Waiver and Release of Liability Sample Clauses

Waiver and Release of Liability. In consideration for the privilege of the Participant’s participation in the Activities, the undersigned hereby RELEASES, DISCHARGES, COVENANTS NOT TO XXX, AND AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND SAVE AND HOLD HARMLESS RELEASEES from any and all liability, demands, losses, medical expenses, lost opportunities, damages or attorneys fees and costs stemming from any or all claims for negligence, expressed or implied warranty, contribution, and indemnity, and/or claims of negligent rescue operations, first aid, and emergency care, to the broadest extent permitted by applicable law suffered by the Participant incurred on his/her account with respect to the Participant’s personal injury and other injury or harm, disability, and/or death, or property damage, arising directly or indirectly from the Participant’s participation in Activities, as caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by the Releasees or any of them, and further agrees that if, despite this release, the Participant or any other person makes a claim on the Participant’s behalf against any of the Releasees, THE UNDERSIGNED WILL INDEMNIFY, SAVE AND HOLD HARMLESS EACH OF THE RELEASEES FROM ANY LIABILITY, LITIGATION EXPENSES, ATTORNEY FEES, LOSSES, DAMAGES OR COSTS ANY MAY INCUR AS THE RESULT OF ANY SUCH CLAIM, WHETHER ASSERTED BY THE UNDERSIGNED, THE PARTICIPANT, OR ANOTHER PERSON. INITIAL HERE
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Waiver and Release of Liability. OVME, is not responsible for any injury or loss of property suffered by me while receiving treatment(s), participating in OVME activities, or while on the premises of OVME, for any reason whatsoever, whether resulting from the negligence of OVME., its agents, employees, independent contractors, representatives, or guests, members, customers, or any other person or entity. In consideration of my membership or for being allowed access to and / or to use OVME facilities and receive Treatment(s), I hereby WAIVE, COVENANT NOT TO XXX AND RELEASE ANY AND ALL CLAIMS which may be brought by me, my family, estate, heirs and/or assigns, against OVME, its owners, employees, representatives, independent contractors and/or agents from any and all present and future claims for loss, theft of my property, injury or damages to my person or property, personal injuries and/or death, which do or may exist, now or in the future, whether currently known or unknown, including but not limited to those which arise as a result of my membership, or arise in any way incidental to my membership, my use of the facilities and / or equipment of OVME, my receiving treatment(s), my participating or engaging in any OVME activity, activities or activities incidental thereto, and / or those which occur as a result of my presence on the premises, or which occur while I am on the premises of OVME, for any reason whatsoever, wherever, whenever or however same may occur and regardless and irrespective of whether such claims arise or arose as a result of my own negligence, the negligence of any other person or the negligence of OVME, or its owners, employees, representatives, independent contractors and/or agents, and will defend, and hold OVME, its owners, employees, representatives, independent contractors and/or agents harmless therefrom. I understand and agree that this Waiver and Release of Liability is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the State in which I am receiving OVME services and agree that if any portion hereof is held invalid, the remainder of the Waiver and Release of Liability will continue in full legal force and effect. I further agree that in the event I am not the prevailing party, I will be responsible for all reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs and expenses incurred by OVME, in the defense of or in relation to any such lawsuit. I affirm that I am of legal age and am freely signing this agreement. I have read this form and fully understand that b...
Waiver and Release of Liability. Following consideration and recognition of the inherent risks of participation in any activity and or use of recreational equipment or facilities under the management of Crestwood Hills Pool and Recreation Center, I on behalf of myself, my heirs, my estate, guardians, legal representatives, agents and assigns, hereby releasing, waving and forever discharge the Crestwood Hills Pool and Recreation Center, their agents, employees, volunteers or other representatives from any claim of personal injury, damage to property death or any other loss, claim or casualty resulting from participation with the activities or in the use of the facilities at the Crestwood Hills Pool and Recreation Center. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Crestwood Hills Pool and Recreation Center or any entities mentioned here in from all liability at the present date or any future date regardless of the circumstances of the claim whether, participation is supervised or unsupervised and whether any breach of contract or duty of care takes place. I understand that this document is legally binding for me as well as the entities mentioned herein and I agree not to sue or otherwise make any claim against the Crestwood Hills Pool and Recreation Center or any entities mentioned herein and the Crestwood Hills Pool and Recreation Center will not be held legally responsible for any loss I may suffer from participation in anyway connected with the center. With clear knowledge of the risks involved in participating in leisure, fitness and recreation activities including but not limited to those outlined herein I voluntarily assume all risks associated with participation known or unknown and I agreed to follow all safety policies and procedures established by the Crestwood Hills Pool and Recreation Center for participation within the recreational facilities Sponsored guests of members agreement: As a membership holder, I understand that guests who are accompanying members to participate in any activity and/or use of recreational equipment or facilities under the management of Crestwood Hills Recreation Center and Pool at this date or any future date are under my supervision as defined in the rules and policies set forth under membership guidelines for guests. Guests who are under the age of 18 were released by their parent or guardian to engage in participation in activities and or the use of the recreational equipment or facilities under the management of the Crestwood Hills Pool and Recreat...
Waiver and Release of Liability. XXXXXXXXXX agrees that if CONTRACTOR engages in fire suppression activities or logistical support, CONTRACTOR does so at CONTRACTOR’S own risk. This includes, without limitation, CONTRACTOR’S employment as an independent contractor during fire suppression activities where there is the risk of injury to, death of, and property damage for, CONTRACTOR. XXXXXXXXXX agrees that all participation in these activities is voluntary and CONTRACTOR assumes all risk of injury and death to CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR’S contraction of any illness or medical condition that might result, or any damage, loss or theft of any personal property belonging to CONTRACTOR. XXXXXXXXXX agrees on behalf of himself/herself (and XXXXXXXXXX’S personal representatives, heirs, executors, administrators, agents, and assigns) to RELEASE and DISCHARGE the State of Washington, Department of Natural Resources and its officers, agents, employees, and programs from any and all claims, damages, and causes of action that may arise out of CONTRACTOR’S employment as an independent contractor in fire suppression activities or logistical support. This WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY includes, but is not limited to, injuries which may occur as a result of (a) CONTRACTOR’S use of any equipment or tools, (b) claims of negligence, (c) CONTRACTOR suffering injury, death, or property damage during fire suppression activities, and (d) CONTRACTOR slipping and falling while in or on Department of Natural Resources’ premises. CONTRACTOR acknowledges that CONTRACTOR has carefully read this WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY and fully understands that it is a RELEASE OF LIABILITY. CONTRACTOR is waiving any right that CONTRACTOR may have to bring a legal action to assert a claim against the State of Washington for the State’s negligence. PLEASE READ AND SIGN: I have read, understood, and accepted the conditions of the WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY printed above.
Waiver and Release of Liability. In exchange for the housing provided for under this contract, Resident knowingly and voluntarily waives, releases, and holds harmless the University for any present or future claims, demands, causes of action, or liability of any kind, for any injury, loss, death, or damage either related to or arising out of Resident’s use or occupancy of any University residence hall, residential college, or apartment, including any parking areas, walkways, and other common spaces. Resident acknowledges and agrees that this release is intended to be as broad and inclusive as authorized under Mississippi law and shall be binding on Resident and Resident’s agents, representatives, heirs, and assigns. If any part of this release is deemed by a court to be invalid, the remaining parts of the release will remain valid and enforceable.
Waiver and Release of Liability. In consideration of the risk of injury while participating in dance and related performance activities (the “Activity”), and as consideration for the right to participate in the Activity, I hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, or personal representatives, knowingly and voluntarily enter into this waiver and release of liability and hereby waive any and all rights, claims or causes of action of any kind whatsoever arising out of my participation in the Activity, and do hereby release and forever discharge mignolo, located at 000 Xxxx Xxx, Xxxxxxxx, Xxx Xxxxxx 00000, their affiliates, managers, members, agents, attorneys, staff, volunteers, heirs, representatives, predecessors, successors and assigns, for any physical or psychological injury, including but not limited to illness, paralysis, death, damages, economical or emotional loss, that I may suffer as a direct result of my participation in the aforementioned Activity, including traveling to and from an event related to this Activity. I AM VOLUNTARILY PARTICIPATING IN THE AFOREMENTIONED ACTIVITY AND I AM PARTICIPATING IN THE ACTIVITY ENTIRELY AT MY OWN RISK. I AM AWARE OF THE RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH TRAVELING TO AND FROM AS WELL AS PARTICIPATING IN THE ACTIVITY, WHICH MAY INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO, PHYSICAL OR PSYCHOLOGICAL INJURY, PAIN, SUFFERING, ILLNESS, DISFIGUREMENT, TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT DISABILITY (INCLUDING PARALYSIS), ECONOMIC OR EMOTIONAL LOSS, AND DEATH. I UNDERSTAND THAT THESE INJURIES OR OUTCOMES MAY ARISE FROM MY OWN OR OTHERS’ NEGLIGENCE, CONDITIONS RELATED TO TRAVEL, OR THE CONDITION OF THE ACTIVITY LOCATION(S). NONETHELESS, I ASSUME ALL RELATED RISKS, BOTH KNOWN OR UNKNOWN TO ME, OF MY PARTICIPATION ON THIS ACTIVITY, INCLUDING TRAVEL TO, FROM AND DURING THIS ACTIVITY. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless mignolo against any and all claims, suits or actions of any kind whatsoever for liability, damages, compensation or otherwise brought by me or anyone on my behalf, including attorney’s fees and any related costs, if litigation arises pursuant to any claims made by me or by anyone else acting on my behalf. If mignolo incurs any of these types of expenses, I agree to reimburse mignolo. I acknowledge that xxxxxxx and their directors, officers, volunteers, representatives and agents are not responsible for errors, omissions, acts or failures to act of any party or entity conducting a specific event or activity on behalf of mignolo. I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THIS ...
Waiver and Release of Liability. PARTICIPANTS, on behalf of themselves, their parents, spouses, children/wards, heirs, assigns, representatives, estates, successors, attorneys, insurers, and all other persons, firms, partnerships or corporations connected therewith (“RELEASING PARTIES”), forever, finally, fully, permanently and unconditionally waive, release, acquit, discharge, covenant not to xxx, indemnify, covenant to hold harmless, and defend RMSD and its present and former employees, owners, members, principals, directors, subsidiaries, affiliates, representatives, predecessors, successors, shareholders, partners, parents, officers, agents, assigns, servants, attorneys, insurers, suppliers, manufacturers, clients, customers, PARTICIPANTS, and all other persons, firms, partnerships or corporations connected therewith (“RELEASED PARTIES”), to the fullest extent permitted by law, from any and all charges, claims, debts, disputes, demands, suits, causes of action, rights of action, dues, sums of money, accounts, liabilities, losses, expenses and damages, absolute or contingent, known or unknown, whether or not asserted, threatened, alleged or litigated, now existing or arising in the future, at law or equity, whether caused by the negligence of RELEASED PARTIES or otherwise, that arise out of or relate in any way to PARTICIPANTS’ use of the equipment and facilities at the SCHOOL, participation in the activities at the SCHOOL, and any claims for costs, expenses and attorneys’ fees associated therewith.
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Waiver and Release of Liability. Any Patron, Guest, or other person who participates in the Activities, including the Participant, shall do so at his or her own risk, and shall release and hold harmless, and forever discharge the District and its contractors, and the present, former, and future supervisors, staff, officers, employees, representatives, agents, and contractors of each (together, “Indemnitees”), for any and all liability, claims, lawsuits, actions, suits or demands, whether known or unknown, in law or equity, by any individual of any age, or any corporation or other entity, for any and all loss, injury, damage, theft, real or personal property damage, expenses (including attorney’s fees, costs and other expenses for investigation and defense and in connection with, among other proceedings, alternative dispute resolution, trial court, and appellate proceedings), and harm of any kind or nature arising out of, or in connection with, the participation in the Activities, by said Patron, Guest, or other person, including Participant, and any of his or her Guests and any members of his or her Family.
Waiver and Release of Liability. PARTIES TO THIS AGREEMENT - The “Owner” of the rented equipment includes LowerGear Outdoors; LowerGear Rentals, lowergear. com, and all employees, officers, shareholders, agents, representatives, partners, lessors, insurers, assigns and other parties related thereto, and of the corporate parent Mast Advertising & Publishing, Inc. The “User(s)” include the renter of the equipment; any operator, passenger, or participant in any activity involving the equipment; any minor in the care or under the supervision of any User; and the heirs, executors, administrators, succes- sors and assigns of the foregoing. Renter and all other Users signing below agree that they will be the only operators, passengers or otherwise the only users of the rented equipment. Each User below further agrees that if any other party or individual is allowed to use the rented equipment, each of the undersigned will be personally liable for any damages to such unauthorized Users or damages to others caused by such unauthorized User, even if such damages arise out of the negligence or fault of Owner. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RISKS - The undersigned hereby acknowledge that some, but not all of the risks of participating in water-sport activities and the transportation and use of watercraft and other rented equipment include: road accidents; damage to the transporting automobile; failure of transporting attachments such as roof racks and trailers; unpredictable currents and water flow; collisions with submerged objects and other watercraft; capsizing or sinking of watercraft; exposure and hypothermia; encounters with wildlife and insects; lightning strikes; equipment and opera- tor errors; incapacitation due to illness; becoming lost or otherwise requiring expensive rescue; dangerous winds and storms; expensive damages to the rented equipment and to the property of others; and any other event that may cause expense, illness, injury or death. EXPRESS ASSUMPTION OF RISK – Each undersigned hereby agrees that each is operating or using the equipment provided by Owner at his/her own risk. Each undersigned agrees that he/she is voluntarily participating in all activities related to the rental, operation, or use of the rental equipment. Each undersigned assumes full responsibility for the risks of personal injury, accidents or illness, and any resultant expenses from any such risk, damage or loss to themselves, any other User, the rented equipment and for any personal injury or property loss caused by any ...
Waiver and Release of Liability. To the extent permitted under applicable law, Client (a) waives any and all claims and rights that Client may now or hereafter have against any USF Party for any Loss; and (b) releases, discharges, holds harmless, and indemnifies each USF Party from, and covenants not to sue any USF Party with respect to, any and all now existing or hereafter arising claims, losses, injuries (including, without limitation, death), causes of action, suits, judgments, demands, fees, costs, expenses (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees, costs, and expenses), damages, and other liabilities with respect to any Loss. Client acknowledges that Client (i) has carefully read this Section and fully understands its terms; and (ii) to the extent permitted under applicable law, is waiving any right to bring any action against any USF Party with respect to any Loss.
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