MAINTENANCE OF CLASSROOM CONTROL AND DISCIPLINE A. Each school shall develop a written policy on classroom control and discipline developed by the administration and faculty consistent with Board policy and state law. B. In accordance with applicable State Law, Board policy, and/or administrative procedures, a designated bargaining unit member shall have the authority and responsibility for the control of pupils throughout the school and on school grounds while on regular duty and also during the supervision of school-sponsored activities. Likewise a bargaining unit member may use reasonable force in his/her self-defense or in the restraint of a student to prevent harm to that student or to others. C. In the case of legal claims brought by the student and/or his/her parent or guardian, the Board will provide legal representation.
Student Conduct and Discipline The School shall adopt, update, and adhere to written policies concerning standards of student conduct and discipline which shall comply with federal and State laws and which shall incorporate the requirements of Section
Reimbursement for Expenses of a Witness or in Response to a Subpoena Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, to the extent that Indemnitee, by reason of his or her Corporate Status, (i) is a witness in any Proceeding to which Indemnitee is not a party and is not threatened to be made a party or (ii) receives a subpoena with respect to any Proceeding to which Indemnitee is not a party and is not threatened to be made a party, the Company shall reimburse Indemnitee for all Expenses actually and reasonably incurred by him or her or on his or her behalf in connection therewith.
’ Compensation Insurance and Disability Benefits Requirements New York State Workers’ Compensation Law (WCL) §57 & §220 requires the heads of all municipal and state entities to ensure that businesses applying for permits, licenses or contracts, document that they have appropriate workers’ compensation and disability benefits insurance coverage. These requirements apply to both original contracts and renewals, whether the governmental agency is having the work done or is simply issuing the permit, license or contract. Failure to provide proof of such coverage or a legal exemption will result in a rejection of a Vendor Submission or renewal. A Vendor may not be awarded a Contract unless proof of workers’ compensation and disability insurance is provided to OGS. 1. Proof of Compliance with Workers’ Compensation Coverage Requirements: An XXXXX form (certificate of insurance) is NOT acceptable proof of workers’ compensation coverage. In order to provide proof of compliance with the requirements of the Workers’ Compensation Law pertaining to workers’ compensation coverage, a Vendor/Contractor shall: a) Be legally exempt from obtaining Workers’ Compensation insurance coverage; or b) Obtain such coverage from an insurance carrier; or c) Be a Workers’ Compensation Board-approved self-insured employer or participate in an authorized self-insurance plan. A Vendor seeking to enter into a Contract with the State of New York shall provide one of the following forms to OGS at the time of Vendor Submission, and thereafter, within three (3) days of request: a) Form CE-200, Certificate of Attestation for New York Entities With No Employees and Certain Out of State Entities, That New York State Workers’ Compensation and/or Disability Benefits Insurance Coverage is Not Required, which is available on the Workers’ Compensation Board’s website (; (Reference applicable Solicitation and Group #s on the form.); b) Certificate of Workers’ Compensation Insurance: i) Form C-105.2 (9/07) if coverage is provided by the Vendor/Contractor’s insurance carrier, the Vendor/Contractor must request that its insurance carrier send this form to OGS, or ii) Form U-26.3 if coverage is provided by the State Insurance Fund, the Vendor/Contractor must request that the State Insurance Fund send this form to OGS; c) Form SI-12, Certificate of Workers’ Compensation Self-Insurance available from the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board’s Self-Insurance Office; or d) Form GSI-105.2, Certificate of Participation in Workers’ Compensation Group Self-Insurance available from the Vendor/Contractor’s Group Self-Insurance Administrator.
SUSPENSION AND DISCIPLINE 21.01 Discipline may be imposed where just cause exists and will be levied in a timely fashion. Generally, discipline is intended to correct undesirable behaviour or conduct and, where appropriate, shall be progressive in nature. 21.02 Prior to any discipline being imposed, the employee will be given notice in writing to attend a meeting, during which there shall be an opportunity for full discussion between the employee and the employee’s Manager. The notice will contain the subject matter to be discussed at the meeting and the employee shall be advised of his/her right to have an Association representative attend as an advisor. The management representative also has the right to have a labour relations representative attend as an advisor. At the meeting the employee and the Association representative may make representations and ask questions concerning the events and circumstances. Unless otherwise agreed, the unavailability of an advisor will not delay the meeting for more than one (1) working day from the date of notification to the employee. 21.03 When an employee is required to attend a meeting, the purpose of which is to render a disciplinary decision concerning him or her, the employee is entitled to have, at his or her request, a representative of the Association attend the meeting. Where practicable, the employee shall receive a minimum of one (1) day’s notice of such a meeting. The Employer will agree where possible to an additional day of extension where the Association representative is unavailable. 21.04 The employee and the Association representative shall be notified in writing of any disciplinary action except an oral warning, taken against the employee by the Company within a reasonable period of time of that action having been taken. 21.05 When an employee is required to attend a meeting, the purpose of which is to demote or terminate him/her for non-disciplinary reasons, he/she is entitled to have, at his/her request, a representative of the Association attend the meeting. Where practicable, the employee shall receive a minimum of one (1) day’s notice of such a meeting. The Employer will agree where possible to an additional day of extension where the Association representative is unavailable. 21.06 When any discipline is found to be unjustified all documents referring to the discipline imposed shall be removed as soon as reasonably possible from the employee’s record and destroyed. 21.07 NAV CANADA agrees not to introduce as evidence in a hearing relating to disciplinary action any document or written statement concerning the conduct of an employee unless that employee has been provided with a copy of that document or statement within a reasonable period before that hearing. 21.08 Any document or written statement to disciplinary action, which may have been placed on the NAV CANADA file of an employee shall be removed and destroyed after two (2) years have elapsed since the disciplinary action was taken, provided that no further disciplinary action has been recorded during this period. The Employer shall inform the employee in writing of the destruction of any document or written statement related to disciplinary action. 21.09 The NAV CANADA Code of Business Conduct will not be interpreted as restricting an employee from exercising his or her obligations flowing from the ethical standards of the professional body to which the employee belongs. 21.10 NAV CANADA agrees to make available to each employee covered by this agreement the NAV CANADA Code of Business Conduct and any subsequent amendments made thereto. 21.11 Employees who, in good faith, raise a concern or report any clear or suspected illegal, unethical or improper acts or activities shall not be disciplined nor adversely affected as a result of reporting the violation.
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Bank shall maintain and update from time to time business continuation and disaster recovery procedures with respect to its global custody business, which are designed, in the event of a significant business disruption affecting Bank, to be sufficient to enable Bank to resume and continue to perform its duties and obligations under this Agreement without undue delay or disruption. Bank shall test the operability of such procedures at least annually. Bank shall enter into and shall maintain in effect at all times during the term of this Agreement reasonable provision for (i) periodic back-up of the computer files and data with respect to Customer and (ii) use of alternative electronic data processing equipment to provide services under this Agreement. Upon reasonable request, Bank shall discuss with Customer any business continuation and disaster recovery procedures of Bank. Bank represents that its business continuation and disaster recovery procedures are appropriate for its business as a global custodian to investment companies registered under the 1940 Act.
Indemnification for Expenses of a Party Who is Wholly or Partly Successful Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement except for Section 27, to the extent that Indemnitee was or is, by reason of Indemnitee’s Corporate Status, a party to (or a participant in) and is successful, on the merits or otherwise, in any Proceeding or in defense of any claim, issue or matter therein, in whole or in part, the Company shall, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, indemnify, hold harmless and exonerate Indemnitee against all Expenses actually and reasonably incurred by him or her in connection therewith. If Indemnitee is not wholly successful in such Proceeding but is successful, on the merits or otherwise, as to one or more but less than all claims, issues or matters in such Proceeding, the Company shall, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, indemnify, hold harmless and exonerate Indemnitee against all Expenses actually and reasonably incurred by him or her or on his or her behalf in connection with each successfully resolved claim, issue or matter. If Indemnitee is not wholly successful in such Proceeding, the Company also shall, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, indemnify, hold harmless and exonerate Indemnitee against all Expenses reasonably incurred in connection with a claim, issue or matter related to any claim, issue, or matter on which Indemnitee was successful. For purposes of this Section and without limitation, the termination of any claim, issue or matter in such a Proceeding by dismissal, with or without prejudice, shall be deemed to be a successful result as to such claim, issue or matter.
DISCIPLINE AND DISMISSAL 27.01 The Employer may discipline, suspend or dismiss an employee for just cause only, except for the dismissal of a probationary Employee. Unsatisfactory conduct or performance by an Employee which is considered by the Employer to be serious enough to be entered on the Employee's record but not serious enough to warrant suspension or dismissal shall result in a written warning to the Employee and a copy to the Union within fifteen (15) days of the date the Employer first became aware of, or reasonably should have become aware of the occurrence of the act. The Union shall not deny a request by the Employer to extend the timelines due to availability of persons identified by the Employer to be interviewed. A written warning that is grieved and determined to be unjustified shall be removed from the Employee's record. 27.02 In the event an Employee is suspended or dismissed, the Employer shall provide written reasons for the suspension or dismissal to the Employee and the Union forthwith and in any event not later than five (5) days of the action being taken. The action or suspension or dismissal shall be within fifteen (15) days of the date the Employer first became aware of, or reasonably should have become aware of the occurrence of the act, giving rise to the suspension or dismissal. The Union shall not deny a request by the Employer to extend the timelines due to unavailability of persons identified by the Employer to be interviewed. When action involves a suspension, the notice shall specify the time period of the suspension. 27.03 An Employee who has been subject to disciplinary action may after two (2) years of continuous service from the date the disciplinary measure was invoked, request in writing that their personnel file be cleared of any record of the disciplinary action. Such request shall be granted provided the Employee's file does not contain any further record of disciplinary action during the two (2) year period of which the Employee is aware. The Employer shall confirm in writing to the Employee that such action has been effected. 27.04 The procedures stated in Articles 27.01, 27.02 and 27.03 do not prevent immediate suspension or dismissal for just cause. (a) An Employee required by the Employer to attend an investigation meeting or a disciplinary discussion shall be paid at the applicable rate of pay for time spent in that meeting. (b) Where circumstances permit, the Employer shall schedule a disciplinary discussion with the Employee by giving reasonable advance notice which shall not be less than twenty-four (24) hours. At such discussion an Employee may be accompanied by a representative of the Union. 27.06 In the event that an Employee is reported to their licensing body by the Employer, the Employee shall be so advised, and unless otherwise requested a written copy shall be forwarded to the Union forthwith. In the event, an Employee is reported to their licensing body, by someone other than the Employer, the Employee shall advise the Employer of such and the Employee may copy the Union on such notification. 27.07 An Employee absent for three (3) consecutive work days without good and proper reason and without notifying the Employer shall be considered to have terminated their Employment with the Employer. 27.08 For the purposes of this Article, periods of time referred to in days shall be deemed to mean consecutive calendar days exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and Named Holidays, which are specified in Article 19.
Effective Date Term Termination and Disconnection 3.1 Effective Date This Agreement shall become effective upon execution by all Parties.
Indemnity for Personality Agreements Vendor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless and defend TIPS, TIPS Member(s), officers and employees, from and against all claims and suits for damages, injuries to persons (including death), property damages, losses, and expenses including court costs and attorney’s fees, arising out of, or resulting from, Vendor’s performance of this Agreement or sales made to TIPS Members under this agreement , including all such causes of action based upon common, constitutional, or statutory law, or based in whole or in part, upon allegations of negligent or intentional acts on the part of the Vendor, its officers, employees, agents, subcontractors, licensees, invitees, unless such claims are based in whole upon the negligent acts or omissions of the TIPS, TIPS Member(s), officers, employees, or agents. If based in part upon the negligent acts or omissions of the TIPS, TIPS Member(s), officers, employees, or agents, Vendor shall be responsible for their proportional share of theclaim.