Tender accepting authority definition

Tender accepting authority means the Managing Director, The Karnataka Text Book Society ®, Karnataka.
Tender accepting authority means the management of the Company and includes an authorized representative of the Company or any other person or body of persons empowered in this behalf by the Company to approve the Tender.
Tender accepting authority means an officer or a Committee appointed to accept tenders and a ‘Tender Inviting Authority’ means an officer or a Committee appointed to invite tenders, under section 9;

Examples of Tender accepting authority in a sentence

  • The Tender accepting authority may also reject any Tender for reasons such as changes in the new technologies, court orders, accidents or calamities and other unforeseen circumstances.

  • The tenderer, whose tender is approved for acceptance, shall within 7 (Seven) days of the receipt of Letter of Acceptance (LOA) to him, will have to execute ‘Formal Agreement’ with the Tender accepting authority of Tender agreement which may be purchased on cash payment from the office of the Kalyani University concerned with the work.

  • I / We hereby agree to accept all the conditions put forth in this document without any deviations or with the exceptions which may be expressly admitted and accepted by the Tender accepting authority before the award of work.

  • The tenderer whose tender is approved for acceptance, shall within 7 days of the receipt of “Work Order” (WO), will have to execute ‘Formal Agreement’ with the Tender accepting authority in quadruplicate copies.

  • Rejection of TenderThe employer (Tender accepting authority) receives the right to accept or reject any Tender and to cancel the quotation process and reject all quotations at any time prior to the award of contract without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Tenderer or any obligation to inform the affected tenderer of the ground for employer’s (Tender accepting authority) action.

More Definitions of Tender accepting authority

Tender accepting authority means the Board Level Tender Committee of TANGEDCO.
Tender accepting authority means the Chairman of the Executive Committee, The Karnataka Text Book Society ®.
Tender accepting authority means the Managing Director of KPCL
Tender accepting authority means the Commissioner for Public Instructions, The Government of Karnataka.
Tender accepting authority means the authority which accepts the Bid;
Tender accepting authority means the CE(GSW) of KPC-GPCL.
Tender accepting authority means the Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Skill