Foreign Travel Sample Clauses

Foreign Travel. The Cooperator shall comply with the provisions of the Fly America Act (49 USC 40118). The implanting regulations of the Fly America Act are found at 41 CFR 301-10.131 through 301-10.143.
Foreign Travel. The Recipient shall comply with the provisions of the Fly America Act (49 U.S.C. 40118). The implementing regulations of the Fly America Act are found at 41 CFR 301–10.131 through 301–10.143.
Foreign Travel a. The recipient and subrecipient may not use funds from this Award for travel outside of the United States unless Treasury provides prior written approval. b. The recipient and subrecipient must comply with the provisions of the Fly America Act, as amended, (49 U.S.C. § 40118). The implementing regulations of the Fly America Act are found at 41 C.F.R. §§ 301-10.131–301-10.143. c. The Fly America Act requires that federal travelers and others performing U.S. Government-financed air travel must use U.S. flag air carriers, to the extent that service by such carriers is available. Foreign air carriers may be used only in specific instances, such as when a U.S. flag air carrier is unavailable, or use of U.S. flag air carrier service will not accomplish the agency’s mission. d. One exception to the requirement to fly U.S. flag carriers is transportation provided under a bilateral or multilateral air transport agreement, to which the United States Government and the government of a foreign country are parties, and which the Department of Transportation has determined meets the requirements of the Fly America Act pursuant to 49 U.S.C. § 40118(b). The United States Government has entered into bilateral/multilateral “Open Skies Agreements” (U.S. Government Procured Transportation) that allow federal funded transportation services for travel and cargo movements to use foreign air carriers under certain circumstances. There are multiple “Open Skies Agreements” currently in effect. For more information about the current bilateral and multilateral agreements, visit the GSA website xxxx:// Information on the Open Skies agreements (U.S. Government Procured Transportation) and other specific country agreements may be accessed via the Department of State’s website xxxx:// e. If a foreign air carrier is anticipated to be used for any portion of travel funded under this Award, the recipient must receive prior approval from the Treasury. When requesting such approval, the recipient must provide a justification in accordance with guidance provided by 41 C.F.R. § 301–10.142, which requires the recipient to provide Treasury with the following: name; dates of travel; origin and destination of travel; detailed itinerary of travel; name of the air carrier and flight number for each leg of the trip; and a statement explaining why the recipient meets one of the exceptions to the regulations. If the use of a foreign air carrie...
Foreign Travel. EPA policy requires that all foreign travel must be approved by its Office of International and Tribal Affairs. The recipient agrees to obtain prior EPA approval before using funds available under this agreement for international travel unless the trip(s) are already described in the EPA approved budget for this
Foreign Travel. All official travel must be conducted pursuant to the requirements contained in DOE Order 551.1A. Foreign travel is travel from the United States (including Alaska, Hawaii, the Commonwealths of Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands, and the territories and possessions of the United States) to a foreign country and return and travel between foreign countries. All foreign travel is subject to the prior approval of DOE. Requests for approval for foreign travel to a sensitive country or involving a sensitive subject shall be submitted to the Company at least 40 days prior to the proposed departure date. Requests for approval for foreign travel to a non-sensitive country and not involving a sensitive subject shall be submited to the Company at least 30 days prior to the proposed departure date. Post-travel reports for all foreign travel are required from each traveler and must be submitted within 25 days after return. Forms for use in requesting approval for foreign travel and for post trip reporting are available from the Company.
Foreign Travel. The Subrecipient may not use funds from this Subaward for travel outside of the United States unless the Institute provides prior written approval, which must be obtained from Treasury. The Subrecipient must comply with the provisions of the Fly America Act (49 U.S.C.§ 40118). The implementing regulations of the Fly America Act are found at 41 C.F.R. §§ 301-10.131 through 301-10.143.
Foreign Travel. ‌ Foreign travel is not allowable except with prior written approval. Prior written approval must be obtained from the Grant Officer through the process described in 2 CFR 200.407 and 2 CFR 2900.16. All travel, both domestic and Grant Officer-approved foreign travel, must comply with the Fly America Act ( 49 USC 40118), which states in part that any air transportation, regardless of price, must be performed by, or under a code-sharing arrangement with, a US Flag air carrier if service provided by such carrier is available.
Foreign Travel. Employee's employment with the Company may require frequent travel outside of Israel, and Employee agrees to such travel as may be necessary in order to fulfill his duties to the Company.
Foreign Travel. The Program Subrecipient shall not use funds under this Sub-grant Agreement for foreign travel.
Foreign Travel. (a) Total expenditures for foreign travel (transportation, lodging, subsistence, and incidental expenses) incurred in direct performance of this contract shall not exceed $11,466 without the prior written approval of the Contracting Officer. (b) Requests for foreign travel must be submitted at least six weeks in advance and shall contain the following: (a) meeting(s) and place(s) to be visited, with costs and dates; (b) name(s) and title(s) of Contractor personnel to travel and their functions in the contract project; (c) contract purposes to be served by the travel; (d) how travel of contractor personnel will benefit and contribute to accomplishing the contract project, or will otherwise justify the expenditure of NIH contract funds; (e) how such advantages justify the costs for travel and absence from the project of more than one person if such are suggested; and (f) what additional functions may be performed by the travelers to accomplish other purposes of the contract and thus further benefit the project.