Employment of Consultants Part A General Consultants’ services shall be procured in accordance with the provisions of the Introduction and Section IV of the "Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers" published by the Bank in January 1997 and revised in September 1997 (the Consultant Guidelines) and the following provisions of Section II of this Schedule. Part B: Quality- and Cost-based Selection Except as otherwise provided in Part C of this Section, consultants’ services shall be procured under contracts awarded in accordance with the provisions of Section II of the Consultant Guidelines, paragraph 3 of Appendix 1 thereto, Appendix 2 thereto, and the provisions of paragraphs 3.13 through 3.18 thereof applicable to quality- and cost-based selection of consultants. Part C: Other Procedures for the Selection of Consultants 1. Selection Based on Consultants Qualifications Services estimated to cost less than $100,000 equivalent per contract may be procured under contracts awarded in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 3.1 and 3.7 of the Consultant Guidelines.
RESTRICTION ON OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT Unless otherwise specified by the Employer as being in an area that could represent a conflict of interest, employees shall not be restricted in engaging in other employment outside the hours they are required to work for the Employer.
Separation of Employment (a) If an employee is discharged he shall be paid in full for all monies owing him on the date of his discharge. If an employee quits the Employer may withhold payment for five (5) calendar days. (b) The Employer shall give a Record of Employment Certificate to any employee who separates from employment for at least seven (7) days for any reason within five (5) days of the last day worked, or terminates.
Condition of Employment The Employee acknowledges that his/her employment and the continuance of that employment with the Company is contingent upon his/her agreement to sign and adhere to the provisions of this Agreement. The Employee further acknowledges that the nature of the Company’s business is such that protection of its proprietary and confidential information is critical to its survival and success.
Full-Time Employment Employees who are employed on a full-time basis will work 38 ordinary hours each week or an average of 38 ordinary hours each week over a cycle of shifts.