PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO DIRECT COSTS a. Items Unallowable Unless Otherwise Provided Notwithstanding the clauses, ALLOWABLE COST AND PAYMENT, and FIXED FEE, incorporated in this contract, unless authorized in writing by the Contracting Officer, the costs of the following items or activities shall be unallowable as direct costs:
PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO DIRECT COSTS a. Travel will be reimbursed at actual cost and as limited in FAR 31.205.46. Contractors may apply indirect costs to travel if a part of the contractor’s usual accounting practices and consistent with FAR 31.2. The OCO must identify a not-to-exceed travel ceiling under a separate contract line item number (CLIN) on the task order. Travel and Other Direct Costs (ODCs) will be estimated for each task order. Labor dollars will not be used to pay for ODCs nor ODC dollars used to pay for labor without a contract modification. Profit on travel and ODCs is not allowable under Time and Material task orders. (The following two paragraphs are applicable to cost-reimbursement task orders):
PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO DIRECT COSTS a. Travel will be reimbursed at actual cost and as limited in FAR 31.205.46. Contractors may apply indirect costs to travel if a part of the contractor’s usual accounting practices and consistent with FAR 31.
PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO DIRECT COSTS. (These provisions apply only to the Cost Plus Fixed Fee components of this contract; i.e., Requirements 4(e), 8 and 9)
PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO DIRECT COSTS. 27 20. PHS Metric Program..............................................................28 21. Access to Research Data.........................................................28 22.
PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO DIRECT COSTS a. Items Unallowable Unless Otherwise Provided Notwithstanding the clause(s), ALLOWABLE COST AND PAYMENT, [and FIXED FEE,] incorporated in this MAO, unless authorized in writing by the Contracting Officer, the costs of the following items or activities shall be unallowable as direct costs: