An Employee once sent on annual leave shall not be recalled for duty except by mutual agreement between the Employer and Employee.
Where an Employee (a) at the maximum rate of a salary range is promoted, a new anniversary date is established based upon the date of promotion; (b) at a rate less than the maximum in the salary range is promoted and receives a promotional increase: (1) greater than a one-step increase, a new anniversary date based on the date of promotion is established; (2) of one step or less, the existing anniversary date is retained. 7.2.1 Where the duties of an employee are changed as a result of reorganization or reassignment of duties and the position is reclassified to a class with a lower maximum salary, an employee who occupies the position when the reclassification is made is entitled to salary progression based on merit to the maximum salary of the higher classification including any revision of the maximum salary of the higher classification that takes effect during the salary cycle in which the reclassification takes place. 7.2.2 An employee to whom Article 7. 2.1 applies is entitled to be appointed to the first vacant position in his or her former class that occurs in the same administrative district or unit, institution or other work area in the same ministry in which he or she was employed at the time the reclassification was made.
Term Employee Term employee means a new person employed without seniority for a specific time period or until the completion of a particular project in compliance with funding provided for that position or project. At the expiry of said term the employment of such employee shall be terminated unless the term employee is immediately hired as a full-time or part-time employee at which time the term employee's original starting date shall be utilized to establish their seniority.
in Employment If the total value of this contract is in excess of $10,000, Pur- chaser agrees during its performance as follows:
Not an Employment Contract The Executive acknowledges that this Agreement does not constitute a contract of employment or impose on the Company any obligation to retain the Executive as an employee and that this Agreement does not prevent the Executive from terminating employment at any time. If the Executive's employment with the Company terminates for any reason and subsequently a Change in Control shall occur, the Executive shall not be entitled to any benefits hereunder except as otherwise provided pursuant to Section 1.2.
Participation in Employee Benefit Plans The Executive shall be permitted during the Term, if and to the extent eligible, to participate in any group life, hospitalization or disability insurance plan, health program, or any pension plan or similar benefit plan of the Company, which is available generally to other senior executives of the Company.
Project Employment A. Permanent project employees have layoff rights. Options will be determined using the procedure outlined in Sections 35.9 and 35.10, above. B. Permanent status employees who left regular classified positions to accept project employment without a break in service have layoff rights within the Employer in which they held permanent status to the job classification they held immediately prior to accepting project employment.
Leave When Employment Terminates When the employment of an employee is terminated for any reason, the employee or his/her estate shall, in lieu of earned but unused vacation leave, be paid an amount equal to the product obtained by multiplying the number of days of earned but unused vacation leave by the daily rate of pay applicable to the employee immediately prior to the termination of his/her employment.
Casual Employee Casual employee shall mean an individual who is hired on a job contract or on an hourly basis for unscheduled or irregular work. The only provisions of this Agreement applying to the employment of casual employees are contained in Schedule B.