PUBLICITY STILLS. The Producer will consult with Channel 4's Press and Publicity Department to arrange access for Channel 4's representative to take stills and/or any audio and/or any audio visual material on suitable dates during the production schedule. The Producer will be liable for any cancella­tion and/or rebooking costs incurred if: (i) the Producer fails to allow such representative adequate opportunity to take stills and/or any audio and/or any audio visual material on the agreed date(s); and/or (ii) the Producer fails to give the Press and Publicity Department sufficient notice of a change in shooting/recording schedules. or where stills and/or any audio and/or any audio visual material provision is included in Budgeted Cost/Fixed Price the Producer will arrange for the taking and provision of such material relating to the Programme(s) and acknowledges that the cost of the provision and the taking of such material is included within the Budgeted Cost or Fixed Price of the Programme(s).
PUBLICITY STILLS. If Producer desires the services of the principal performer in making publicity stills, the principal performer agrees to render such services. If Producer desires such services of the principal performer without the payment of compensation therefor, it may request from the Union a waiver for such purpose and the Union agrees to grant such waiver if it considers it to be of benefit to the principal performer. If the Union does not grant such waiver and Producer uses the services of the principal performer for publicity stills, the principal performer shall be paid for such services a minimum of 2 hours’ compensation and for time in excess of 2 hours in hourly units.
PUBLICITY STILLS. If the Employer desires the services of the Performer on a day when the Performer is not otherwise engaged hereunder to make publicity stills, and if the Performer agrees to render such services, Performer shall receive the 50% of the Day Player rate for up to four (4) hours of services. Any time in excess of four (4) hours for any day spent solely in taking publicity stills shall require the Day Player minimum. Use of such stills is strictly limited to publicity of the Program itself and not for general client brochures, magazine ads etc., which are unrelated to the Program produced in which the Performer appears.
PUBLICITY STILLS. If Producer desires the services of the principal performer in making publicity stills, the principal performer agrees to render such services. If Producer desires such services of the principal performer without the payment of compensation therefor, it may request from the Union a waiver for such purpose and the Union agrees to grant such waiver if it considers it to be of benefit to the principal performer. If the Union does not grant such waiver and Producer uses the services of the principal performer for publicity stills, the principal SHUIRUPHU VKDOO EH SDLG IRU VXFK VHUYLFHV D PLQLPXP RI 2 KRXUV¶ FRPSHQVDWLRQ DQG IRU WLPH LQ H[FHVV RI 2 hours in hourly units.


  • Publicity The Company, and the Buyer shall have the right to review a reasonable period of time before issuance of any press releases, SEC, OTCBB or FINRA filings, or any other public statements with respect to the transactions contemplated hereby; provided, however, that the Company shall be entitled, without the prior approval of the Buyer, to make any press release or SEC, OTCBB (or other applicable trading market) or FINRA filings with respect to such transactions as is required by applicable law and regulations (although the Buyer shall be consulted by the Company in connection with any such press release prior to its release and shall be provided with a copy thereof and be given an opportunity to comment thereon).

  • ADVERTISING OR PUBLICITY CONTRACTOR shall not use the name of County, its officers, directors, employees or agents, in advertising or publicity releases or otherwise without securing the prior written consent of COUNTY in each instance.

  • MPS LOGO/PUBLICITY No Contractor shall use the MPS Logo in its literature or issue a press release about the subject of this Contract without prior written notice to and written approval of MPS’s Executive Director of Communications & Outreach.

  • Publicity Rights (a) The Licensee grants Balsamiq the right to include the Licensee as a customer in Product promotional material. (b) Licensee can deny Balsamiq this right by submitting a written request via email to, requesting to be excluded from Product promotional material. Confirmation of such denial (via reply email) must be received prior to purchasing for this exclusion to be effective. (c) Should the Licensee come to be or already be included in Product promotional material, as a result of any prior purchases where the Licensee did not request exclusion from Product promotional material, the Licensee can at any point in time, submit a written request via email to to have Balsamiq remove the Licensee's name from Product promotional material. Upon receipt of such request, Balsamiq will remove any reference to the Licensee from such promotional material within 30 days and make no further reference to the Licensee.

  • Publicita Žádná ze stran nepoužije jméno druhé strany ani žádného z jejích zaměstnanců pro účely reklamy a propagace bez písemného svolení druhé strany. Zadavatel si však rezervuje právo uvést hlavního zkoušejícího a zdravotnické zařízení v souvislosti s uvedením protokolu v databance klinických hodnocení Národních institutů zdraví (NIH), jiných veřejně dostupných seznamech klinických hodnocení nebo jiných službách či mechanismech náboru pacientů.

  • PUBLICITY AND BRANDING 24.1 Subject to Clause 25 (Marketing), the Supplier shall not make any press announcements or publicise this Framework Agreement or its contents in any way without the Authority's prior Approval. 24.2 The Supplier shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that its Staff, servants, employees, agents, Sub-Contractors, suppliers, professional advisors and consultants comply with Clause 24.1. 24.3 The Authority shall be entitled to publicise this Framework Agreement in accordance with any legal obligation upon the Authority, including any examination of this Framework Agreement by the National Audit Office pursuant to the National Audit Act 1983 or otherwise. 24.4 The Supplier shall not do anything or cause anything to be done, which may damage the reputation of the Authority or bring the Authority into disrepute. 24.5 The Supplier shall at all times during the Term on written demand fully indemnify the Authority and keep the Authority fully indemnified against all losses, incurred by, awarded against or agreed to be paid by the Supplier arising out of any claim or infringement or alleged infringement (including the defence of such infringement or alleged infringement) resulting from the Supplier's use of the Government Procurement Service logo.

  • Public Disclosures The Company shall not, nor shall it permit any Subsidiary to, disclose any Investor’s name or identity as an investor in the Company in any press release or other public announcement or in any document or material filed with any governmental entity (other than tax filings in the ordinary course), without the prior written consent of such Investor, unless such disclosure is required by applicable law or governmental regulations or by order of a court of competent jurisdiction, in which case prior to making such disclosure the Company shall give written notice to such Investor describing in reasonable detail the proposed content of such disclosure and shall permit such Investor to review and comment upon the form and substance of such disclosure.

  • Review of Public Disclosures All SEC filings (including, without limitation, all filings required under the Exchange Act, which include Forms 10-Q and 10-QSB, 10-K and 10K-SB, 8-K, etc) and other public disclosures made by the Company, including, without limitation, all press releases, investor relations materials, and scripts of analysts meetings and calls, shall be reviewed and approved for release by the Company’s attorneys and, if containing financial information, the Company’s independent certified public accountants.

  • Links to Third Party Websites In your use of the Service and/or the Company’s website, you may encounter various types of links that enable you to visit websites operated or owned by third parties (“Third Party Site”). These links are provided to you as a convenience and are not under the control or ownership of the Company. The inclusion of any link to a Third Party Site is not (i) an endorsement by the Company of the Third Party Site, (ii) an acknowledgement of any affiliation with its operators or owners, or (iii) a warranty of any type regarding any information or offer on the Third Party Site. Your use of any Third Party Site is governed by the various legal agreements and policies posted at that website.

  • Advertising and Promotional Materials The Purchaser acknowledges and agrees that the Vendor shall have the right to use drawings, photographs, videos or other depictions of the interior and/or exterior of the Dwelling and/or the Subdivision or any components or features thereof in any promotional or advertising materials without notice to or consent from the Purchaser being required in any manner whatsoever.