzania and Metangula Fisheries Research Station in Mozambique under Part A.5 shall be implemented by UNDP, and (b) UNDP shall prepare and furnish to the Project Manager periodic progress reports on the implementation of Part A.5 of the Project. Part B of the Project 6. In order to enhance the Riparian States’ capacity to manage the Lake, the Recipient shall: (a) pursue appropriate measures to ensure that suitable counterpart staff to be trained in fish ecology, taxonomy and limnology are designated by the relevant agencies in the Riparian States; and (b) prepare and furnish to the Trustee annual training programs satisfactory to the Trustee. 7. The Recipient shall carry out Conservation Awareness Programs in respect of the conservation of the biodiversity of the Lake which shall take into account the critical hot-spots of biological resources.