POWERS FOR REJECTION OF TENDER. The Tender Accepting Authority reserves the right to reject any tender or all renders in exercise of the power conferred by section 12(1) and (2) of TNIT Act subject to the provisions of sub section (1) and (2) of section 12 of TNIT Act 1998.


  • Rejection of Bids 22.1. The ACCO may reject a Bid if: 22.1.1. The Bidder is determined to be not responsible pursuant to the PPB Rules; or if 22.1.2. The Bid is determined to be non-responsive pursuant to the PPB Rules; or if 22.1.3. Any of the Bid prices for lump sum or unit items are significantly unbalanced to the potential detriment of NYCDOT. An unbalanced Bid is considered to be a Bid containing lump sum or unit item prices which do not reflect reasonable actual costs plus a reasonable proportionate share of the Bidder’s anticipated profit, overhead costs and other indirect costs anticipated for the performance of the item in question. 22.2. The ACCO may reject all Bids and may elect to re-solicit by bid or by other method authorized by the PPB Rules.

  • Submission of Tender The tender shall be submitted online in two part, viz., technical bid and financial bid. All the pages of bid being submitted must be signed and sequentially numbered by the bidder irrespective of nature of content of the documents before uploading.

  • SUBMISSION OF TENDERS i. The tenders received after the specified time of their submission shall be treated as `Late Tenders’ and shall not be considered under any circumstances. xx. Xxxxxxx shall be opened by authorized officer at his office at the time and date as specified in the NIT, in the presence of such of those tenderers or their authorized representatives who may be present. iii. Tenders whose bids are found techno-commercially qualified shall be informed by E-mail the date and time of opening of the Bids. XXXX’s decision in this regard shall be final and binding. iv. Before submission of Bid, the tenderers are advised to inspect the site of work and the environments and be well acquainted with the actual working and other prevalent conditions, facilities available, position of material and labour, means of transport and access to Site, accommodation, etc. No claim will be entertained later on the grounds of lack of knowledge of any of these conditions.

  • Evaluation of Tenders 33.1 The Procuring Entity shall use the criteria and methodologies listed in this ITT and Section III, Evaluation and Qualification criteria. No other evaluation criteria or methodologies shall be permitted. By applying the criteria and methodologies, the Procuring Entity shall determine the Lowest Evaluated Tender. This is the Tender of the Tenderer that meets the qualification criteria and whose Tender has been determined to be: a) substantially responsive to the tender documents; and b) the lowest evaluated price. 33.2 Price evaluation will be done for Items or Lots (contracts), as specified in the TDS; and the Tender Price as quoted in accordance with ITT 14. To evaluate a Tender, the Procuring Entity shall consider the following: a) price adjustment due to unconditional discounts offered in accordance with ITT 13.4; b) converting the amount resulting from applying (a) and (b) above, if relevant, to a single currency in accordance with ITT 31; c) price adjustment due to quantifiable nonmaterial non-conformities in accordance with ITT 29.3; and d) any additional evaluation factors specified in the TDS and Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria. 33.3 The estimated effect of the price adjustment provisions of the Conditions of Contract, applied over the period of execution of the Contract, shall not be considered in Tender evaluation. 33.4 Where the tender involves multiple lots or contracts, the tenderer will be allowed to tender for one or more lots (contracts). Each lot or contract will be evaluated in accordance with ITT 33.

  • Inspection and Rejection of Nonconforming Goods The Buyer has the right to inspect the Goods on or after the Delivery Date. Buyer, at its sole option, may inspect all or a sample of the Goods, and may reject all or any portion of the Goods if it determines the Goods are nonconforming or defective. If Buyer rejects any portion of the Goods, Buyer has the right, effective upon written notice to Seller, to: (a) rescind the Order in its entirety; (b) accept the Goods at a reasonably reduced price; or (c) reject the Goods and require replacement of the rejected Goods. If Buyer requires replacement of the Goods, Seller shall, at its expense, promptly replace the nonconforming Goods and pay for all related expenses, including, but not limited to, transportation charges for the return of the defective goods and the delivery of replacement Goods. If Seller fails to timely deliver replacement Goods, Buyer may replace them with goods from a third party and charge Seller the cost thereof and terminate this Order for cause pursuant to Section 19. Any inspection or other action by Buyer under this Section shall not reduce or otherwise affect Seller's obligations under the Order, and Buyer shall have the right to conduct further inspections after Seller has carried out its remedial actions.

  • Withdrawal, Substitution, and Modification of Tenders 23.1 A Tenderer may withdraw, substitute, or modify its Tender after it has been submitted by sending a written notice, duly signed by an authorized representative, and shall include a copy of the authorization (the power of attorney) in accordance with ITT19.3, (except that withdrawal notices do not require copies). The corresponding substitution or modification of the Tender must accompany the respective written notice. All notices must be: a) prepared and submitted in accordance with ITT 20 and 21 (except that withdrawal notices do not require copies), and in addition, the respective envelopes shall be clearly marked “WITHDRAWAL,” “SUBSTITUTION,” or “MODIFICATION;” and b) received by the Procuring Entity prior to the deadline prescribed for submission of Xxxxxxx, in accordance with ITT 22. 23.3 Tenders requested to be withdrawn in accordance with ITT 23.1 shall be returned unopened to the Tenderers. 23.4 No Tender may be withdrawn, substituted, or modified in the interval between the deadline for submission of Tenders and the expiration of the period of Tender validity specified by the Tenderer on the Form of Tender or any extension thereof.

  • Clarification of Tenders 26.1 To assist in the examination, evaluation, comparison of the Tenders, and qualification of the Tenderers, the Procuring Entity may, at its discretion, ask any Tenderer for a clarification of its Tender. Any clarification submitted by a Tenderer in respect to its Tender and that is not in response to a request by the Procuring Entity shall not be considered. The Procuring Entity's request for clarification and the response shall be in writing. No change, including any voluntary increase or decrease, in the prices or substance of the Tender shall be sought, offered, or permitted except to confirm the correction of arithmetic errors discovered by the Procuring Entity in the Evaluation of the Tenders, in accordance with ITT 30. If a Tenderer does not provide clarifications of its Tender by the date and time set in the Procuring Entity's request for clarification, its Tender may be rejected.

  • Acceptance; Rejection A holder of Notes may accept the offer to prepay made pursuant to this Section 8.3 by causing a notice of such acceptance to be delivered to the Company not later than 15 days after receipt by such holder of the most recent offer of prepayment. A failure by a holder of Notes to respond to an offer to prepay made pursuant to this Section 8.3 shall be deemed to constitute a rejection of such offer by such holder.

  • Preparation of Tenders The tenderer shall prepare separately, the administrative, technical and financial proposals as explained below;

  • Qualification of the Tenderer 5.1 All Tenderers shall provide in Section IV, Tendering Forms, a preliminary description of the proposed work method and schedule, including drawings and charts, as necessary. 5.2 In the event that pre-qualification of Tenderers has been undertaken as stated in ITT 18.3, the provisions on qualifications of the Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria shall not apply.