Private Line Service. In lieu of any other rates and discounts, the Customer will pay fixed monthly recurring per-circuit charges ranging from $0.0000 to $8,650.00 and per-circuit mile charges ranging from $0.0000 to $15.7500 with mileage ranging from 0 to 1,251 miles for OC-48 Linear Private Line Service.
Appears in 2 contracts
Private Line Service. In lieu of any other rates and discounts, the Customer will pay a fixed monthly recurring per-circuit charges ranging from charge of $0.0000 to $8,650.00 2,600 and per-circuit monthly recurring per mile charges ranging from $0.0000 5.00 to $15.7500 9.00 with mileage ranging from 0 to 1,251 286 – 2,000+ miles for OC-48 Linear OC-12 Private Line Service. The monthly recurring fixed charge per mile for mileage ranging 0 – 285 is not applicable.
Appears in 1 contract
Private Line Service. In lieu of any other rates and discounts, the Customer will pay fixed monthly recurring per-circuit charges ranging from $0.0000 0.00 to $8,650.00 1,200.00 and per-circuit monthly recurring per mile charges ranging from $0.0000 0.00 to $15.7500 4.00 with mileage ranging from 0 to 1,251 miles – 1,001+ for OC-48 Linear OC-3 Private Line Service.
Appears in 1 contract