REMUNERATION ADJUSTMENT. 4.2.1 Any remuneration adjustment will be at the exclusive discretion of the Employer.
REMUNERATION ADJUSTMENT. 7.4.1 SoSafe is entitled to increase the prices by 5% in each contract year. The increase will be indicated in the respective invoice.
7.4.2 In case of (i) the existence of a clause that has been wrongly considered to be permissible or (ii) the existence or subsequent occurrence of obstacles to the (further) application of Sec. 7.4.1, in particular in the event of a change of market circumstances relevant for the price calculation (inter alia in case of an increase of development costs, namely due to increasing raw material prices, increasing personnel costs or other price-increasing cost increases), the Parties agree that SoSafe may adjust the license price at its own reasonable discretion. When adjusting the license price, SoSafe shall take into account in particular the market conditions, the economic situation, the prices of competing suppliers, the inflation as it results from the indices comparable with the contractual products. The price adjustment shall take effect at the beginning of the respective extension period.
REMUNERATION ADJUSTMENT. Any remuneration adjustment will be at the exclusive discretion of the Employer subject to requirements in terms of the Main Collective Agreement.