ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY. I give permission for my child to participate in the College Dance Prep Clinic at Iowa State University. I understand that program activities may involve certain risks of physical activity and possible injury and that Iowa State University and ISU Athletics will provide each participant with reasonable care, but that ISU cannot guarantee that my child will remain free of injury. I nonetheless wish to have my child participate in the program activities and ASSUME the RISK of participating. I agree to RELEASE from LIABILITY, INDEMNIFY and HOLD HARMLESS Iowa State University; State of Iowa; Board of Regents - State of Iowa; and their officers, employees and agents (hereinafter the RELEASEES) from any and all claim and/or cause of action arising out of and related to any injury, loss, penalties, damage, settlement, costs or other expenses or liabilities that occur as a result of my child’s participation in this program. This Assumption of Risk, however, is not intended to release the above-mentioned RELEASEES from liability arising out of their negligence. I hereby further agree that this Release and Waiver of Liability shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Iowa.
ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY. The Responsible Party assumes all responsibility for any and all risks of damage or injury that may occur while using the Facility and surrounding park area. In consideration for being able to use the Facility, the Responsible Party hereby waives, releases and discharges from any and all liability the City, its elected and appointed officials, employees, agents, and volunteers for death, disability, personal injury, property damage, property theft, or actions of any kind which may occur. Responsible Party agrees to release, waive, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its elected and appointed officials, employees, agents, and volunteers, from any and all liability or claims made by other individuals or entities as a result of using the Facility.
ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY. Knowing the risks described above, and in voluntary consideration of being permitted to participate in the Program, I agree to release, discharge, indemnify, and hold harmless District, District’s governing board (“Board”), and College and each of their officials, officers, employees, agents, volunteers, sponsors, students and representatives free from any and all liabilities arising out of or in connection with my participation in this Program. For purposes of this RELEASE, liability means all claims, demands, losses, causes of action, suits or judgment of any kind that I or my heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns may have against District, Board, College, and their officials, officers, employees, agents, volunteers, sponsors, students and representatives because of my personal, physical or emotional injury, accident, illness, or death, or because of any loss of or damage to property that occurs to me or my property during my participation in the Activity that may result from any cause including but not limited to District’s, Board’s, College’s, trustees’, employees’, agents’, teachers’, volunteers’, or representatives’ own passive or active negligence or other acts other than fraud, willful misconduct or violation of the law.
ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY. The Xxxxx Xxxxxx Wellness Center urges all members to obtain a physical examination from their physicians prior to the use of any exercise equipment or participating in any exercise class. In recognition of the possible dangers connected with any physical activity, I hereby and voluntarily waive my right or cause of action of any kind whatsoever arising as the result of such activity from which any liability may or could accrue to The Xxxxx Xxxxxx Wellness Cen- ter, Gila Regional Medical Center, their Board of Trustees, agents, employees, staff members, officers, directors, partners, contractors, instructors, trainers, or members (collectively the “Released Parties”). I understand that all exercise and participation is done at my own risk and that of my guests and therefore I shall not hold The Released Parties liable for any damages arising from personal injuries sustained by me and/or my guests in or about the premises. I assume full responsibility for any injuries or damages which may occur to me in, on, or about the premises, and I do hereby fully and forever release and discharge The Released Parties from any and all claims, demands, damages, rights of action or causes of action present or future, whether the same be know or unknown, anticipated, resulting from or arising out of my use or intend use of the said facilities and equipment thereof. I represent myself, and/or my minor child(ren), to be physically capable of participating in The Xxxxx Xxxxxx Wellness Center programs and activities and understand that The Xxxxx Xxxxxx Wellness Center has no obligation or duty to conduct a physical exam before I, or my minor child(ren) use the facility. I release The Xxxxx Xxxxxx Wellness Center and additional Released Parties from any injury arising from its good faith acts or omissions in emergency situa- tions. Name: Signature: Date: Name: Signature: Date: Name: Signature: Date: Name: Signature: Date: Name: Signature: Date:
ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY. The risks and dangers of participation may include, without limitation, injury or illness resulting from: building, lifting, and using electrical/mechanical robots and robot components; using tools; and other activities associated with participation in the program including traveling to and from FIRST events. Injury or illness may also result from interactions with other participants, including being exposed to COVID-19 and other communicable diseases. Participant understands that FIRST does not select, employ, supervise, or otherwise exercise authority or control over the coaches, mentors, and other participants during their participation in the Program. These risks will exist even if participants wear proper safety equipment and take reasonable measures to protect themselves. Participant acknowledges and agrees that they are primarily responsible for their safety. The Parent/Guardian of a Participant under 18 years of age acknowledges and agrees that the Parent/Guardian is primarily responsible for the Participant’s safety and that the Parent/Guardian will monitor, as appropriate considering the age of the Participant and other factors, the Participant’s participation in the Program.
ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY. I EXPRESSLY ASSUME ALL KNOWN AND UNKNOWN RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH MY PARTICIPATION IN OR USE OF ANY AND ALL FACILITIES OR ACTIVITIES, INCLUDING THE RISKS OF INJURY, PARALYSIS OR DEATH. MY PARTICIPATION AND USE IS PURELY VOLUNTARY AND I ELECT TO DO SO IN SPITE OF THE RISKS. I AGREE TO RELEASE AND FOREVER DISCHARGE ONSIGHT ROCK GYM LLC AND ANY OF THEIR RESPECTIVE MEMBERS, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, REPRESENTATIVES, AS WELL AS ANY OTHER PERSONS, CORPORATIONS, LANDLORDS AND PROPERTY OWNERS, OR OTHER ENTITIES THAT MIGHT HAVE ANY LIABILITY TO ME (COLLECTIVELY THE “RELEASED PARTIES”), FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL DAMAGES, ACTIONS, CLAIMS, AND LIABILITIES, WHETHER KNOWN OR UNKNOWN, ANTICIPATED, SUSPECTED OR UNSUSPECTED, RELATING TO OR ARISING FROM ANY ACTIVITY, OCCURRENCE OR EVENT INVOLVING ONSIGHT ROCK GYM OR ANY OF THE RELEASED PARTIES, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF GROSS NEGLIGENCE. INITIAL [ ] I (Participant and/or Participant’s parent or legal guardian), for myself and for the child, agree to engage in good faith efforts to mediate any dispute that might arise between me or the minor child and a Released Party. Should the issue not be resolved by mediation, I agree that all disputes, controversies, or claims between the parties will be submitted to binding arbitration in accordance with the applicable rules of the American Arbitration Association then in effect. I agree to pursue mediation and/or arbitration as an individual party and waive all rights to bring claim(s) as a group or class. In other words, I agree not to consolidate or join my claim(s) with any other party’s claim(s) in mediation or arbitration. The number of arbitrators shall be one. The place of mediation and/or arbitration shall be Xxxx County, Tennessee. Tennessee law shall apply. Judgment rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. Except as required by law, neither a participant nor its representatives, or Onsight Rock Gym (the “Parties”), may disclose the existence, content, or results of any arbitration hereunder without the prior written consent of both Parties. The demand for arbitration shall be made within a reasonable time after the claim, dispute or other matter in question has arisen, and in no event shall it be made after one year from when the aggrieved party knew or should have known of the controversy, claim, dispute or breach. This agreement applies to all claims and disputes between Onsight Rock Gym and the Participant, including t...
ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY. 9.1. Assumption of Risk. CONTRACTOR understands, acknowledges and accepts all known and unknown risks associated with performance of the Services. XXXXXXXXXX agrees to assume any and all risks associated with said services.
9.2. Release from Liability. CONTRACTOR releases, discharges, waives and relinquishes forevermore all claims or actions against the DISTRICT, its trustees, officers, agents, contractors, employees, and volunteers for bodily injury, emotional distress, property damage, wrongful death, and/or any other harm or damage arising out of performance of the Services.
ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY. I understand and acknowledge the physical and mental rigors associated with this Event and/or events similar in nature, as well as competitive racing, or other sporting or physical events, and realize that the activities involved and other portions of this or other such Events are inherently dangerous and represent a test of a person’s physical and mental limits. I understand that participation involves risks and dangers which include, without limitation, the potential for serious bodily injury, permanent disability, paralysis and death; loss or damage to property; exposure to extreme conditions and circumstances; accidents, illness, contact or collision with other participants, spectators, vehicles or other natural or manmade objects; dangers arising from adverse weather conditions; imperfect course conditions; water, road and surface hazards; equipment failure; inadequate safety measures; participants of varying skill levels; situations beyond the immediate control of the Event Organizers; and other undefined harm or damage which may not be readily foreseeable, and other presently unknown risks and dangers (“Risks”). I understand that these Risks may be caused in whole or in part by my own actions or inactions, the actions or inactions of others participating in the Event, or the acts, inaction or negligence of the Released Parties defined below, and I hereby expressly assume all such Risks and responsibility for any damages, liabilities, losses or expenses which I incur as a result of my participation in the Event.
ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY. Knowing the risks described above, and involuntary consideration of being allowed to participate in the Program, I hereby knowingly assume all risks inherent in this activity and connected activities. I agree to release, indemnify, and defend Illinois Dental Careers and its officers, Board of Trustees, employees, its designated agents and independent contractors from all claims of any kind which I, the student, may have for any losses, damages or injuries arising out of or in connection with my participation in this Program. PROGRAM COORDINATOR SIGNATURE DATE If you have previously received the HEP B vaccination, please provide proper documentation to Illinois Dental Careers. If you chose to opt-out of the vaccination, please sign the below statement, acknowledging you are declining: Illinois Dental Careers will not pay for or reimburse for students to receive the HEP B shot.
ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY. In consideration of permitting the undersigned, as a homeowner owning property in the Heron River Subdivision in Star, Idaho (“Homeowner”), and such Homeowner’s spouse, children, relatives, tenants, invitees, and guests or Homeowner’s Tenant and occupants (collectively “Permitted Users”) the right to utilize the Community Center, the Gym, the Sports Court, the Children’s Play Area, and the Swimming Pool Facilities (“HOA Facilities”) owned by the Heron River Homeowners’ Association (HOA) and located in the Heron River Subdivision, I, the undersigned represent to the HOA that I am a current Homeowner and I further acknowledge, appreciate and agree for myself and on behalf of the Permitted Users that: