PROGRESS PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNT OF SERVICES. Progress payments are due and payable to the Consultant within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Consultant’s invoice, provided that Consultant’s invoice is received by the School District by the tenth (10th) of the month and provided that the Consultant is entitled to payment as provided in this Agreement. Amounts unpaid sixty (60) days after the invoice receipt date shall bear interest at the Bank of America Prime Rate plus 2%.
9.1.1 Consultant’s invoices shall include the description and value of Services completed during the previous month, the percent of Services completed through the previous month, and the balance of Services remaining. Invoices, including Reimbursable Expenses, shall be accompanied by receipts or records documenting those expenses. Invoices for Additional Services, as authorized under Article 2, shall be accompanied by supporting information, such as time sheets or invoices, as necessary to substantiate the Additional Services.
PROGRESS PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNT OF SERVICES. Progress payments are due and payable to the Consultant within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Consultant’s invoice, provided that the Consultant is entitled to payment as provided in this Agreement. Amounts unpaid sixty (60) days after the invoice receipt date shall bear interest at the Bank of America Prime Rate plus two percent (2%).
9.1.1 Consultant’s invoices shall include the description and value of Services completed during the previous month, the percent of Services completed through the previous month, and the balance of Services remaining. Invoices, including Reimbursable Expenses, shall be accompanied by receipts or records documenting those expenses. Invoices for Additional Services, as authorized under Article 2, shall be accompanied by supporting information, such as time sheets or invoices, as necessary to substantiate the Additional Services.
PROGRESS PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNT OF SERVICES. Progress paymen ts are due an d payable to t he A/E wit hin thirty (30) days of receipt of t he A/E’s invoice, provided t hat t he A/E is en titled to paymen t as provided in t his Agreemen t. Am ou n ts u n paid sixty (60) days after t he invoice receipt date shall bear in terest at t he Bank of America Prime Rate plus two percent (2%).
11.1.1. A/E’s invoices shall be sub mitted m on t hly an d include t he description an d value of Services co m pleted during t he previous m on t h, t he percen t of Services co m pleted t hrough t he previous m on t h, an d the balance of Services remaining. Invoices, including Xxxx bursable Expenses, shall be acco m panied by receipts or records docu men ting t h ose expenses. Invoices for Additional Services, as aut h orized u n der Article 3, shall be acco m panied by supporting information, such as time sheets or invoices, as necessary to substan tiate t he Additional Services. Sample
PROGRESS PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNT OF SERVICES. Progress payments are due and payable to the A/E within thirty (30) days of receipt of the A/E’s invoice, provided that the A/E is entitled to payment as provided in this Agreement. Amounts unpaid sixty (60) days after the invoice receipt date shall bear interest at the Bank of America Prime Rate plus two percent (2%). Sample
11.1.1. A/E’s invoices shall be submitted monthly and include the description and value of Services completed during the previous month, the percent of Services completed through the previous month, and the balance of Services remaining. Invoices, including Reimbursable Expenses, shall be accompanied by receipts or records documenting those expenses. Invoices for Additional Services, as authorized under Article 3, shall be accompanied by supporting information, such as time sheets or invoices, as necessary to substantiate the Additional Services.