Red Hat Gluster Storage Sample Clauses

Red Hat Gluster Storage. Red Hat Gluster Storage includes management tools to manage one or more instances of Red Hat Gluster Storage (“Red Hat Storage Console”). If you use the software contained in the Red Hat Gluster Storage Console for any purpose other than the management of Red Hat Gluster Storage Subscription, you agree to purchase the applicable number of Units of the relevant Software Subscriptions for such use. If you purchase Red Hat Gluster Storage for Public Cloud Subscriptions for use on a Vendor’s Cloud, the Vendor may have additional terms and fees, independent of this Agreement, for such usage. "
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Red Hat Gluster Storage. Red Hat Gluster Storage includes management tools to manage one or more instances of Red Hat Gluster Storage (“Red Hat Storage Console”). If you purchase Red Hat Gluster Storage for Public Cloud Subscriptions for use on a Vendor’s Cloud, the Vendor may have additional terms and fees, independent of this Agreement, for such usage. "Vendor" means the Red Hat authorized third party from whom you purchased Cloud services. “Cloud” means a Vendor's hosted computing infrastructure of shared resources that provides virtual machines or instances to end users on an on-demand basis. For Red Hat Gluster Storage for Public Cloud, Exhibit 1.I also applies. Red Hat Gluster Storage for Hybrid Cloud Subscriptions is a bundle (a) of an equal number of Red Hat Gluster Storage and Red Hat Gluster Storage for Public Cloud entitlements and (b) sold in even numbers of Units.
Red Hat Gluster Storage. Red Hat Gluster Storage includes management tools to manage one or more instances of Red Hat Gluster Storage (“Red Hat Storage Console”). If you use the software contained in the Red Hat Gluster Storage Console for any purpose other than the management of Red Hat Gluster Storage Subscription, you agree to purchase the applicable number of Units of the relevant Software Subscriptions for such use. If you purchase Red Hat Gluster Storage for Public Cloud Subscriptions for use on a Vendor’s Cloud, the Vendor may have additional terms and fees, independent of this Agreement, for such usage. "Vendor" means the Red Hat authorized third party from whom you purchased Cloud services. “Cloud” means a Vendor's hosted computing infrastructure of shared resources that provides virtual machines or instances to end users on an on-demand basis. For Red Hat Gluster Storage for Public Cloud, Exhibit 1.I also applies. Red Hat Gluster Storage for Hybrid Cloud Subscriptions is a bundle (a) of an equal number of Red Hat Gluster Storage and Red Hat Gluster Storage for Public Cloud entitlements and (b) sold in even numbers of Units.
Red Hat Gluster Storage. Red Hat Gluster Storage umfasst Managementtools zur Verwaltung einer oder mehrerer Instanzen von Red Hat Gluster Storage (Red Hat Storage Console”). Wenn Sie die in der Red Hat Storage Console enthaltene Software zu anderen Zwecken als zum Management der Red Hat Gluster Storage Subscription verwenden, verpflichten Sie sich zum Kauf der entsprechenden Anzahl von EINHEITEN der für den Einsatz relevanten SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTIONS. Wenn Sie Red Hat Gluster Storage für Public Cloud Subscriptions zur Verwendung auf der CLOUD eines ANBIETERS verwenden, gelten unabhängig von diesem VERTRAG für eine solche Nutzung möglicherweise zusätzliche Bedingungen und Gebühren des ANBIETERS. "ANBIETER" bezieht sich auf die von Red Hat autorisierte Drittpartei, von der Sie die CLOUD-Services erworben haben. “CLOUD” ist die vom ANBIETER gehostete IT-Infrastruktur gemeinsamer Ressourcen, die virtuelle Maschinen oder Instanzen auf On-Demand-Basis an Endbenutzer liefert. Für Red Hat Gluster Storage für Public Cloud gilt auch Exhibit 1.J. Red Hat Gluster Storage für Public Cloud Subscriptions ist (a) eine Verbindung von einer gleichen Anzahl von Berechtigungen für Red Hat Gluster und für Red Hat Gluster Storage für Public Cloud Berechtigungen und
Red Hat Gluster Storage. O Red Hat Gluster Storage inclui ferramentas de gerenciamento para gerenciar uma ou mais instâncias do Red Hat Gluster Storage (“Console de Armazenamento Gluster Red Hat”). Se usar o Software contido no Console de Armazenamento Gluster Red Hat para quaisquer outros fins que não o gerenciamento do Red Hat Gluster Storage, você concorda em comprar o número aplicável de Unidades das Subscrições de Software relevantes para tal uso. Se você comprar Subscrições Red Hat Gluster Storage na Nuvem Pública da Nuvem de um Fornecedor, o Fornecedor poderá ter condições e taxas adicionais, independentes do presente Contrato, para tal uso. "Fornecedor" significa o terceiro autorizado pela Red Hat do qual você comprou serviços de Nuvem. “
Red Hat Gluster Storage. Red Hat Gluster Storageࡣࠊ1 ࡘ௨ୖŒRed Hat Gluster Storage ŒイࣥࢫࢱࣥࢫÇ⟶⌮ࡍࡿಖᏲY—Ы (ࠕJjࢻ \jࢺ ࢫࢺJ —ࢪ コࣥ/—Ы])Çpࢇ࡛࠸ࡲࡍ。࠾ᐈᵝࡀRed Hat Gluster Storage SubscriptionŒ⟶⌮௨እŒ┠D࡛Jjࢻ\jࢺ ࢫࢺJ— ࢪ コࣥ/—Ы࡟pࡲࢀࡿ/ࣇࢺ࢘±࢔Ç౑⏝ࡍࡿgྜࠊࡑŒࡼ ỹ࡞⏝㏵࡟㛵㐃ࡋ½/ࣇࢺ࢘±࢔ サӲࢫPj?ࢩࣙࣥŒヱᙜl ࢽjࢺᩘŒ㉎ධ࡟ྠពࡋ½ࡇ࡜࡟࡞ࡾࡲࡍ。Үࣥࢲ—ŒPࣛ࢘ࢻ ࡛౑⏝ࡍࡿ½ࡵ࡟࠾ᐈᵝࡀRed Hat Gluster Storage for Public Cloud SubscriptionsÇ㉎ධࡍࡿgྜࠊҮࣥࢲ—ࡣࡑŒࡼỹ࡞౑⏝ ࡟ᑐࡋZ㏣ຍ஦㡯࠾ࡼࡧ㏣ຍᩱ㔠Çᮏዎ⣙࡜ࡣ⊂mࡋZຍ࠼ࡿࡇ ࡜ࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍ。ࠕҮࣥࢲ—]࡜ࡣ࠾ᐈᵝࡀPࣛ࢘ࢻサ—ࣅࢫÇ㉎ ධࡋ½ࠊJjࢻ\jࢺࡀㄆᐃࡋ½➨Ξ⪅Çព࿡ࡋࡲࡍ。ࠕPࣛ࢘ ࢻ]࡜ࡣҮࣥࢲ—ࡀᥦ౪ࡍࡿඹ᭷j/—ࢫŒィ⟬イࣥࣇࣛࢫࢺࣛ P9ࣕ—࡛ࠊ௬᝿࣐ࢩࣥࡲ½ࡣ±ࣥࢻl—ࢨ—~Œ࢜ࣥy࣐ࣥࢻ Ү—ࢫ࡛イࣥࢫࢱࣥࢫÇඹ᭷ࡍࡿࡶŒÇᣦࡋࡲࡍ。¾ӲjjP Pࣛ࢘ࢻྥࡅŒRed Hat Gluster Storage࡟㛵ࡋZࡣࠊูῧ 1.Hࡶ㐺⏝ࡉࢀࡲࡍ。Red Hat Gluster Storage for Hybrid Cloudࡣࠊ(a) ྠᩘŒRed Hat Gluster Storage S࡜Red Hat Gluster Storagefor Public CloudŒࣂࣥࢻЫ࡛࠶ࡾࠊ(b) അᩘŒlࢽjࢺ࡟Z㈍኎ࡉࢀ ࡲࡍ。
Red Hat Gluster Storage. Red Hat Gluster Storage includes management tools to manage one or more instances of Red Hat Gluster Storage (“Red Hat Gluster Storage Console”). If you use the software contained in the Red Hat Gluster Storage Console for any purpose other than the management of Red Hat Gluster Storage Subscription, you agree to purchase the applicable number of Units of the relevant Software Subscriptions for such use. If you purchase Red Hat Gluster Storage for Public Cloud Subscriptions for use on a Vendor’s Cloud, the Vendor may have additional terms and fees, independent of this Agreement, for such usage. "Vendor" means the Red Hat authorized third party from whom you purchased Cloud services. “Cloud” means a Vendor's hosted computing infrastructure of shared resources that provides virtual machines or instances to end users on an on-demand basis. For Red Hat Gluster Storage for Public Cloud, Exhibit 1.I also applies. Red Hat Gluster Storage for Hybrid Cloud Subscriptions is a bundle
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Red Hat Gluster Storage. Red Hat Gluster Storageª.1 ³fi1§Red Hat Gluster Storage §£s5Çs5Ç⟶⌮g@ಖᏲS—k (’Jÿfi ࣁÿh 5hJ —y 1s∫—k])ÇpL½”£gࠋ¢Ⓐfi‰Red Hat Gluster Storage Subscription§⟶⌮fiª§┠ ½Jÿfiࣁÿh 5hJ— y 1s∫—k࡟p£h@∫€hfi±{Ç౑$g@ྜ.ǧ£ y¾$㏵࡟㛵㐃t½∫€hfi±{ GŸ5Çj?ÿ¬s§ヱfi1 sÿhᩘ§㉎‡࡟¼ពt½šh࡟¾fl£gࠋŸsÇ—§Çžfifi ½౑$g@½Ø࡟¢Ⓐfi‰Red Hat Gluster Storage for Public Cloud SubscriptionsÇ㉎‡g@ྜ.ŸsÇ—ªÇ§£y¾౑$ ࡟ᑐt€ª$‰¢£$ ªᩱ¾Ç$¿ƒhª❧t€ªs@š h‰Øfl£gࠋ’ŸsÇ—]hª¢Ⓐfi‰ÇžfifiG—Ÿ5Ç㉎
Red Hat Gluster Storage. Red Hat Gluster Storageवᤜ 4㇑⨶—њᡆfiњ Red Hat Gluster Storage ᇎֻⲴ㇑⨶ᐕާ (“Red Hat Storage Console”)˚ྲ᷌䍥ᯩሶ Red Hat Gluster Storage Console ޵ Ⲵ fi Ԧ ⭘ Ҿ ㇑ ⨶ Red Hat Gluster Storage 䇒䰵 ԕཆⲴ⭘䙄,ࡉQ⽪䍥ᯩ਼᜿䪸ሩ䈕ㅹ֯⭘䍝 Ҡ䘲⭘ᮠ䟿Ⲵ⴨ޣfiԦ䇒䰵অս˚ྲ᷌䍥ᯩ䙊䗷׋ᓄ୶Ӂ䍝Ҡ Red Hat Gluster Storage for Public Cloud䇒䰵,ࡉ䈕׋ᓄ୶ 4㜭Պഐ䈕ㅹ֯⭘㘼䴰㾱᢯ᣵ⤜・Ҿᵜॿ䇞Ⲵ䱴࣐ᶑⅮ4䍩⭘ ˚“׋ᓄ୶”ᱟᤷ䍥ᯩੁަ䍝ҠӁᴽ࣑Ⲵ㓒ᑭᦸᵳㅜйᯩ˚“Ӂ” ᱟᤷ׋ᓄ୶ᢈ㇑Ⲵޡӛ䍴Ⓚ䇑㇇ส⹰䇮ᯭ,4ੁᴰ㓸⭘ᡧ᤹䴰 ᨀ׋㲊ᤏᵪᡆᇎֻ˚ሩҾ Red Hat Gluster Storage for Public Cloud,䱴ᖅ 1.J ਼ṧ䘲⭘˚Red Hat Gluster Storage for Hybrid Cloud 䇒䰵ᱟሶԕлє⛩Ⲵ᥶㔁 :(a) ਼ṧᮠ䟿Ⲵ Red Hat Gluster Storage 4 Red Hat Gluster Storage for Public Cloud Ⲵᵳ䲀,4 (b) ԕڦᮠⲴঅսࠪ୞˚“;⛩”ᱟᤷ Red Hat Storage Server for On-Premise 䇒䰵Ⲵ㌫㔏4 Red Hat Storage Server for Public Cloud 䇒䰵Ⲵ㲊ᤏGuests.
Red Hat Gluster Storage. Red Hat Gluster Storage bkud¬aet cpeДctba ympabuehnr Дur oДhofo n 6ouee sksemmurpob (Red Hat Storage Console). Ecun b mpno6peun Red Hat Gluster Storage Дur NoДmncok Public Cloud Дur ncmouasobahnr b o6uake Noctabynka, Noctabynk momet mpeДarbnta Дomouhnteuah e ycuobnr n c6op , he cbrsahh e c stnm Cofuamehnem. «Noctabynk» osha¬aet ymouhomo¬ehhyd kommahnen Red Hat xxxxxx xxxxxxx, x xxxxxxx x xxxx0xxxxxxx X0xx¬x e ycuyfn n kotopar ymouhomo¬eha kommahnen Red Hat ha y¬actne b ston Npofpamme O6ua¬hofo Дoctyma. «O6uako» osha¬aet b ¬ncunteuahyd nh$pactpyktypy cobmectho ncmouasyem x pecypcob, xoctnhf kotopon ocyyectburet Noctabynk n kotopar cosДaet bnptyauah e mamnh Дur kohe¬h x mouasobateuen mo tpe6obahnd. qur Red Hat Gluster Storage for Public Cloud takme mpnmehnmo qomouhehne I. NoДmnckn Red Hat Gluster Storage for Hybrid Cloud mpeДctaburdt co6on kommuekt, coctorynn (a) ns oДnhakobofo ¬ncua unyehsnn ha Red Hat Gluster Storage n Red Hat Gluster Storage for Public Cloud, n (b) mpoДadynncr ¬eth m ¬ncuom EДnhny.
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