Procedures of the Appeals Board Sample Clauses

Procedures of the Appeals Board. The board shall conduct its deliberations according to informal and non-adversarial procedures.

Related to Procedures of the Appeals Board

  • Powers of the Arbitrator It shall be the function of the arbitrator and he shall be so empowered, except as his powers are limited below, after due investigation, to make a decision in cases of alleged violation of the specific Articles of this Agreement. (a) He shall have no power to add to, subtract from, disregard, alter or modify any of the terms of this Agreement. (b) He shall have no power to establish wage rates or to change any rate, except as modified by Subsection (e) of this Section. (c) He shall have no power to rule on the discipline or discharge of any employee or matters involving prohibited bargaining subjects. (d) He shall have no power to change any practice, policy, or rule of the Board of Education, nor to substitute his judgment for that of the Board as to the reasonableness of any such practice, policy, rule or any action of the Board. (e) His powers shall be limited to deciding whether the Board has violated the express article or sections of this Agreement, it being understood that any matter not specifically set forth herein remains within the reserved rights of the Board. (f) In rendering decisions, an arbitrator shall give due regard to the responsibility of management and shall so construe the Agreement that there will be no interference with such responsibilities, except as they may be specifically conditioned by this Agreement. Decisions of the Arbitrator will be final and binding upon both parties. (g) In the event that a case is appealed to an Arbitrator on which he has no power to rule, it shall be referred back to the parties without decision or recommendation on its merits. (h) The impartial Arbitrator shall have the authority to order full, partial, or no compensation for time lost subject to items (a) through (g) of this Section.

  • Central Dispute Resolution Committee a) There shall be established a Central Dispute Resolution Committee (CDRC), which shall be composed of two (2) representatives from each of the central parties, and two (2) representatives of the Crown. b) The Committee shall meet at the request of one of the central parties. c) The central parties shall each have the following rights: i. To file a dispute as a grievance with the Committee. ii. To engage in settlement discussions, and to mutually settle a grievance with the consent of the Crown. iii. To withdraw a grievance. iv. To mutually agree to refer a grievance to the local grievance procedure. v. To mutually agree to voluntary mediation. vi. To refer a grievance to final and binding arbitration at any time. d) The Crown shall have the following rights: i. To give or withhold approval to any proposed settlement between the central parties. ii. To participate in voluntary mediation. iii. To intervene in any matter referred to arbitration. e) Only a central party may file a grievance and refer it to the Committee for discussion and review. No grievance can be referred to arbitration without three (3) days prior notice to the Committee. f) It shall be the responsibility of each central party to inform their respective local parties of the Committee’s disposition of the dispute at each step in the central dispute resolution process including mediation and arbitration, and to direct them accordingly. g) Each of the central parties and the Crown shall be responsible for their own costs for the central dispute resolution process.