GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE & ARBITRATION. 36.01 A grievance is defined as any difference or dispute arising between the Union and the Company relating to the interpretation, application, administration or alleged violation of the Agreement, including any question as to whether a matter is arbitrable.
36.02 There are three types of grievances under this Collective Agreement:
(a) An Individual Grievance, which is an unresolved complaint of an individual employee wherein he or she believes that the Collective Agreement has been improperly interpreted, applied or administered to his or her detriment. An Individual Grievance may be submitted at Step 1 of the grievance procedure following the attempt to try to resolve the matter as per 36.04.
(b) A Group Grievance, which is an unresolved complaint of a group of employees wherein they believe that the Collective Agreement has been improperly interpreted, applied or administered to their collective detriment. A group grievance may be submitted at Step 1 of the grievance procedure within ten (10) days of when the employees became or ought reasonably to have become aware that the circumstances giving rise to the grievance occurred.
(c) A Policy Grievance which is an unresolved issue arising between the Union and the Employer around the interpretation, application or administration of the Collective Agreement but does not include matters which could be pursued either as an Individual or Group Grievance. A policy grievance may be submitted by the Union or the Employer at Step 2 of the grievance procedure within ten (10) days of when the party became or ought reasonably to have become aware that the circumstances giving rise to the grievance occurred.
36.03 For the purpose of this Article, reference to "days" relating to Steps in the grievance and arbitration procedure shall mean calendar days.
36.04 Employees who have a complaint shall first take the matter up with their Supervisor/Manager within five (5) days when the cause of the complainant occurred or ought to have reasonably come to the attention of the employee. The employee may be accompanied by a Xxxxxxx and the Xxxxxxx may also discuss the matter with the Supervisor/Manager before the grievance is committed to writing. If the matter is not resolved within five (5) days of it first being raised or if the decision of the Supervisor/Manager is not satisfactory to the Xxxxxxx, the Xxxxxxx/Committee Person may appeal the decision by filing a grievance. The grievance will be committed to writing and delive...
GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE & ARBITRATION. 36.01 Any complaint, disagreement or difference of opinion between the Company and the Union, or the employees, which concerns the interpretation, application, operation or alleged violation of the terms and provisions of this Agreement, shall be considered as a grievance.
GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE & ARBITRATION. 10.01 The purpose of this procedure is to secure, at the lowest possible administrative level, solutions to grievances which may from time to time arise. These procedures will be kept as informal as may be appropriate at any step of the procedure.
(a) A “grievance”, is a claim by any occasional teacher, group of occasional teachers, the Association, or the Board, relating to the interpretation, application or administration of this agreement, or is an allegation that this agreement has been contravened.
GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE & ARBITRATION. 6.01 (a) Business days will be excepting statutory holidays, Article. considered as Monday to Friday, for the purpose of applying this
GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE & ARBITRATION. It is the mutual desire of the parties hereto that complaints of employees shall be adjusted as quickly as possible. If an employee has a complaint related to an alleged violation of the Collective Agreement she may at option discuss it with immediate supervisor within three (3) days after the circumstances giving rise to the complaint (grieved action) have occurred or have or ought to have reasonably come to the attention of the employee. The Supervisor shall give a response to the complaint within three (3) days. These discussions will not establish precedent. Failing settlement, or failing a response to the complaint, it may be taken up as a grievance in the following manner and sequence: under this Collective Agreement. Grievances must be filed within fifteen (15) working days of grieved act or except where both parties agree to an extension of time. There is no grievance until an employee has reported complaint to the Supervisor. The form shall contain a statement giving particulars of the action, a statement as to the remedy sought and the provisions of the Agreement alleged to have been breached, provided that this does not preclude the or Employer from relying upon other provisions of the Agreement. Step Grievance form is completed in duplicate and signed by the employee and Union Xxxxxxx, presented to the Supervisor by the Union Xxxxxxx and (at their option). Both copies are to be returned by the Supervisor with signed comments to the Union Xxxxxxx within three (3) working days.
GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE & ARBITRATION. 8.01 The Employer guarantees to every employee covered by this Agreement that their status will not be prejudiced in any manner due to the fact that they have taken the action of carrying grievances to higher management levels when there has been failure to settle their complaints or grievances satisfactorily through their immediate supervisors.
8.02 The procedure for the discussion of any questions or problems which might arise concerning working condi- tions shall be as follows:
8.03 Should the matter not be settled within fifteen (15) days of the date the written grievance is filed or such long- er time as may be mutually agreeable, the issue may be submitted to Arbitration as provided by this agreement.
8.04 Should the matter at issue involve the misinterpret- ation or alleged violation of the Agreement, either party shall have the right to submit the matter to an Arbitrator. In the event the parties fail to agree upon an Arbitrator, the Minister of Labour for the Province of Ontario shall be requested to name a person to act as Arbitrator.
GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE & ARBITRATION. 6:01 It is agreed that it is the spirit and intent of this Agreement to address grievances promptly. All grievances must be initiated within ten (10) working days of the incident.
6:02 A grievance shall mean any difference or dispute concerning the interpretation, application, administration or alleged violation of this Agreement and shall be handled in the following manner.
Step I The aggrieved party shall discuss his complaint with his xxxxxxx and the Xxxxxxx or immediate Supervisor, who shall endeavour to settle the complaint.
Step II If the complaint is not settled within three (3) working days excluding Saturday, Sunday and recognized holidays, from the date there is evidence of a grievance having occurred, it shall be reduced to writing and referred to the Local Business Representative and the Employer's Labour Relations Representative on site. Step III If the grievance is not settled within thirteen (13) working days, excluding Saturday, Sunday and recognized holidays, from the date there is evidence of a grievance having occurred, either party may request that the grievance be referred to the Union's International Representative and the Head Office Representative of the Employer. If the grievance is not settled within twenty-three (23) working days excluding Saturday, Sunday and recognized holidays, from the date there is evidence of a grievance having occurred, the grievance shall proceed to Arbitration at the request of either party.
GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE & ARBITRATION. The following provisions of this section 201 became effective for all grievances filed subsequent to November 1, 1998.
GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE & ARBITRATION. 7.01 The parties to this Agreement recognize the stewards and the CLAC Representatives specified in Article 6.01 as the agents through which volunteer firefighters shall process their grievances and receive settlement thereof.
7.02 A volunteer firefighter having a question or a complaint that has not already been dealt with through the normal chain of command shall refer it to the Area Commander or their designate. The volunteer firefighter shall have the option of having a xxxxxxx present.
7.03 Step 1 If the question or complaint is not resolved after discussion with the Area Commander, then the volunteer firefighter, accompanied by a xxxxxxx or CLAC Representative, will submit a written grievance to the Fire Chief or their designate within ten (10) calendar days of the act or condition causing the grievance. Within fourteen (14) calendar days of the written submission the parties will meet to attempt resolution of the grievance. The Fire Chief or their designate will issue a response in writing to the Association within ten
GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE & ARBITRATION. 15.1 It is the intent of this Article to provide the parties with a procedure whereby differences and disputes as to the interpretation of any of the articles in this Agreement will be resolved without work stoppage.
15.2 A grievance is defined as any difference arising between the parties bound by this Agreement concerning the interpretation, application, operation, or any alleged violation of a provision of this Agreement, including any question as to whether any matter is arbitrable.
15.3 Every effort shall be made to resolve problems through informal channels before using the formal process. The affected employee must request a meeting with the appropriate supervisor in an attempt to discuss and resolve the issue before a grievance is initiated. Evidence of the use of this informal process shall be provided to the Union President and the Vice President Corporate Services.
15.4 All formal grievances filed on behalf of employees must be initiated by the Union.
15.5 Except where specifically provided by other provisions of this Agreement, all grievances will commence at Step One. Thereafter, the subsequent steps will be followed sequentially unless a grievance is resolved, withdrawn, or otherwise disposed of, or unless the parties otherwise specifically agree to handle a particular grievance in a different manner.