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COMPENSATION AND. The Hospitalwill notify the President of the Locals Nurses' Association of the names of all nurses who go off work due to a work related injury or when a nurse goes on to Prior to any nurse returning to work on a Modified Work Program, the Hospital notify and meet with the nurse and the applicable Health and Safety Representativeto discuss the circumstances surrounding the employee's return to suitable work. The Hospital agrees to provide the employee with a copy of the Workers' Compensation Board Form at the same time as it is sent to the Board.
COMPENSATION ANDThe proposed professional services will be provided for a lump sum amount of $23,860. Reimbursable expenses are estimated at $2,500 and will be billed at cost. See Exhibit A for a sample breakdown of the proposed fee. We have included one meeting during Schematic Design, two meetings during Design . Development, three meetings during Construction Documents, and three meetings during Bidding, Construction Administration and Final Acceptance Testing.
COMPENSATION AND. The Hospital due to a work related The Hospital will modified work to the at a When it has been full duties of her or due to a a meet with the Staff the local return to work of The Hospital agrees to and Insurance Board the a Board The a
COMPENSATION AND. The Hospital and the Association recognizethey have a joint responsibility under the Human Rights Code to attempt to accommodate the return to work of a nurse who is unable to perform all of the requirements of her or his position due to a handicap. There is a commitment and responsibility from both the Hospitaland the Association to ensure that nurses disabled (whether permanentlyor temporarily) due to illness or injury are afforded available opportunities to return to work and/or participate in modified work programs, where appropriate. The nurse shall meet with the Employee Health Services to determine the medical information required to be obtained from the nurse's physician. There is a commitment and responsibilityof the nurse, at the earliest opportunity, to provide the Employee Health Services with this medical information regarding or his ability to return to work and any restrictions. The Hospital will notify the President of the Bargaining Unit on a quarterly basis of the names of all nurseswho go off work due to a work related injury or when a nurse goes on it has been medicallydetermined that a is unable to return to the full duties of or his position due to a disability, the Hospitalwill notify and meet with a Staff Representative of the Ontario Nurses' Association and the Local Representative to discuss the circumstances surrounding the return to suitable wo The Hospital agrees to provide the with a copy of the Workplace Safety Insurance Board Form at the same time as it is sent to the Board. The Employer agrees that no form of verbal, physical, sexual, racial or other abuse of will be condoned in the workplace. Any who believes the situation to be abusive shall report this to the immediate Supervisor who every reasonable effort to rectify the abusive situation. The parties agree that if incidents Involving aggressive client action occur, such action will be recorded and reviewed at the Occupational Health and Safety Committee. Reasonable steps within the control of the Employer will follow to address the legitimate health and safety concerns of presented in that forum. The Hospital, with the nurse's consent, inform the Association within three (3) days of any nurse who has been assaulted while performing her or his work, Such shall be submitted in writing to the Association as soon as possible. The Hospital will consider requests for reimbursement for damages incurred to the nurse's personal property such as eye glasses, ripped uniforms, per...
COMPENSATION AND. CLASSIFICATION (Continued) Off-schedule lump sum payment to members at the top $460 to be distributed on the second paycheck in November Full Step to all eligible members Additional 0.5% on-schedule for all members at the top based on the 20-21 scale ARTICLE XVIII - COMPENSATION AND CLASSIFICATION (Continued) I - Helper 12.28 12.73 13.36 14.05 14.73 15.65 II – Asst. Main Dish 12.59 13.07 13.73 14.41 15.13 16.04 III – Main Dish 13.36 13.87 14.54 15.28 16.05 17.00 IV – Elementary Server 12.84 13.34 14.00 14.69 15.43 16.37 V – Asst. Elem. Server 12.59 13.07 13.73 14.41 15.12 16.04 2022/2023 Step 1 Step 1.5 Step 2 Step 2.5 Step 3 Step 3.5 I - Helper 12.28 12.45 12.73 13.05 13.36 13.71 II - Asst. Main Dish/Xxxxx 12.59 12.75 13.07 13.40 13.73 14.07 III - Main Dish/Xxxxx 13.36 13.54 13.87 14.21 14.54 14.91 IV - Elementary Server 12.84 13.01 13.34 13.67 14.00 14.35 V - Asst. Elem. Server 12.59 12.75 13.07 13.40 13.73 14.07 Step 4 Step 4.5 Step 5 Step 5.5 Step 6 I - Helper 14.05 14.39 14.73 15.11 15.65 II - Asst. Main Dish/Xxxxx 14.41 14.77 15.13 15.51 16.04 III - Main Dish/Xxxxx 15.28 15.67 16.05 16.45 17.00 IV - Elementary Server 14.69 15.06 15.43 15.82 16.37 V - Asst. Elem. Server 14.41 14.76 15.12 15.51 16.04 *The half steps are an illustration of where an employee would fall on the salary schedule due to the half step advancement as referenced in Article XVIII (J). These half steps do not increase the number of steps on the salary schedule.
COMPENSATION AND. Reinstatement A. By virtue of the Certificate issued by the Ontario Labour Relations Board, dated May and the accompanying decision with respect to the of the Bargaining Unit, the Hospital recognizes the Association as the exclusive bargaining agent of all its Registered and Graduate Nurses engaged in a nursing capacity regularly employed for less than five (5) tours per week save and except Nursing Program Co-ordinator or Head Nurses, persons above the rank of Nursing Program Co-ordinators or Head Nurse, Clinical Co-ordinator, Staff Health Nurse,