Special Enrollment a. KFHPWA will allow special enrollment for persons: 1) Who initially declined enrollment when otherwise eligible because such persons had other health care coverage and have had such other coverage terminated due to one of the following events: • Cessation of employer contributions. • Exhaustion of COBRA continuation coverage. • Loss of eligibility, except for loss of eligibility for cause. 2) Who initially declined enrollment when otherwise eligible because such persons had other health care coverage and who have had such other coverage exhausted because such person reached a lifetime maximum limit. KFHPWA or the Group may require confirmation that when initially offered coverage such persons submitted a written statement declining because of other coverage. Application for coverage must be made within 31 days of the termination of previous coverage. b. KFHPWA will allow special enrollment for individuals who are eligible to be a Subscriber and their Dependents (other than for nonpayment or fraud) in the event one of the following occurs: 1) Divorce or Legal Separation. Application for coverage must be made within 60 days of the divorce/separation. 2) Cessation of Dependent status (reaches maximum age). Application for coverage must be made within 30 days of the cessation of Dependent status. 3) Death of an employee under whose coverage they were a Dependent. Application for coverage must be made within 30 days of the death of an employee. 4) Termination or reduction in the number of hours worked. Application for coverage must be made within 30 days of the termination or reduction in number of hours worked. 5) Leaving the service area of a former plan. Application for coverage must be made within 30 days of leaving the service area of a former plan. 6) Discontinuation of a former plan. Application for coverage must be made within 30 days of the discontinuation of a former plan. c. KFHPWA will allow special enrollment for individuals who are eligible to be a Subscriber and their Dependents in the event one of the following occurs: 1) Marriage. Application for coverage must be made within 31 days of the date of marriage. 2) Birth. Application for coverage for the Subscriber and Dependents other than the newborn child must be made within 60 days of the date of birth. 3) Adoption or placement for adoption. Application for coverage for the Subscriber and Dependents other than the adopted child must be made within 60 days of the adoption or placement for adoption. 4) Eligibility for premium assistance from Medicaid or a state Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), provided such person is otherwise eligible for coverage under this EOC. The request for special enrollment must be made within 60 days of eligibility for such premium assistance. 5) Coverage under a Medicaid or CHIP plan is terminated as a result of loss of eligibility for such coverage. Application for coverage must be made within 60 days of the date of termination under Medicaid or CHIP. 6) Applicable federal or state law or regulation otherwise provides for special enrollment.
Disenrollment The Contractor shall: Have a mechanism for receiving timely information about all disenrollments from the Contractor’s One Care Plan, including the effective date of disenrollment, from CMS and MassHealth systems. All enrollments and disenrollment‑related transactions will be performed by the EOHHS customer service vendor. Subject to 42 C.F.R. § 423.100, § 423.38 and § 438.56. Enrollees can elect to disenroll from the One Care Plan or the Demonstration at any time and enroll in another One Care Plan, a Medicare Advantage plan, PACE, or Senior Care Options (if they meet applicable eligibility requirements); or may elect to receive services through Medicare fee‑for‑service and a prescription drug plan and to receive Medicaid services in accordance with the Commonwealth’s State plan and any waiver programs. Disenrollments received by MassHealth or the Contractor, or by CMS or its contractor by the last calendar day of the month will be effective on the first calendar day of the following month; Be responsible for ceasing the provision of Covered Services to an Enrollee upon the effective date of disenrollment; Notify EOHHS of any individual who is no longer eligible to remain enrolled in the One Care Plan per CMS enrollment guidance, in order for EOHHS to disenroll the individual. This includes where an Enrollee remains out of the Service Area or for whom residence in the One Care Plan Service Area cannot be confirmed for more than six (6) consecutive months; Not interfere with the Enrollee’s right to disenroll through threat, intimidation, pressure, or otherwise; Not request the disenrollment of any Enrollee due to an adverse change in the Enrollee’s health status or because of the Enrollee’s utilization of treatment plan, medical services, diminished mental capacity, or uncooperative or disruptive behavior resulting from his or her special needs. The Contractor, however, may submit a written request, accompanied by supporting documentation, to the Contract Management Team (CMT) to disenroll an Enrollee, for cause, for the following reason: The Enrollee’s continued enrollment seriously impairs the Contractor’s ability to furnish services to either this Enrollee or other Enrollees, provided the Enrollee’s behavior is determined to be unrelated to an adverse change in the Enrollee's health status, or because of the Enrollee's utilization of medical services, diminished mental capacity, or uncooperative or disruptive behavior resulting from his or her special needs.
Open Enrollment KFHPWA will allow enrollment of Subscribers and Dependents who did not enroll when newly eligible as described above during a limited period of time specified by the Group and KFHPWA.
Enrollment The Competitive Supplier shall be responsible for enrolling all Eligible Consumers through EDI transactions submitted to the LDC for all enrollments of Eligible Consumers during the term of this Agreement.
Medicaid Enrollment Treatment Grantees shall enroll as a provider with Texas Medicaid and Healthcare Partnership (TMHP) and all Medicaid Managed Care organizations in Grantee’s service region within the first quarter of this procurement term and maintain through the procurement term.
Health Plan An appropriately licensed entity that has entered into a contract with Subcontractor, either directly or indirectly, under which Subcontractor provides certain administrative services for Health Plan pursuant to the State Contract. For purposes of this Appendix, Health Plan refers to UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company.
In-Service Education The parties recognize the value of in-service both to the employee and the Employer and shall encourage employees to participate in in-service. All employees scheduled by the Employer to attend in-service seminars shall receive regular wages.
Education - Asthma This plan covers asthma education services when the services are prescribed by a
Enrollment Process The Department may, at any time, revise the enrollment procedures. The Department will advise the Contractor of the anticipated changes in advance whenever possible. The Contractor shall have the opportunity to make comments and provide input on the changes. The Contractor will be bound by the changes in enrollment procedures.
Pregnancy and Maternity Services This plan covers physician services and the services of a licensed midwife for prenatal, delivery, and postpartum care. The first office visit to diagnose a pregnancy is not included in prenatal services. This plan covers hospital services for mother and newborn child for at least forty-eight