Auditing Books and records kept in accordance with Paragraph 9.1 will be open to inspection by representatives or agents of REGENTS at reasonable times to determine the completeness and accuracy of those payments and to assess the LICENSEE’s compliance with terms of this AGREEMENT. As necessary and reasonable, LICENSEE will make its personnel available to interpret documents, understand accounting methodologies employed, and to run reports from LICENSEE’s accounting and enterprise resource planning systems to permit REGENTS agents and representatives to verify the completeness and accuracy of LICENSEE’s payments due REGENTS. The agents or representatives of REGENTS may retain one copy of books and records supporting their findings until the matters identified during the course of the inspection are resolved. Notwithstanding any other provision of this AGREEMENT or any confidentiality agreement between LICENSEE and agents or representatives of REGENTS, such agents and representatives are permitted to disclose their findings regarding the completeness and accuracy of LICENSEE’s payments to REGENTS as well as the evidentiary bases therefore. REGENTS right to conduct an inspection will be preserved for one year following the later of the termination or expiration of this AGREEMENT. or the LICENSEE’s final report setting forth royalties due in connection with LICENSED PRODUCTS manufactured or in inventory at the expiration or termination of the AGREEMENT. The fees and expenses of representatives of REGENTS performing such an inspection will be borne by REGENTS. If, however, the payments made to REGENTS under this AGREEMENT by the LICENSEE are found after REGENTS initiate their inspection to be less than ninety-five percent (95%) of the total payments due to REGENTS under this AGREEMENT for any year, LICENSEE will bear the cost of the inspection. Should an overpayment by LICENSEE be discovered after REGENTS initiate their inspection, LICENSEE will be entitled to a credit equal to such excess payment, minus the expenses of such inspection, against the payment obligations next accruing under the AGREEMENT, provided such payments are due and payable.
SAO AUDIT A. The state auditor may conduct an audit or investigation of any entity receiving funds from the state directly under the Contract or indirectly through a subcontract under the Contract. The acceptance of funds directly under the Contract or indirectly through a subcontract under the Contract acts as acceptance of the authority of the state auditor, under the direction of the legislative audit committee, to conduct an audit or investigation in connection with those funds. Under the direction of the legislative audit committee, an entity that is the subject of an audit or investigation by the state auditor must provide the state auditor with access to any information the state auditor considers relevant to the investigation or audit. B. Grantee shall comply with any rules and procedures of the state auditor in the implementation and enforcement of Section 2262.154 of the Texas Government Code.
Diagnostic Assessment 6.3.1 Boards shall provide a list of pre-approved assessment tools consistent with their Board improvement plan for student achievement and which is compliant with Ministry of Education PPM (PPM 155: Diagnostic Assessment in Support of Student Learning, date of issue January 7, 2013). 6.3.2 Teachers shall use their professional judgment to determine which assessment and/or evaluation tool(s) from the Board list of preapproved assessment tools is applicable, for which student(s), as well as the frequency and timing of the tool. In order to inform their instruction, teachers must utilize diagnostic assessment during the school year.
Auditor 28.2.1 The Department (in accordance with Post-16 audit code of practice - XXX.XX (, the European Commission, the European Court of Auditors and/or a Crown Body may at any time conduct audits for the following purposes:- (a) to establish that the Provider has used the Funding (and proposed or actual variations to the Funding in accordance with this Agreement) in the delivery of the Services and/or the costs of all suppliers (including Sub- Contractors) of the Services; (b) to verify the Provider’s claims for Funding; (c) to review the integrity, confidentiality and security of the Department Data as well as the Department’s access to the Department Data; (d) to review the Provider's and/or a Provider Related Party's compliance with the DPA 2018, the FOIA in accordance with Clauses 19 (Department Data) and 23 (Freedom of Information and Confidentiality) and any other Law applicable to the Services; (e) to carry out the audit and certification of the Department’s accounts; (f) to verify the accuracy and completeness of any management information delivered or required by this Agreement; (g) to ensure that the Provider and/or a Provider Related Party is complying with the Department Policies and any British or equivalent European standards and any other audit that may be required by any Relevant Authority, such audits may be based on current or preceding years or preceding Agreements. 28.2.2 The Department will use its reasonable endeavours to ensure that the conduct of each audit does not unreasonably disrupt the Provider or delay the provision of the Services. 28.2.3 Subject to the Department’s obligations of confidentiality, the Provider and/or a Provider Related Party must on demand provide the Department (and/or its agents or representatives) with all reasonable co-operation and assistance in relation to each audit, including:- (a) all information requested by the Department within the permitted scope of the audit; (b) reasonable access to any premises and any equipment used (whether exclusively or non-exclusively) in the performance of the Services; (c) access to the Provider's and/or a Provider Related Party's systems; and (d) access to Provider Personnel; and (e) provision of any accounting records as referred to in Section 386 of the Companies Act 2006 and/or financial records as the Department may require which if the Provider is not a company may include similar accounting records as are referred to in Section 386 of the Companies Act 2006. 28.2.4 The Provider will implement all measurement and monitoring tools and procedures necessary to measure and report on the Provider's (including for the avoidance of doubt a Provider Related Party's) performance of the Services. 28.2.5 The Department will endeavour to (but is not obliged to) provide at least ten (10) Working Days' notice of its intention to conduct an audit. The Department may carry out audit visits with or without prior notice at its discretion. 28.2.6 The Parties agree that they will bear their own respective costs and expenses incurred in respect of compliance with their obligations under this clause, unless the audit identifies a material breach or malpractice by the Provider and/or a Provider Related Party in which case the Provider will reimburse the Department for all the Department’s reasonable costs incurred in the course of the audit. 28.2.7 If the findings of an audit conducted pursuant to this Clause 28 results in the requirement for ILR data to be corrected and re-submitted the Provider must re-submit the data to the Department, as set out in Clause 21 (Submission of Learner Data), within two months. Failure to do so will be a Minor Breach of this Agreement. 28.2.8 If the Department identifies that:- (a) the Provider has failed to perform its obligations under this Agreement in any material manner, without prejudice to any other remedy that the Department has, the Parties will agree and implement a remedial plan. If the Provider's failure relates to a failure to provide any information to the Department about the Funding, proposed Funding or the Provider's costs, then the remedial plan will include a requirement for the provision of all such information; (b) there has been any under or over payment it will be dealt with in accordance with Clause 26.1 (Funding and Payment). 28.2.9 The Provider must permit records referred to in this Clause 28 to be examined and copied from time to time by the Department’s auditor and inspectors and their representatives and other representatives of the Department.
Contract for Professional Services of Physicians, Optometrists, and Registered Nurses In accordance with Senate Bill 799, Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., if Texas Government Code, Section 2254.008(a)(2) is applicable to this Contract, Contractor affirms that it possesses the necessary occupational licenses and experience.
Research Use Reporting To assure adherence to NIH GDS Policy, the PI agrees to provide annual Progress Updates as part of the annual Project Renewal or Project Close-out processes, prior to the expiration of the one (1) year data access period. The PI who is seeking Renewal or Close-out of a project agree to complete the appropriate online forms and provide specific information such as how the data have been used, including publications or presentations that resulted from the use of the requested dataset(s), a summary of any plans for future research use (if the PI is seeking renewal), any violations of the terms of access described within this Agreement and the implemented remediation, and information on any downstream intellectual property generated from the data. The PI also may include general comments regarding suggestions for improving the data access process in general. Information provided in the progress updates helps NIH evaluate program activities and may be considered by the NIH GDS governance committees as part of NIH’s effort to provide ongoing stewardship of data sharing activities subject to the NIH GDS Policy.
Medical Examination Where the Employer requires an employee to submit to a medical examination or medical interview, it shall be at the Employer's expense and on the Employer's time.
Accountant A person engaged in the practice of accounting who (except when this Agreement provides that an Accountant must be Independent) may be employed by or affiliated with the Depositor or an Affiliate of the Depositor.
Medical Verification The Town may require medical verification of an employee’s absence if the Town perceives the employee is abusing sick leave or has used an excessive amount of sick leave. The Town may require medical verification of an employee’s absence to verify that the employee is able to return to work with or without restrictions.
Laboratory Services Covered Services include prescribed diagnostic clinical and anatomic pathological laboratory services and materials when authorized by a Member's PCP and HPN’s Managed Care Program.