Receipting Process Sample Clauses

Receipting Process. 3.1. The receipting process shall be as detailed in the below flow chart; XXXXXXXX X TO SCHEDULE 2 – CHARGES –TIME SHEET TEMPLATE‌ SUPPLIER NAME/LOGO HERE RECORD OF HOURS WORKED TIMESHEET No. CLIENT: NETWORK RAIL CLIENT CONTACT WEEKENDING: CLIENTS PURCHASE ORDER No. WORK LOCATION TO ENSURE PROMPT PAYMENT THE PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER MUST BE RECORDED. ACTUAL ON SITE WORKING TIMES ONLY MUST BE RECORDED. SUPPLIER JOB REF (if required). CLIENT ISSUING DEPOT: (Insert Date) Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat REF NAME TRADE START FINISH START FINISH START FINISH START FINISH START FINISH START FINISH START FINISH 30 MINUTES MEAL BREAK TAKEN (Circle as appropriate) Mandatory Requirement - Note if not circled will assume has taken place Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N CLIENT CONFIRMATION ON SITE BRIEFINGS UNDERTAKEN RECORD OF HOURS ON SITE Rule Book Requirements I certify that the above persons have been briefed in accordance with the relevant sections of the Modular Rule Book (A Safe System of W ork Briefing and the relevant Health, Safety and Welfare arrangements have been briefed) SUPPLIER'S CONFIRMATION SIGNED: SIGNED........................................... PRINT NAME........................ DATE:........... PRINT NAME: DATE: DISTRIBUTION CLIENT CONFIRMATION SIGNED: WHITE - CUSTOMER SITE COPY COLOUR - SUPPLIER PRINT NAME: DATE: COLOUR - SUPPLIER COLOUR - SUPPLIER APPENDIX F TO SCHEDULE 2 – CHARGES – AGREED RAILWAY INDUSTRY PERIODS‌ 2014-2015 1 06-APR-14 26-APR-14 2017-2018 8 15-OCT-17 11-NOV-17 2014-2015 2 27-APR-14 24-MAY-14 2017-2018 9 12-NOV-17 09-DEC-17 2014-2015 3 25-MAY-14 21-JUN-14 2017-2018 10 10-DEC-17 06-JAN-18 2014-2015 4 22-JUN-14 19-JUL-14 2017-2018 11 07-JAN-18 03-FEB-18 2014-2015 6 17-AUG-14 13-SEP-14 2017-2018 13 04-MAR-18 31-MAR-18 2014-2015 7 14-SEP-14 11-OCT-14 2018-2019 1 01-APR-18 28-APR-18 2014-2015 8 12-OCT-14 08-NOV-14 2018-2019 2 29-APR-18 26-MAY-18 2014-2015 9 09-NOV-14 06-DEC-14 2018-2019 3 27-MAY-18 23-JUN-18 2014-2015 10 07-DEC-14 03-JAN-15 2018-2019 4 24-JUN-18 21-JUL-18 2014-2015 11 04-JAN-15 31-JAN-15 2018-2019 5 22-JUL-18 18-AUG-18 2014-2015 12 01-FEB-15 28-FEB-15 2018-2019 6 19-AUG-18 15-SEP-18 2014-2015 13 01-MAR-15 31-MAR-15 2018-2019 7 16-SEP-18 13-OCT-18 2015-2016 1 01-APR-15 02-MAY-15 2018-2019 8 14-OCT-18 10-NOV-18 2015-2016 2 03-MAY-15 30-MAY-15 2018-2019 9 11-NOV-18 08-DEC-18 2015-2016 3 31-MAY-15 27-JUN-15 2018-2019 10 09-DEC-18 05-JAN-19 2015-2016 4 28-JUN-15 25-JUL-15 2018-2019 11 06-JAN-19 02-FEB-19...

Related to Receipting Process

  • Bidding Process 3.1. Bidding shall generally commence based on the sequence of the lot being shown on the PAH Website. However the Auctioneer has the right to vary the sequence without having to give prior notice to the intended bidders. 3.2. It shall be the responsibilities of the E-bidders to login through PAH website to wait for the turn to bid for the property lot in which they intend to bid. 3.3. The Auctioneer has the discretion to set a new reserve price in the event that there is more than one (1) registered bidder. 3.4. The amount of incremental bid will appear on the website prior to the commencement of the auction. 3.5. Registered online Bidders shall start bidding online by pressing the BID Button using their own gadgets with internet connection. If your bid is the highest, it will be denoted by a Green Coloured Box otherwise it will be a Red Coloured Box The highest bid shall flash 10 seconds (subject to change) interval for four (4) times " Calling Once, Calling Twice, Last Call and Sold". E-bidders may submit their bid at any of these stages of biddings by pressing the BID button. The successful bidder's bid will be denoted by a green coloured screen. The highest bidder shall be declared as the successful purchaser upon the fall of the hammer. 3.6. In the event that there is no bid after forty(40) seconds from the time of commencement of the auction, the auction shall be aborted. 3.7. Any bid once entered by the registered online E-bidders shall be binding and the bid shall not be withdrawn or retracted in any manner whatsoever after the fall of the hammer. 3.8. Both the successful and unsuccessful bidders will be notified by the Auctioneer through the website and also via E-mail where further directions are given in order to conclude the sale of the auction property. 3.9. In the event of any dispute, the decision of the Auctioneer shall be final and binding on all bidders. 3.10. Unsuccessful E-bidders shall have the deposit refunded to the same bank account from which the deposit transfer was made within two (2) working days from the date of auction. 3.11. The information shown and/or prompted on the screen handled by the PAH website in regards to the auction in particular the increment of the bidding price during the bidding process and the declaration of the successful bidder shall be final and conclusive.

  • Ordering Process 6.4.1 CLEC, or CLEC's agent, shall act as the single point of contact for its End User Customers' service needs, including without limitation, sales, service design, order taking, Provisioning, change orders, training, maintenance, trouble reports, repair, post-sale servicing, Billing, collection and inquiry. CLEC's End User Customers contacting Qwest in error will be instructed to contact CLEC; and Qwest's End User Customers contacting CLEC in error will be instructed to contact Qwest. In responding to calls, neither Party shall make disparaging remarks about each other. To the extent the correct provider can be determined, misdirected calls received by either Party will be referred to the proper provider of local Exchange Service; however, nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to prohibit Qwest or CLEC from discussing its products and services with CLEC's or Qwest's End User Customers who call the other Party seeking such information. 6.4.2 CLEC shall transmit to Qwest all information necessary for the ordering (Billing, Directory Listing and other information), installation, repair, maintenance and post-installation servicing according to Qwest's standard procedures, as described in the Qwest Product Catalog (PCAT) available on Qwest's public web site located at xxxx:// Information shall be provided using Qwest's designated Local Service Request (LSR) format which may include the LSR, End User Customer and resale forms. 6.4.3 Qwest will use the same performance standards and criteria for installation, Provisioning, maintenance, and repair of services provided to CLEC for resale under this Agreement as Qwest provides to itself, its Affiliates, its subsidiaries, other Resellers, and Qwest retail End User Customers. The installation, Provisioning, maintenance, and repair processes for CLEC's resale service requests are detailed in the Access to OSS Section of this Agreement, and are applicable whether CLEC's resale service requests are submitted via Operational Support System or by facsimile. 6.4.4 CLEC is responsible for providing to Qwest complete and accurate End User Customer Directory Listing information including initial and updated information for Directory Assistance Service, white pages directories, and E911/911 Emergency Services. The Ancillary Services Section of this Agreement contains complete terms and conditions for Directory Listings for Directory Assistance Services, white pages directories, and E911/911 Emergency Services. 6.4.5 If Qwest's retail End User Customer, or the End User Customer's New Service Provider orders the discontinuance of the End User Customer's existing Qwest service in anticipation of the End User Customer moving to a New Service Provider, Qwest will render its closing xxxx to the End User Customer, discontinuing Billing as of the date of the discontinuance of Qwest's service to the End User Customer. If the Current Service Provider, or if the End User Customer's New Service Provider orders the discontinuance of existing resold service from the Current Service Provider, Qwest will xxxx the Current Service Provider for service through the date the End User Customer receives resold service from the Current Service Provider. Qwest will notify CLEC by Operational Support System interface, facsimile, or by other agreed-upon processes when an End User Customer moves from the Current Service Provider to a New Service Provider. Qwest will not provide the Current Service Provider with the name of the New Service Provider selected by the End User Customer. 6.4.6 CLEC shall provide Qwest and Qwest shall provide CLEC with points of contact for order entry, problem resolution and repair of the resold services. These points of contact will be identified for both CLEC and Qwest in the event special attention is required on a service request. 6.4.7 Prior to placing orders on behalf of the End User Customer, CLEC shall be responsible for obtaining and having in its possession Proof of Authorization (POA), as set forth in the POA Section of this Agreement. 6.4.8 Due Date intervals for CLEC's resale service requests are established when service requests are received by Qwest through Operational Support Systems or by facsimile. Intervals provided to CLEC shall be equivalent to intervals provided by Qwest to itself, its Affiliates, its subsidiaries, other Resellers, and to Qwest's retail End User Customers.

  • Offering Process In connection with the Offering, each of the Co-Managers will: a. Familiarize itself to the extent it deems appropriate with the business, operations, financial condition and prospects of the Client, including the artwork to be beneficially owned by the Client and information relating to the acquisition of the artwork by Client and its affiliates; b. Review to its satisfaction the final offering circular filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) pursuant to Rule 253(g) (the “Offering Circular”) and such other documents to be used by such Co-Manager (the “Offering Materials”) in connection with the offering of the Securities; and c. Review to its satisfaction the active and planned operational practices and procedures of the Client in the conduct of the Offering and assist the Client to meet certain applicable rules and regulations promulgated by, and guidance issued by, the SEC and Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (“FINRA”). If each of the Co-Managers is satisfied with the results of its due diligence of Client, each Co-Manager Adviser will then be authorized to: a. Identify and contact possible high net-worth, ultra-high net-worth, and institutional investors, which might have an interest in receiving the Offering Materials and evaluating participation in the Offering; b. Engage in conversations with potential investors that express an interest in learning more about the Offering (and similar transactions) via the Masterworks Platform and were directed to the Co-Manager by the Masterworks Platform, which is controlled by an affiliate of the Client; c. Use the Offering Circular (and any other Offering Materials approved by the Client and such Co-Manager) for solicitation purposes, which the Client will distribute via the Masterworks Platform to each potential investor concurrently with or in advance of any oral communication by a registered representative with such potential investor; d. Attend meetings with Client and potential investors, and assist the Client in responding to due diligence requests from potential investors; e. Ensure to its satisfaction that Anti-Money Laundering (“AML”) procedures are implemented for all potential investors in the Offering; f. Ensure to its satisfaction that suitability assessments are conducted for all potential investors with which such Co-Manager has any communications; and g. Generally assist the Client in its sale of securities to those potential investors accepted by Client in the Offering.

  • Maintenance of Review Materials It will maintain copies of any Review Materials, Review Reports and other documents relating to a Review, including internal correspondence and work papers, for a period of at least two years after any termination of this Agreement.

  • Acceptance Process All deliverables must be received and accepted in writing by Department’s Grant Manager before payment. The Grantee shall work diligently to correct all deficiencies in the deliverable that remain outstanding, within a reasonable time at Grantee’s expense. If Department’s Grant Manager does not accept the deliverables within 30 days of receipt, they will be deemed rejected.

  • Escrow Format Specification Deposit’s Format. Registry objects, such as domains, contacts, name servers, registrars, etc. will be compiled into a file constructed as described in draft-xxxxx-xxxxxxx-registry-data-escrow, see Part A, Section 9, reference 1 of this Specification and draft-xxxxx-xxxxxxx-dnrd-objects-mapping, see Part A, Section 9, reference 2 of this Specification (collectively, the “DNDE Specification”). The DNDE Specification describes some elements as optional; Registry Operator will include those elements in the Deposits if they are available. If not already an RFC, Registry Operator will use the most recent draft version of the DNDE Specification available at the Effective Date. Registry Operator may at its election use newer versions of the DNDE Specification after the Effective Date. Once the DNDE Specification is published as an RFC, Registry Operator will implement that version of the DNDE Specification, no later than one hundred eighty (180) calendar days after. UTF-8 character encoding will be used.

  • RE-WEIGHING PRODUCT Deliveries are subject to re- weighing at the point of destination by the Authorized User. If shrinkage occurs which exceeds that normally allowable in the trade, the Authorized User shall have the option to require delivery of the difference in quantity or to reduce the payment accordingly. Such option shall be exercised in writing by the Authorized User.

  • All new supplies equipment and services shall include manufacturer's minimum standard warranty unless otherwise agreed to in writing. Vendor shall be legally permitted to sell all products offered for sale to TIPS Members. All goods proposed and sold shall be new unless clearly stated in writing. The Vendor shall provide timely and accurate customer support for orders to TIPS Members as agreed by the Parties. Vendors shall respond to such requests within a commercially reasonable time after receipt of the request. If support andƒor training is a line item sold or packaged with a sale, support shall be as agreed with the TIPS Member. Most TIPS Members are tax exempt and the related laws andƒor regulations of the controlling jurisdiction(s) of the TIPS Member shall apply. No assignment of Agreement may be made without the prior notification of TIPS. Written approval of TIPS shall not be unreasonably withheld. Payment for delivered goods and services can only be made to the awarded Vendor, Vendor designated reseller or vendor assigned company.

  • Application Process The employees wishing to enter into a job share arrangement will apply in writing to the Employer and forward a copy to the Union outlining the proposed commencement date of the job share, how the hours and days of work will be shared and how communication and continuity of work will be maintained. The Employer shall communicate a decision on a job share request in writing to the applicants. Applications to Job Sharing shall not be unreasonably denied.

  • Selection Process The Mortgage Loans were selected from among the outstanding one- to four-family mortgage loans in the Seller's portfolio at the related Closing Date as to which the representations and warranties set forth in Subsection 9.02 could be made and such selection was not made in a manner so as to affect adversely the interests of the Purchaser;