MAINTENANCE OF CLASSROOM CONTROL AND DISCIPLINE. A. Each school shall develop a written policy on classroom control and discipline developed by the administration and faculty consistent with Board policy and state law.
B. In accordance with applicable State Law, Board policy, and/or administrative procedures, a designated bargaining unit member shall have the authority and responsibility for the control of pupils throughout the school and on school grounds while on regular duty and also during the supervision of school-sponsored activities. Likewise a bargaining unit member may use reasonable force in his/her self-defense or in the restraint of a student to prevent harm to that student or to others.
C. In the case of legal claims brought by the student and/or his/her parent or guardian, the Board will provide legal representation.
MAINTENANCE OF CLASSROOM CONTROL AND DISCIPLINE. A. When, in the judgment of a teacher, a student is, by behavior, seriously disrupting the instructional program to the detriment of other students, the teacher may exclude the student temporarily from the classroom and refer the student to the building administrator for appropriate intervention. At the request of the referring teacher, an administrator will communicate the status of a disciplinary action within two (2) work days of the request.
B. If such occurrences in section A are a daily or routine occurrence, the teacher may request a meeting with the principal, any support personnel that works directly with the student, FCTA and appropriate system wide personnel to develop a plan of support for maintaining an environment conducive to teaching and learning.
C. In the event that a student makes a physical or verbal threat to other students, the teacher or the facilities, the student will not be returned to the classroom from which excluded until the principal has conducted a conference with the teacher and any appropriate parties. When a conference takes place during instructional time, the classroom teacher will be released from instructional duties.
D. To the extent allowable by XXXXX, when a student who has been suspended is readmitted, the teacher or teachers of such students will be notified and offered the opportunity to participate in a re-entry plan.
E. In order to maintain a safe and orderly classroom environment in cases where a student presents with chronic dangerous behaviors to staff, self, peers, or the building, a plan will be created to limit the risk of harm to staff and students in accordance with special education and threat assessment and management guidelines.
X. Xx appropriate student disciplinary procedure, consistent with Board policy, may be developed for each school building with the involvement of members of the faculty and administration. Findings and recommendations for procedures may be submitted to the principal through the Association building Representative(s).
MAINTENANCE OF CLASSROOM CONTROL AND DISCIPLINE. When, in the professional judgment of a teacher, a student is, by his or her behavior, seriously disrupting the instructional program to the detriment of other students, the teacher may exclude the student temporarily from the classroom and refer the student to the principal or designee.
MAINTENANCE OF CLASSROOM CONTROL AND DISCIPLINE. A definition of the duties, responsibilities and procedures to be used by all administrators and teachers pertaining to student behavior shall be reduced to writing by the Superintendent and presented to each teacher at the beginning of each school year.
11.1 An appropriate student discipline plan shall be developed, in accordance with Board policies, for each school building by the school administration, representatives of the Faculty Council and representatives of the faculty proportionately selected by the administration and the Faculty Council. The Faculty Council shall have an opportunity to review any such plan prior to its implementation. Authority of the Teacher
11.2 Student discipline in the classroom, including appropriate intervention activities, is basically the responsibility of the teacher. Upon verbal notification to a school administrator or his/her designee, the teacher may exclude a pupil from his/her classroom when the grossness of the offense, the persistence of the misbehavior, or the disruptive effect of the violation makes the continued presence of the student in the classroom intolerable. In such cases, the teacher will send the pupil to the office of the principal, or his/her designee, and explain the reason for the exclusion as promptly as possible. The affected pupil will be readmitted to the classroom of the teacher involved only upon authorization by the principal or his/her designee, who will make such determination after conferring with the teacher and notification to the teacher of the action taken by the administrator prior to the student returning to the classroom.
11.2.1 A student removed from a teacher’s classroom for a violation of the BCPS Student Handbook’s Code of Student Conduct will not be placed in another teacher’s room or be allowed to return to their regularly scheduled classes, without action being taken by the administration or his/her designee. Placement in another teacher’s room will not occur without conferring in person with the receiving teacher prior to the student’s arrival.
11.3 If the teacher disagrees with the decision of the principal in readmitting a pupil to his/her class, he/she may register an immediate appeal directly to his/her Executive Director. The decision of the Executive Director on the assignment of the pupil is not subject to arbitration.
11.3.1 When a teacher initiates an appeal to his/her Executive Director for a Category II offense where the student is displaying violent and/or seriously disruptive behavior, the student can only be returned to the classroom after the appropriate Category II disciplinary actions and/or interventions have been taken. While the student is out of the classroom for disciplinary a...
MAINTENANCE OF CLASSROOM CONTROL AND DISCIPLINE. A. 1. When, in the judgment of an educator, a student is by the student's behavior seriously disrupting the instructional program to the detriment of other students, the educator may exclude the student temporarily from the classroom and refer the student to the principal or assistant principal. In such cases the principal or assistant principal shall arrange as soon as possible a conference among the principal or assistant principal, the educator, and such specialist(s) as may be appropriate to discuss the problem and to decide upon proper steps for its resolution.
MAINTENANCE OF CLASSROOM CONTROL AND DISCIPLINE. A. A definition of the duties and responsibilities of all administrators, coordinators, supervisors and other personnel pertaining to student discipline shall be reduced to writing by the Principal and presented to each employee at the start of each school year.
MAINTENANCE OF CLASSROOM CONTROL AND DISCIPLINE. A. Definition of Responsibilities A definition of the duties and responsibilities of all administrator, coordinators, supervisors, teachers, and other personnel pertaining to student behavior shall be incorporated into the Staff Manual kept current for each contract year, and a copy of the Manual shall be presented to each teacher at the start of each school year.
MAINTENANCE OF CLASSROOM CONTROL AND DISCIPLINE. A. A definition of the duties and responsibilities of all administrators, coordinators, supervisors, and other personnel pertaining to student discipline, shall be reduced to writing by the Superintendent and published in the District's Student Code of Conduct.
B. A copy of the building disciplinary procedure shall also be provided to each teacher. Teachers may periodically review and recommend to the principal changes regarding building student disciplinary procedures.
C. The parties agree to follow discipline procedures in each building handbook. Alleged violations of "C" may only be grieved to the Superintendent level.
MAINTENANCE OF CLASSROOM CONTROL AND DISCIPLINE. The CCPS is committed to providing a safe learning environment for students and staff consistent with federal and state laws. When a student is, by behavior, seriously disrupting the instructional program to the detriment of other students, the classroom teacher may temporarily remove the student from the class and refer the student to the principal. In such cases, the teacher will furnish the principal, in writing using the student discipline referral form, as promptly as the teaching obligation will allow, full particulars of the incident. If a student's disruptive behavior results in action less than suspension, the principal shall confer with the teacher who referred the student to the principal before returning the student to that teacher's classroom. The principal may satisfy this requirement by conferring with the teacher before returning the student to the classroom except when prevented from doing so by statute/regulation or in an emergency situation. A response regarding disposition of referrals initiated above shall be forwarded to the teacher in writing using the student discipline referral form within a reasonable time following the original submittal.