Common use of RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY Clause in Contracts

RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY. The undersigned volunteer and the University release and hold harmless each other and their governors, executives, employees, students, agents, heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns from any and all liability for any loss, damage, injury or expense that they or their next of kin may suffer as a result of the work of the undersigned volunteer, including but not limited to accidents, acts of God, war, civil unrest, sickness, transportation, scheduling, government restrictions or regulations, and any and all expenses which may be incurred because of said work, including without limitation any loss, claims, damages, expenses, judgments, or attorney fees for which the University or the undersigned volunteer is held legally liable. The undersigned volunteer and the University further release and hold harmless each other and their governors, executives, employees, students, agents, heirs, administrators, successors and assigns from any and all claims of negligence with regard to any and all aspects of participation in the above mentioned work. I have read, understood and agree to the above terms and conditions in regard to waiver and release of liability, and confirm that I am signing this document freely, having been fully informed as to its content and implications. Volunteer Date University of Waterloo Signatory Date VOLUNTEER IS UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE) PARENT/GUARDIAN FOR VOLUNTEERS UNDER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN (18) YEARS MUST READ THIS FORM. PARENT/GUARDIAN PERMISSION IS REQUIRED FOR VOLUNTEER UNDER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN (18) YEARS. As parent/guardian with legal responsibility for this volunteer, I acknowledge having read and understood the implications of this volunteer agreement, and I sign this volunteer agreement for and on behalf of the volunteer, and for and on my own behalf, intending to bind the volunteer, myself, and the heirs, executors, administrators and assigns of both of us. Parent/Guardian Signature Date

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Samples: Volunteer Agreement, Volunteer Agreement

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RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY. The undersigned volunteer THIS RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY (this "Release") is executed by ___________________, on their own behalf (or as the parent or guardian of , if applicable) and the University release and hold harmless each other and on behalf of their governors, executives, employees, students, agents, heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives (including parents or guardians, if applicable), successors and assigns (collectively, the “Releasor”, “I”, or “me”) in favor of Summits Education, Inc., a not-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of the state of Massachusetts (“Summits Education”), and the Releasees (as defined below). Releasor hereby freely, voluntarily, and without duress executes this Release under the following terms: As the Releasor, I fully recognize that there are dangers and risks to which I may be exposed by participating in the Summits Expedition Program ("Summits Expeditions"). As the Releasor, I understand that Summits Education does not require me to participate in this activity, but I choose to do so despite the possible dangers and risks and despite this Release. With informed consent, and for valuable consideration received, including assistance provided by Summits Education, I agree to assume and take on myself all of the risks and responsibilities in any way arising from or associated with participating in Summits Expeditions, and I hereby release and forever discharge and agree to hold harmless Summits Education and all of its affiliates, divisions, departments and other units, committees and groups, and its and their respective governing boards, officers, directors, principals, trustees, donors, representatives, members, owners, employees, volunteers, agents, administrators, assigns, and contractors (collectively, “Releasees”), from any and all liability for any lossclaims, damagedemands, injury or expense that they or their next of kin may suffer as a result of the work of the undersigned volunteersuits, including but not limited to accidents, acts of God, war, civil unrest, sickness, transportation, scheduling, government restrictions or regulations, and any and all expenses which may be incurred because of said work, including without limitation any loss, claimsjudgments, damages, expensesactions and liabilities of every name and nature whatsoever, judgmentswhenever occurring, whether known or unknown, contingent or fixed, at law or in equity, that I may suffer at any time arising from or in connection with Summits Expeditions, including any injury or harm to me, my death, or attorney fees damage to my property. As the Releasor, I recognize that this Release means I am giving up, among other things, all rights to xxx any of the Releasees for which the University injuries, damages or the undersigned volunteer is held legally liable. The undersigned volunteer and the University further release and hold harmless each other and their governors, executives, employees, students, agents, heirs, administrators, successors and assigns from any and all claims of negligence with regard to any and all aspects of participation in the above mentioned worklosses I may incur. I have read, understood and agree to the above terms and conditions in regard to waiver and release of liability, and confirm also understand that I am signing this document freely, having been fully informed as to its content and implications. Volunteer Date University of Waterloo Signatory Date VOLUNTEER IS UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE) PARENT/GUARDIAN FOR VOLUNTEERS UNDER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN (18) YEARS MUST READ THIS FORM. PARENT/GUARDIAN PERMISSION IS REQUIRED FOR VOLUNTEER UNDER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN (18) YEARS. As parent/guardian with legal responsibility for this volunteer, I acknowledge having read and understood the implications of this volunteer agreement, and I sign this volunteer agreement for and on behalf of the volunteer, and for and on Release binds my own behalf, intending to bind the volunteer, myself, and the heirs, executors, administrators administrators, legal representatives (including parents or guardians, if applicable), successors and assigns assigns, as well as myself. I also affirm that I have adequate medical and travel insurance to cover any medical assistance I may require. I agree not to participate in Summits Expeditions unless I am physically and medically able, and I agree to abide by the decision of Summits Education and its agents regarding whether I may participate in Summits Expeditions. I agree that this Release shall be governed for all purposes by Massachusetts law, without regard to such law on choice of law. In case any one or more of the provisions or parts of a provision contained in this Release are, for any reason, held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect in any jurisdiction, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability will not affect any other provision or part of a provision of this Release or any other jurisdiction, but this Release will be reformed and construed in any such jurisdiction as if such invalid or illegal or unenforceable provision or part of a provision had never been contained herein or therein and such provision or part will be reformed so that it would be valid, legal and enforceable to the maximum extent permitted in such jurisdiction. This Release constitutes the entire understanding of the parties, and cannot be modified except by a writing signed by both of us. Parent/Guardian Signature Dateparties.

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Samples: Agreement to Summits Education Terms and Conditions

RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY. The undersigned volunteer In consideration for the Program to allow my child to participate in the Program, I, as parent and/or guardian, authorize my child to participate in the Program and the University release release, discharge and hold harmless each the Program and RIT, its program directors, staff, clinicians and all other and their governorsofficers, executivesdirectors, employees, studentsvolunteers, agentsand agents from any claims or liability arising from my child’s participation in the Program. This Consent, Release, Waiver and Assumption of Risk Agreement (“Agreement”) is governed by and shall be construed under the laws of the State of New York without regard to the principles of choice of law. Any claims, demands, or actions arising under this Agreement must be brought in the state or federal courts in the State of New York, Monroe County, and I consent to the jurisdiction of the State of New York for all purposes under this Agreement. This Agreement is a continuing consent, release, waiver and assumption of risk with no limitations or reservations, unless and except those stated herein, and is binding on me and my child and our heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, assigns and successors in interest. Any copy of this document has the full force and assigns from any effect and all liability for any lossis as binding as the original. In signing this Agreement, damage, injury or expense I acknowledge that they or their next of kin may suffer as a result of the work of the undersigned volunteer, including but not limited to accidents, acts of God, war, civil unrest, sickness, transportation, scheduling, government restrictions or regulations, and any and all expenses which may be incurred because of said work, including without limitation any loss, claims, damages, expenses, judgments, or attorney fees for which the University or the undersigned volunteer is held legally liable. The undersigned volunteer and the University further release and hold harmless each other and their governors, executives, employees, students, agents, heirs, administrators, successors and assigns from any and all claims of negligence with regard to any and all aspects of participation in the above mentioned work. I have readread both pages of this Release Agreement form, understood understand it, and agree to the above terms and conditions in regard to waiver and release of liability, and confirm be bound by its terms. I further acknowledge that I am signing this document freely, having been fully informed as to its content the parent or legal guardian of the Participant and implications. Volunteer Date University of Waterloo Signatory Date VOLUNTEER IS UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE) PARENT/GUARDIAN FOR VOLUNTEERS UNDER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN (18) YEARS MUST READ THIS FORM. PARENT/GUARDIAN PERMISSION IS REQUIRED FOR VOLUNTEER UNDER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN (18) YEARS. As parent/guardian with legal responsibility for this volunteer, I acknowledge having read and understood the implications of this volunteer agreement, and that I sign this volunteer agreement for Release Agreement voluntarily. Name of Parent or Guardian (printed) Signature Date Name of Participant (printed) Signature Date THIS IS A RELEASE OF LEGAL RIGHTS AND AN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK. READ AND UNDERSTAND BEFORE SIGNING. ACTIVITY DETAIL FORM (To be completed by Program Director) Name of Activity: Next Big Idea Date(s) of Activity: January, February & March 2024 Description of Activity: Webinar and on behalf Zoom meeting with teams. I am fully aware of the volunteerrisks and hazards associated with the activity, and for and on my own behalf, intending hereby elect to bind the volunteer, myself, and the heirs, executors, administrators and assigns of both of us. Parent/Guardian Signature Datevoluntarily participate in this activity.

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RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY. The undersigned volunteer and I HEREBY EXPRESSLY RECOGNIZE AND ASSUME ALL RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH MY CHILD’S PARTICIPATION IN THE PROGRAM AND VOLUNTARILY RELEASE, WAIVE, DISCHARGE, COVENANT NOT TO XXX AND HOLD HARMLESS THE RELEASEES. I AGREE TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS the University release and hold harmless each other and their governors, executives, employees, students, agents, heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns RELEASEES from any and all liability for any loss, damageliability, injury damage or expense that they or their next of kin may suffer as a result of the work of the undersigned volunteercosts, including but not limited to accidentscourt costs and attorneys’ fees, acts of God, war, civil unrest, sickness, transportation, scheduling, government restrictions or regulations, and any and all expenses which that may be incurred because of said work, including without limitation any loss, claims, damages, expenses, judgments, or attorney fees for which the University or the undersigned volunteer is held legally liable. The undersigned volunteer and the University further release and hold harmless each other and their governors, executives, employees, students, agents, heirs, administrators, successors and assigns from any and all claims of negligence with regard due to any and all aspects of my child’s participation in the above mentioned workProgram, WHETHER CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF RELEASEES or otherwise. It is my express intent that this Online Participation Agreement and Waiver Form shall bind the members of my family and spouse, if I am alive, and my heirs, assigns and personal representative, if I am deceased, and shall be deemed as a RELEASE, WAIVER, DISCHARGE AND COVENANT NOT TO XXX the above-named RELEASEES. I hereby further agree that this Participant Release, Consent and Waiver of Liability shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. IN SIGNING THIS PARTICIPANT CONSENT, RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY, I ACKNOWLEDGE AND REPRESENT THAT I have readread the foregoing, understood understand it and agree to sign it voluntarily as my own free act and deed; no oral representations, statements, or inducement, apart from the above terms and conditions in regard to waiver and release of liabilityforegoing written agreement, and confirm that have been made; I am signing this document freely, having been fully informed as to its content and implications. Volunteer Date University of Waterloo Signatory Date VOLUNTEER IS UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE) PARENT/GUARDIAN FOR VOLUNTEERS UNDER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN at least eighteen (18) YEARS MUST READ THIS FORM. PARENT/GUARDIAN PERMISSION IS REQUIRED FOR VOLUNTEER UNDER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN (18) YEARS. As parent/years of age and fully competent and I am the parent or guardian with legal responsibility for this volunteer, I acknowledge having read and understood of the implications of this volunteer agreementchild participant, and I sign execute this volunteer agreement Participant Consent, Release and Waiver of Liability for full, adequate and on behalf of the volunteercomplete consideration, and for and on my own behalf, fully intending to bind the volunteer, myself, and the heirs, executors, administrators and assigns be bound by same. Printed Parent or Guardian Name: Signature of both of us. Parent/Guardian Signature DateParent or Guardian:

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RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY. The undersigned volunteer and I HEREBY EXPRESSLY RECOGNIZE AND ASSUME ALL RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH MY CHILD’S PARTICIPATION IN THE iSTEM SUMMER PROGRAM AND VOLUNTARILY RELEASE, WAIVE, DISCHARGE, COVENANT NOT TO XXX AND HOLD HARMLESS THE RELEASEES. I AGREE TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS the University release and hold harmless each other and their governors, executives, employees, students, agents, heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns RELEASEES from any and all liability for any loss, damageliability, injury damage or expense that they or their next of kin may suffer as a result of the work of the undersigned volunteercosts, including but not limited to accidentscourt costs and attorneys’ fees, acts of God, war, civil unrest, sickness, transportation, scheduling, government restrictions or regulations, and any and all expenses which that may be incurred because of said work, including without limitation any loss, claims, damages, expenses, judgments, or attorney fees for which the University or the undersigned volunteer is held legally liable. The undersigned volunteer and the University further release and hold harmless each other and their governors, executives, employees, students, agents, heirs, administrators, successors and assigns from any and all claims of negligence with regard due to any and all aspects of my child’s participation in the above mentioned worksummer program, WHETHER CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF RELEASEES or otherwise. It is my express intent that this Online Participation Agreement and Waiver Form shall bind the members of my family and spouse, if I am alive, and my heirs, assigns and personal representative, if I am deceased, and shall be deemed as a RELEASE, WAIVER, DISCHARGE AND COVENANT NOT TO XXX the above-named RELEASEES. I hereby further agree that this Participant Release, Consent and Waiver of Liability shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. IN SIGNING THIS PARTICIPANT CONSENT, RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY, I ACKNOWLEDGE AND REPRESENT THAT I have readread the foregoing, understood understand it and agree to sign it voluntarily as my own free act and deed; no oral representations, statements, or inducement, apart from the above terms and conditions in regard to waiver and release of liabilityforegoing written agreement, and confirm that have been made; I am signing this document freely, having been fully informed as to its content and implications. Volunteer Date University of Waterloo Signatory Date VOLUNTEER IS UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE) PARENT/GUARDIAN FOR VOLUNTEERS UNDER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN at least eighteen (18) YEARS MUST READ THIS FORM. PARENT/GUARDIAN PERMISSION IS REQUIRED FOR VOLUNTEER UNDER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN (18) YEARS. As parent/years of age and fully competent and I am the parent or guardian with legal responsibility for this volunteer, I acknowledge having read and understood of the implications of this volunteer agreementchild participant, and I sign execute this volunteer agreement Participant Consent, Release and Waiver of Liability for full, adequate and on behalf of the volunteercomplete consideration, and for and on my own behalf, fully intending to bind the volunteer, myself, and the heirs, executors, administrators and assigns of both of usbe bound by same. Print Parent/Guardian Signature DateName

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RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY. The undersigned volunteer and I HEREBY EXPRESSLY RECOGNIZE AND ASSUME ALL RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH MY CHILD’S PARTICIPATION IN THE SUMMER INSTITUTE AND VOLUNTARILY RELEASE, WAIVE, DISCHARGE, COVENANT NOT TO XXX AND HOLD HARMLESS THE RELEASEES. I AGREE TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS the University release and hold harmless each other and their governors, executives, employees, students, agents, heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns RELEASEES from any and all liability for any loss, damageliability, injury damage or expense that they or their next of kin may suffer as a result of the work of the undersigned volunteercosts, including but not limited to accidentscourt costs and attorneys’ fees, acts of God, war, civil unrest, sickness, transportation, scheduling, government restrictions or regulations, and any and all expenses which that may be incurred because of said work, including without limitation any loss, claims, damages, expenses, judgments, or attorney fees for which the University or the undersigned volunteer is held legally liable. The undersigned volunteer and the University further release and hold harmless each other and their governors, executives, employees, students, agents, heirs, administrators, successors and assigns from any and all claims of negligence with regard due to any and all aspects of my child’s participation in the above mentioned workSummer Institute, WHETHER CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF RELEASEES or otherwise. It is my express intent that this Online Participation Agreement and Waiver Form shall bind the members of my family and spouse, if I am alive, and my heirs, assigns and personal representative, if I am deceased, and shall be deemed as a RELEASE, WAIVER, DISCHARGE AND COVENANT NOT TO XXX the above-named RELEASEES. I hereby further agree that this Participant Release, Consent and Waiver of Liability shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. IN SIGNING THIS PARTICIPANT CONSENT, RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY, I ACKNOWLEDGE AND REPRESENT THAT I have readread the foregoing, understood understand it and agree to sign it voluntarily as my own free act and deed; no oral representations, statements, or inducement, apart from the above terms and conditions in regard to waiver and release of liabilityforegoing written agreement, and confirm that have been made; I am signing this document freely, having been fully informed as to its content and implications. Volunteer Date University of Waterloo Signatory Date VOLUNTEER IS UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE) PARENT/GUARDIAN FOR VOLUNTEERS UNDER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN at least eighteen (18) YEARS MUST READ THIS FORM. PARENT/GUARDIAN PERMISSION IS REQUIRED FOR VOLUNTEER UNDER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN (18) YEARS. As parent/years of age and fully competent and I am the parent or guardian with legal responsibility for this volunteer, I acknowledge having read and understood of the implications of this volunteer agreementchild participant, and I sign execute this volunteer agreement Participant Consent, Release and Waiver of Liability for full, adequate and on behalf of the volunteercomplete consideration, and for and on my own behalf, fully intending to bind the volunteer, myself, and the heirs, executors, administrators and assigns of both of usbe bound by same. Print Parent/Guardian Signature DateName

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