Picking of Runs. (Departments 1 and 2 in Accordance with Article III, Section 302) (a) Picking of straight runs, swing runs and trippers shall be made by transportation employees at pickings scheduled and conducted by the Authority. In General Pickings, two (2) section officers will be excused with pay to assist the Authority in conducting the transportation picking. Pickings shall be made in accordance with employees’ depot seniority in their respective job classification except as follows: (1) Subway-Elevated trainpersons classed as motorpersons may pick motorperson runs in accordance with their district seniority, and may pick conductor runs in accordance with the seniority in the conductor group. Trainpersons classed as conductors may pick conductor runs in the order of their depot seniority and may pick motorpersons runs in accordance with their seniority in the motorperson group. (2) The Authority will set up four (4) cashier runs in each district which will be reserved for convalescent cashiers only. Regular cashiers who are certified by the Authority’s Medical Department as being temporarily incapable of performing all of the work of their assigned cashier runs may be designated as convalescent cashiers and may be assigned by the Depot Superintendent to such runs as are designated convalescent runs until such time as these cashiers are approved by the Authority’s Medical Department to perform their regularly assigned cashier duties. (3) Transportation employees who have been injured on duty or on sick leave for more than sixty (60) days shall not pick at scheduled General, Line or Line Move-Up pickings unless they can be expected to return to work within sixty (60) days after the date such picking is effective and they present themselves at the district when in turn to pick, provided, however, that no such employee will be permitted to pick a second time if one picked under these regulations at the previous picking and failed to return to work. Such employees who have not picked runs and return to work will be placed at the top of the extra list in the order of their district seniority until a picking is held except that in the case such employee is a towerperson a line moveback picking will be held and such picking will be effective the first Sunday following its completion. (b) There will be three kinds of scheduled pickings, General, Line and Line Move-Up: (1) A general picking will be the picking of straight and swing runs by employees of such job classification assigned to a depot from the schedules or timetables for operation of service on all routes or combination of routes assigned to the district or from the schedules for the district and their respective job classifications. The Authority will hold not less than three General pickings during each calendar year. General pickings will be held in the months of January, June and September or as close to such months as the Authority finds to be practical for required changes in service. Changes in weekday timetables or schedules that increase or decrease the number of straight or swing runs will require a General picking at a district when the number of employee runs scheduled for picking within any sixty (60) day period exceeds twenty-five percent (25%) of the weekday employee runs picked at the previous General picking; but a General picking will not be held for such changes in weekly timetables or schedules if a scheduled seasonal General picking is to be held within thirty (30) days. In addition, whenever changes of more than five (5) minutes are made in the start and finish times of swing (either half) and straight runs that equal twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the runs in a district then a new General Picking will be held within thirty (30) days. (2) A line picking will be the picking of straight and swing runs by subway-elevated trainpersons, surface trainpersons and buspersons assigned to a route or line. A line picking for any route or line will be held by the Authority when changes are made on the weekday timetable for that route or line that increases or decreases the scheduled number of straight or swing runs. In addition, whenever changes of more than five (5) minutes are made in the start and finish times of swing (either half) and straight runs that equal twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the runs on any single line in a location, and such changes occur more than thirty (30) days from a General Picking, a line picking will be held. (3) A Line Move-Up picking will be the picking of straight and swing runs by a part of the employees assigned to a route or line resulting from a vacancy on the weekday schedule or timetable for the route or line. A Line Move-Up picking will be held each calendar month for all routes or lines on which vacancies occur prior to the eighteenth day of the calendar month, in which case employees who follow on the district seniority list the employee creating the vacancy will be permitted to pick a vacant weekday run which they did not have an opportunity to pick at the previous picking, in the order of their district seniority and in accordance with these regulations. Employees who pick such vacant weekday runs shall also pick the Saturday run, Sunday run and days off assigned to the employee who vacated the weekday run so picked. Employees who picked or have been assigned runs that operate over two (2) or more routes will be eligible for Line Move-Up picking only on the route to which the run is assigned. Straight and swing runs remaining open after a Line Move-Up picking will be picked by extra persons in accordance with their district seniority. Runs picked by employees at such Line Move-Up pickings shall be worked by the employees picking them starting the first Sunday of the next succeeding calendar month in which such picking was held and until a new picking is held. A Line Move-Back will be the picking of straight and swing runs by a part of the towerpersons assigned to a district resulting from the return to work of a towerperson who was not eligible to pick at the previous General or Line picking. When such picking is held, towerpersons who follow on the district seniority list the towerperson who returns to work will vacate the runs held by them and all such towerpersons will pick such vacant weekday runs in the order of their district seniority. A towerperson who picks such a vacant weekday run shall also pick the Saturday run, Sunday run and days off assigned to the towerperson who vacated the weekday run so picked. (c) Timetables or schedules on which a General picking is to be held will be posted in the appropriate district assembly rooms, yardperson’s headquarters, operating towers or cashier rest rooms not less than seventy-two hours, exclusive of Sundays and holidays, before being reviewed with the Union representatives, and for at least twenty-four (24) hours following such review; and in the case of line pickings not less than twenty-four (24) hours, exclusive of Sundays and holidays, before such review. (d) A list of employees scheduled to pick each day will be posted in the appropriate depot assembly room, yardperson’s headquarters, operating towers or cashier rest rooms not later than 1:30 p.m. of the preceding day. Such list will show the time that each employee is scheduled to pick. (e) Each employee will present oneself at the district at the time scheduled to pick (towerpersons will contact the train dispatcher) or will leave in writing with the district dispatcher, on a form furnished by the Authority, at least three (3) choices of open runs for which one is qualified and of open days off and shall indicate the order of one’s choices. A list showing runs to be picked will be posted in the district and cashier rest rooms. Runs picked will be posted on this list after each scheduled group of employees has completed picking. Employees shall examine this list when in turn to pick before leaving choices or before presenting themselves at the picking desk at the time scheduled to pick. Employees shall not pick any straight or swing run that is scheduled to begin work less than six (6) hours before the scheduled finishing time of the previous days straight or swing run. (f) The Authority will assign runs and days off to any employees who fail to leave three (3) choices as required and who fail to present themselves at the picking desk when in turn to pick; or who refuse to pick promptly; or who refuse to pick for any reason. The runs and days off so assigned shall conform as closely as possible to the runs and days off picked at the previous picking. (g) Regular employees shall pick in their respective job classification open straight or swing runs for which qualified and which require five (5) days of work per week, from the various schedules or timetables posted and days off in accordance with the provisions of the picking regulations established for the district and their respective job. The number of employees who may be off each day of the week will be determined by the Authority and quotas will be established by the Authority. When such quotas are filled, no additional employee may pick that day off. (h) The trading of runs between two (2) employees is permitted with notice given to the dispatcher no later than the preceding day. Approval for such trading of runs beyond one day at a time will not be permitted if there is more than two (2) years difference in depot seniority between the two (2) employees who wish to trade, and if there is not valid reason for such trading. (i) Regular employees will be subject to assignment for work on only one of their scheduled days off. Such work assignments will be made on a rotating basis to equitably distribute such assigned work. When assigned work on their scheduled days off regular employees will be assigned to their regular runs unless such runs have been included in a relief run in which case they will be assigned to open runs. (j) A “miss” employee whose work has been assigned to another, will lose his/her work for the day. The miss employee will be assessed the appropriate points as prescribed in the Attendance Points System. If the Authority requires the miss employee to stay, he/she will be paid from the point so required, and may not leave until released. Miss employees will be assigned work in order of their arrival at the dispatcher/supervisor window, but in no event may an employee be required to wait at one’s reporting location for more than one (1) hour before being assigned work. (k) In the event the Authority develops an automated system for picking, it will meet with the Union to demonstrate the system and review its implementation. (l) In the event that there are no rail slate employees available, the Authority may assign bus slate employees to wildcat a rail run in a location that operates both modes without the Authority having to first use the overtime list for rail employees, provided that the employee so assigned will be required to adhere to all scheduled stops on the run. (m) Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted to prevent employees from volunteering on report on one or more of their days off.
Appears in 4 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Picking of Runs. (Departments 1 and 2 in Accordance with Article III, Section 302)
(a) Picking of straight runs, swing runs and trippers shall be made by transportation employees at pickings scheduled and conducted by the Authority. In General Pickings, two (2) section officers will be excused with pay to assist the Authority in conducting the transportation picking. Pickings shall be made in accordance with employees’ depot seniority in their respective job classification except as follows:
(1) Subway-Elevated trainpersons classed as motorpersons may pick motorperson runs in accordance with their district seniority, and may pick conductor runs in accordance with the seniority in the conductor group. Trainpersons classed as conductors may pick conductor runs in the order of their depot seniority and may pick motorpersons runs in accordance with their seniority in the motorperson group.
(2) The Authority will set up four (4) cashier runs in each district which will be reserved for convalescent cashiers only. Regular cashiers who are certified by the Authority’s Medical Department as being temporarily incapable of performing all of the work of their assigned cashier runs may be designated as convalescent cashiers and may be assigned by the Depot Superintendent to such runs as are designated convalescent runs until such time as these cashiers are approved by the Authority’s Medical Department to perform their regularly assigned cashier duties.
(3) Transportation employees who have been injured on duty or on sick leave for more than sixty (60) days shall not pick at scheduled General, Line or Line Move-Up pickings unless they can be expected to return to work within sixty (60) days after the date such picking is effective and they present themselves at the district when in turn to pick, provided, however, that no such employee will be permitted to pick a second time if one picked under these regulations at the previous picking and failed to return to work. Such employees who have not picked runs and return to work will be placed at the top of the extra list in the order of their district seniority until a picking is held except that in the case such employee is a towerperson a line moveback picking will be held and such picking will be effective the first Sunday following its completion.
(b) There will be three kinds of scheduled pickings, General, Line and Line Move-Up:
(1) A general picking will be the picking of straight and swing runs by employees of such job classification assigned to a depot from the schedules or timetables for operation of service on all routes or combination of routes assigned to the district or from the schedules for the district and their respective job classifications. The Authority will hold not less than three General pickings during each calendar year. General pickings will be held in the months of January, June and September or as close to such months as the Authority finds to be practical for required changes in service. Changes in weekday timetables or schedules that increase or decrease the number of straight or swing runs will require a General picking at a district when the number of employee runs scheduled for picking within any sixty (60) day period exceeds twenty-five percent (25%) of the weekday employee runs picked at the previous General picking; but a General picking will not be held for such changes in weekly timetables or schedules if a scheduled seasonal General picking is to be held within thirty (30) days. In addition, whenever changes of more than five (5) minutes are made in the start and finish times of swing (either half) and straight runs that equal twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the runs in a district then a new General Picking will be held within thirty (30) days.
(2) A line picking will be the picking of straight and swing runs by subway-elevated trainpersons, surface trainpersons and buspersons assigned to a route or line. A line picking for any route or line will be held by the Authority when changes are made on the weekday timetable for that route or line that increases or decreases the scheduled number of straight or swing runs. In addition, whenever changes of more than five (5) minutes are made in the start and finish times of swing (either half) and straight runs that equal twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the runs on any single line in a location, and such changes occur more than thirty (30) days from a General Picking, a line picking will be held.
(3) A Line Move-Up picking will be the picking of straight and swing runs by a part of the employees assigned to a route or line resulting from a vacancy on the weekday schedule or timetable for the route or line. A Line Move-Up picking will be held each calendar month for all routes or lines on which vacancies occur prior to the eighteenth day of the calendar month, in which case employees who follow on the district seniority list the employee creating the vacancy will be permitted to pick a vacant weekday run which they did not have an opportunity to pick at the previous picking, in the order of their district seniority and in accordance with these regulations. Employees who pick such vacant weekday runs shall also pick the Saturday run, Sunday run and days off assigned to the employee who vacated the weekday run so picked. Employees who picked or have been assigned runs that operate over two (2) or more routes will be eligible for Line Move-Up picking only on the route to which the run is assigned. Straight and swing runs remaining open after a Line Move-Up picking will be picked by extra persons in accordance with their district seniority. Runs picked by employees at such Line Move-Up pickings shall be worked by the employees picking them starting the first Sunday of the next succeeding calendar month in which such picking was held and until a new picking is held. A Line Move-Back will be the picking of straight and swing runs by a part of the towerpersons assigned to a district resulting from the return to work of a towerperson who was not eligible to pick at the previous General or Line picking. When such picking is held, towerpersons who follow on the district seniority list the towerperson who returns to work will vacate the runs held by them and all such towerpersons will pick such vacant weekday runs in the order of their district seniority. A towerperson who picks such a vacant weekday run shall also pick the Saturday run, Sunday run and days off assigned to the towerperson who vacated the weekday run so picked.
(c) Timetables or schedules on which a General picking is to be held will be posted in the appropriate district assembly rooms, yardperson’s headquarters, operating towers or cashier rest rooms not less than seventy-two hours, exclusive of Sundays and holidays, before being reviewed with the Union representatives, and for at least twenty-four (24) hours following such review; and in the case of line pickings not less than twenty-four (24) hours, exclusive of Sundays and holidays, before such review.
(d) A list of employees scheduled to pick each day will be posted in the appropriate depot assembly room, yardperson’s headquarters, operating towers or cashier rest rooms not later than 1:30 p.m. of the preceding day. Such list will show the time that each employee is scheduled to pick.
(e) Each employee will present oneself at the district at the time scheduled to pick (towerpersons will contact the train dispatcher) or will leave in writing with the district dispatcher, on a form furnished by the Authority, at least three (3) choices of open runs for which one is qualified and of open days off and shall indicate the order of one’s choices. A list showing runs to be picked will be posted in the district and cashier rest rooms. Runs picked will be posted on this list after each scheduled group of employees has completed picking. Employees shall examine this list when in turn to pick before leaving choices or before presenting themselves at the picking desk at the time scheduled to pick. Employees shall not pick any straight or swing run that is scheduled to begin work less than six (6) hours before the scheduled finishing time of the previous days straight or swing run.
(f) The Authority will assign runs and days off to any employees who fail to leave three (3) choices as required and who fail to present themselves at the picking desk when in turn to pick; or who refuse to pick promptly; or who refuse to pick for any reason. The runs and days off so assigned shall conform as closely as possible to the runs and days off picked at the previous picking.
(g) Regular employees shall pick in their respective job classification open straight or swing runs for which qualified and which require five (5) days of work per week, from the various schedules or timetables posted and days off in accordance with the provisions of the picking regulations established for the district and their respective job. The number of employees who may be off each day of the week will be determined by the Authority and quotas will be established by the Authority. When such quotas are filled, no additional employee may pick that day off.
(h) The trading of runs between two (2) employees is permitted with notice given to the dispatcher no later than the preceding day. Approval for such trading of runs beyond one day at a time will not be permitted if there is more than two (2) years difference in depot seniority between the two (2) employees who wish to trade, and if there is not valid reason for such trading.
(i) Regular employees will be subject to assignment for work on only one of their scheduled days off. Such work assignments will be made on a rotating basis to equitably distribute such assigned work. When assigned work on their scheduled days off regular employees will be assigned to their regular runs unless such runs have been included in a relief run in which case they will be assigned to open runs. Transportation employees who are drafted and work their entire assignment shall not be subject to additional drafting in that same calendar month.
(j) A “miss” employee whose work has been assigned to another, will lose his/her work for the day. The miss employee will be assessed the appropriate points as prescribed in the Attendance Points System. If the Authority requires the miss employee to stay, he/she will be paid from the point so required, and may not leave until released. Miss employees will be assigned work in order of their arrival at the dispatcher/supervisor window, but in no event may an employee be required to wait at one’s reporting location for more than one (1) hour before being assigned work.
(k) In the event the Authority develops an automated system for picking, it will meet with the Union to demonstrate the system and review its implementation.
(l) In the event that there are no rail slate employees available, the Authority may assign bus slate employees to wildcat a rail run in a location that operates both modes without the Authority having to first use the overtime list for rail employees, provided that the employee so assigned will be required to adhere to all scheduled stops on the run.
(m) Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted to prevent employees from volunteering on report on one or more of their days off.
(n) A surface operator who requests to take a day off or the second half of his/her assigned run off and advises the dispatcher or appropriate Authority personnel during the initial call that he/she will be reporting to work for his/her next assigned run or work assignment will be permitted to work his/her next assigned run or assignment without any further notice to the Authority.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement