Plan Specific Elections. The Employer in its Adoption Agreement must elect for the Plan Administrator to apply the following annual testing elections:
(1) nondiscrimination testing under the ADP and ACP tests as a Traditional 401(k) Plan; (2) no nondiscrimination testing as a Safe Harbor 401(k) Plan or nondiscrimination testing under the ACP test as an ADP only Safe Harbor 401(k) Plan; (3) no nondiscrimination testing as a SIMPLE 401(k) Plan; (4) the top-paid group election under Code §414(q)(1)(B)(ii); (5) the calendar year data election under Notice 97-45 or other Applicable Law; (6) Current or Prior Year Testing as a Traditional 401(k) Plan or as an ADP only Safe Harbor 401(k) Plan under Treas. Reg. §§1.401(k)-2(a)(2)(ii) and 1.401(m)-2(a)(2)(ii) and under Notice 98-1 as applicable; and