Term Employee. Term employee means a new person employed without seniority for a specific time period or until the completion of a particular project in compliance with funding provided for that position or project. At the expiry of said term the employment of such employee shall be terminated unless the term employee is immediately hired as a full-time or part-time employee at which time the term employee's original starting date shall be utilized to establish their seniority.
Term Employee. An employee appointed by the Employer to a term position to perform work which has been designated by the Employer as non-continuing in nature, for which a beginning and termination date is specified. The term shall be not less than four (4) months and not more than twelve (12) months, except that extensions may be granted by the Joint Committee for the Administration of the Agreement. Such positions shall be posted in accordance with Article 12 and shall be classified for salary administration purposes. Employees filling these positions shall be included in the bargaining unit from date of appointment. The following articles do not apply to these employees and will be noted in each article: Article 13 and 27 -- except as noted.
Term Employee. A term employee is a regular employee who is engaged for a specific project or for a limited period of normally not less than one (1) year nor more than three
Term Employee. An employee occupying a position limited in duration to more than six (6) months. Such employees accrue fringe benefits in the manner set forth in this Agreement. When the position ends, such employees shall be terminated without rights of appeal.
Term Employee a full-time or part-time employee who is employed to fill a specific work requirement which is anticipated to be of a specific duration [i.e., fourteen (14) or more hours per week and for more than three (3) consecutive months duration]. This employee is not entitled to any of the employee benefits of this Agreement except as otherwise provided. However, such an employee will receive, semi-monthly, sixteen percent (16%) calculated on her total wages in lieu of such benefits, including annual vacation pay.
Term Employee. An employee hired to temporarily replace a Regular employee at fifty percent (50%) up to one hundred percent (100%) of a full-time equivalent workload for a minimum of three months, or an employee hired to fill a non-recurring position with a minimum of sixty percent (60%) workload up to one hundred percent (100%) of a full-time equivalent workload for a minimum of three consecutive months to a maximum of ten consecutive months. An employee hired on a term basis in the Licensed Practical Nursing Program meeting the above requirements may be hired to a maximum of fifteen (15) to eighteen (18) consecutive months, depending on program length. A term employee will have a specific term of employment with a start and end date.
Term Employee. Term employee (or temporary employee) means a new person employed without seniority for a specific time period or until the completion of a particular project in compliance with funding provided for that position or project. At the expiry of said term the employment of such employee shall be terminated unless the term employee is immediately hired as a full-time or part-time employee at which time the term employee's original starting date shall be utilized to establish their seniority.
Term Employee. An employee who is employed in a job classification outlined in Appendix B for more than twenty-four (24) hours per week, for a term which is greater than eight (8) months, not to exceed twenty-four (24) calendar months. A term employee may only be employed:
Term Employee. An employee who is employed: